(a)    Each lot shall be designed to form a functional site to fully accommodate the dwelling and surrounding open space. It should be rectangular in general form; triangular, elongated or other shapes that restrict its use as a building and landscaped site shall be avoided.
   (b)   The area and width of lots shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Zoning Code which shall be construed, however, as absolute minimum and not as optimum dimensions. All remnants of land less than the required lot size shall be incorporated into the lot pattern, and not as a remnant, nonconforming parcel. The lot shall conform with the required width at the front building line and on curved streets, the chord of either, but not both, the front lot line or the rear lot line may be less, but not less than sixty (60) percent of the required width. The depth of lots abutting a local residential street in a one-family subdivision should not exceed two and one-half (2-1/2) times its width. The ratio shall be increased when the rear line abuts a railroad or nonresidential land uses; also, where abutting an arterial street in order to increase safety and privacy.
   (c)   Corner lots shall have extra width to obtain the required setbacks and yards from both streets, as set forth in the Zoning Code.
   (d)   Side lot lines shall be designed to be at approximately right angles to street lines or radial to curved street lines. At T-intersections, the lots shall be arranged so that one (1) side lot line shall be approximately opposite the center of the street which terminates.
(Ord. 58-73. Passed 7-23-73.)