Tree Planning and Management
945.01   Definitions.
945.02   Planting in tree lawn.
945.021   Master tree plan revisions.
945.03   Compliance with master plan; removal order.
945.04   Control of trees invested in Director.
945.05   Permission required for removal or tampering.
945.06   Deleterious substances near trees prohibited.
945.07   Stone or concrete on ground adjacent to tree trunk.
945.08   Care of trees during building operations.
945.09   Moving of trees; deposit or bond required.
945.10   Trimming of trees on public property.
945.11   Trimming of trees on private property.
945.12   Certain trees prohibited.
945.13   Preservation and removal of trees on public property.
945.14   Diseased trees; inspection and removal notice.
945.15   Report on specimens from condemned tree.
945.16   Removal by City; recovery of costs.
945.17   Obstruction of view at intersections prohibited.
945.18   Interference with Director’s work prohibited.
945.99   Penalty.
Notice to cut weeds; abate nuisances - see GEN. OFF. 521.05
Injury or destruction of trees and growing products - see GEN. OFF. 541.06