(a)    All premises within the corporation limits of the City shall pay a sewer user unit charge for sanitary and storm sewer use of the City collection and treatment systems or for any other discharge of wastewater either directly or indirectly into such systems.
      (1)   A sewer user unit charge shall be based upon the quantity of water used on the premises.
      (2)   A sewer user unit shall be identified and defined according to the premises billings generated for water consumption, as shown by the records of the Division of Water of the City of Cleveland.
      (3)   The sewer user unit charge shall be Thirty-Eight Dollars ($38.00) per One Thousand Cubic Feet (MCF) of water consumed by each user unit, with a minimum user charge established at the rate of one MCF per billing cycle.
      (4)   Sewer user unit charge shall be based upon: the costs incurred for the operation, maintenance and replacement of the sanitary and storm sewer collection systems and wastewater treatment services; the costs required to pay for debt service; and the costs anticipated to pay for capital improvements.
   (b)    For extra strength wastes, the following surcharges shall be assessed in accordance with Section 914.07:
BOD $0.27/lb; SS $0.20/lb; P $0.81/lb; O/G $0.12/lb
   The proportionality of the above user charges will be reviewed at least every two (2) years to insure sufficient revenue and that each user pays its proportionate share of OM&R costs. Adjustments will be made with the changes in water consumption by user classes. The review will be the responsibility of the Mayor or official designee. Each user will receive annual notification of the rate and portion of sewer service charge attributable to OM&R costs of wastewater treatment services.
        (c)    The surcharge identified in Section 914.07 shall be based on water consumption determined on the basis of the records of the Water Department by the City of Cleveland, where the premises obtain water service from that source. On premises using water supplied from sources other than the Water Department of Cleveland, the quantity of water consumed shall be measured by a meter installed and maintained for such purpose at the expense of the owner or other interested party and acceptable to the Director of Public Safety-Service, or the owner or other interested party may, at his option, request the Director of Public Safety-Service to determine the amount of water consumed on such premises which shall be so measured by such meter or so determined by the Director of Public Safety-Service.
   (d)    If the Director of Public Safety-Service is satisfied, that that portion of the water from any source consumed upon any premises does not enter or is not capable of entering the sanitary sewer system, then in such case the owner or other interested party may, at his expense, install and maintain such separate metering devices, or provide such data in conformity with accepted engineering practices, as shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Safety-Service that portion of the water so consumed which is or is to be discharged into the system, and such portion shall be the basis for measuring the sewer charge under this Section.
        (e)    The charge for an initial tap-in connection to the City sanitary sewer system or for an increase of sanitary flow caused by an expansion or change of use shall be as follows:
Per dwelling unit
(excluding restaurant and laundromat)
Less than 2,000 sq.ft.
Each additional square foot   
Less than 2,000 sq.ft.
Each additional square foot   
Less than 2,000 sq.ft.
Each additional square foot
Less than 2,000 sq.ft.
Each additional square foot
Less than 2,000 sq.ft.
Each additional square foot
Less than 2,000 sq.ft.   
Each additional square foot
      (1)   The Building Commissioner will be responsible for determination of the tap-in fee calculation and approved by the Director of Economic & Community Development. Existing uses that are being demolished/removed from service due to re-development will be used in the calculation. For example, if a re-development project proposes 30 units of residential and 5 existing units are being demolished, the tap-in fee will be based on 25 units. Other re-development projects will also take into account demolition of existing buildings. Any appeal regarding the calculation will be presented to the Board of Zoning & Building Appeals for resolution.
      (2)   These tap-in fees are for the ability to "tap-in" to the City's sewer system. They do not cover the construction cost for the tap-in. The private sector will be solely responsible for an approved contractor installing the connections with a City Inspector reviewing and approving the implementation of the project. The Director of Public Safety-Service will oversee any and all fees involved with City crews conducting any work at the site. The tap-in fees will not cover the cost of having a City Inspector at the site reviewing and approving the connection; such fees will be billed hourly as incurred with such fees as established by Council.
      (3)   The Director of Finance is hereby authorized and directed to deposit and apply all fees collected hereunder in the Sanitary Sewer Fund for the sewer system. Expenditures from this Fund shall include, but not be limited to, expenditures for the improvement, modification or expansion of the Wastewater Treatment Plant or sewer collection system.
         (Ord. 73-12. Passed 12-10-12.)