Chapter 3



Cross references--Buildings and building regulations, ch. 4; emergencies, ch. 5; health, ch. 7; licenses and business regulations, ch. 8; motor vehicles and traffic, ch. 9; recreational and cultural facilities, ch. 14; taxation, ch. 15; zoning, app. A; possession of alcoholic liquors on public right-of-way, § 10-51.
State law reference--Local liquor regulations, 235 ILCS 5/4-1.
Annotation--The possibility that the city would not issue a liquor license did not authorize a city officer to refuse to accept the license fee. People ex rel. Baumann v. Gest, 148 Ill. App. 560 (1909).
The revocation of a liquor license will be upheld unless the findings and conclusions on which it was based are against the manifest weight of the evidence. Lambrech v. Illinois Liquor Control Commissions, 5 Ill. App. 2d 481, 126 N.E. 2d 38 (1955).
A person's liquor license can be revoked for a violation of an ordinance only if there is evidence to support a finding that a violation took place and the licensee had some control over the prohibited conduct. Childers v. Illinois Liquor Control Commission, 67 Ill. App. 2d 07, 213 N.E. 2d 595 (1966).