Except as provided below, every person, corporation, or other entity who proposes to subdivide land located in the unincorporated area of the county shall file six copies of the preliminary plat, together with supporting data, with the Administrative Officer. Such person, corporation, or other entity shall also provide one copy of the preliminary plat, together with supporting data, with the Soil and Water Conservation District. It is the subdividers’/developers’ responsibility to notify the appropriate public utilities. Proof of such notification shall be submitted with the preliminary plat.
   (A)   Staged development. Whenever a subdivision is to be developed in different stages, the preliminary plat shall reflect the entire subdivision.
   (B)   Minor subdivisions. A minor subdivision may not require a preliminary plat. The decision of the Administrative Officer will be final.
   (C)   Information required. Every preliminary plat shall be prepared by a state professional land surveyor. Every preliminary plat shall be drawn at a scale that results in a maximum sheet size of 36 by 24 inches. The preferred scale is 100 feet to the inch. A smaller scale, if used, must be clearly noted on the drawing. Said preliminary plat, along with all supporting data, shall provide all the following information:
      (1)   Names and addresses of the owner, subdivider (if not the owner), and state professional land surveyor;
      (2)   Name of the proposed subdivision and names of all adjoining subdivisions;
      (3)   The Zoning District of the tract to be subdivided, with proposed building setbacks;
      (4)   North arrow, graphic scale, and date of drawing;
      (5)   Dimensions of the tract and the gross area;
      (6)   Topography of the tract as indicated by two-foot contour data for land having slopes of 0% to 4%, five-foot contour data for land having slopes between 4% to 12% and ten-foot contour data for land having slopes of 12% or greater;
      (7)   Locations of existing structures, bodies of water, natural drainage ways, roads, rail lines, bridges, cemeteries, and any other such existing features;
      (8)   Locations and right-of-way widths of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, or sidewalks;
      (9)   Locations, widths, and purposes of all existing and proposed easements;
      (10)   Any and all proposed deed restrictions and covenants;
      (11)   Location and size of any existing or proposed sanitary and/or storm sewers, water mains, and any appurtenances thereto;
      (12)   Locations, types, and approximate sizes of any other existing and proposed utilities;
      (13)   Locations, dimensions, and areas of all land to be reserved or dedicated for schools, parks/playgrounds, or other public purposes;
      (14)   Locations, dimensions, and areas of all proposed or existing lots within the subdivision, numbered sequentially;
      (15)   The location by township, range section, and parcel number(s);
      (16)   A flood statement regarding location of the property in respect to special flood hazard areas as identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency; and
      (17)   A list, with justifications of any requested variances.
   (D)   Approvals. The Administrative Officer shall within 15 business days, review the preliminary plat and approve, recommend corrections, or deny approval of said play. If correction or denial is recommended, the Administrative Officer will forward one drawing along with a letter stating reasons for suggested corrections or denial to the subdivider. The subdivider will have opportunity to furnish one corrected drawing of the preliminary plat to the Administrative Officer.
   (E)   Appeals. Should the subdivider feel that the Administrative Officer has acted contrary to the standards and intent of this chapter, he or she may file an appeal to be heard with the Public Works Committee of the County Board. Such an appeal will consist of a letter written to the Chairperson of the Public Works Committee, requested agenda time at the next scheduled meeting of the Public Works Committee. Such letter will also state the reasoning used for the appeal. Appeals heard and decisions made by the Public Works Committee will be final.
(Prior Code, § 3-3-3) (Res. passed 10-18-1994; Res. passed 4-21-1998)