(A)   Care and inspection. It shall be the duty of the owners of all poles supporting electric, telephone, cable-vision, or telegraph wires to keep them in a safe condition and, for that purpose, to inspect them once every three months.
(Prior Code, § 51.122)
   (B)   Specifications. Poles supporting electrical and communication wires shall be located (as has been the long established custom) within the areas of streets and ways behind existing street curbs or curb lines established by the city, such area being commonly referred to as the UTILITY STRIP. Guy wires, guy anchors, ground wires, and the like incidental thereto, which are maintained partly beneath and partly above ground surface, shall be so located and maintained that the parts above the ground surface do not unnecessarily interfere with or endanger vehicular or pedestrian travel in the portion of the street set apart for such travel. The poles and the like shall be so maintained that the parts above the ground surface shall not unnecessarily interfere with pedestrian traffic on sidewalks; provided, in instances where a sidewalk is fully paved out to the curb, such poles and guy wires may be maintained therein, in respect to the curb as if an unpaved strip existed, and provided, further, in instances where space can be obtained for laying gas pipes in the utility strip, set forth in § 152.55 by moving the electric or communication poles nearer to but not nearer than six inches to the existing curb or curb line, the electric company, and telephone company shall so move any poles maintained by each, subject to the provisions of § 152.57.
(Prior Code, § 51.126)