Chapter VII
   Section 23. Councilors. The term of a councilor in office when this charter is adopted is the term for which the councilor was elected. At each general election after the adoption, three councilors will be elected for four-year terms.
   Section 24. Mayor. The term of the mayor in office when this charter is adopted continues until the next general election. At every other general election after the adoption, a mayor will be elected for a two (2) year term.
   Section 25. State Law. City elections must conform to state law except as this charter or ordinances provide otherwise. All elections for city offices must be nonpartisan.
   Section 26. Qualifications for Elective Office. A Person shall be eligible for an elective office of the City if at the time of election he/she is a qualified elector within the City for twelve continuous months immediately preceding the election and remains so during the term of office to which elected. The Council shall be final judge of the qualifications and election of its own members.
      (a)   The mayor and each councilor must be a qualified elector under state law, and reside within the city for at least one year immediately before election or appointment to office.
      (b)   No person may be a candidate at a single election for more than one city office.
      (c)   Neither the mayor nor a councilor may be employed by the city.
      (d)   The council is the final judge of the election and qualifications of its members.
   Section 27. Nominations. The council must adopt an ordinance prescribing the manner for a person to be nominated to run for mayor or a city councilor position.
   Section 28. Terms. The term of an officer elected at a general election begins at the first council meeting of the year immediately after the election, and continues until the successor qualifies and assumes the office.
   Section 29. Oath. The mayor and each councilor must swear or affirm to faithfully perform the duties of the office and support the constitutions and laws of the United States and Oregon.
   Section 30. Vacancies. The mayor or a council office becomes vacant:
      (a)   Upon the incumbent's:
         (1)   Failure to qualify for the office within 10 days of the time the term of office is to begin;
         (3)   Ceasing to reside in the city,
         (4)   Ceasing to be a qualified elector under state law,
         (5)   Conviction of a public offense punishable by loss of liberty,
         (6)   Resignation from the office, or
         (7)   Removal under Section 33(i).
      (b)   Upon declaration by the Council of the vacancy in case of the incumbent's:
         (1)   Failure, following election or appointment to the office, to qualify for the office within ten days after the time for his or her term of office to begin,
         (2)    Absence from the City for 30 days without the Council's consent or from all meetings for a sixty day period.
      (c)   Upon declaration by the council after the incumbent’s:
         (1)   Failure to qualify for the office within 10 days of the time the term of office is to begin;
         (3)   Ceasing to reside in the city,
         (4)   Ceasing to be a qualified elector under state law,
         (5)   Conviction of a public offense punishable by loss of liberty,
         (6)   Resignation from the office, or
         (7)   Removal under Section 33(i).
   Section 31. Filling Vacancies. A vacancy in the Council shall be filled by appointment by a majority of the Council. In this matter the Mayor is considered to have a vote. The appointee's term of office runs from the time of his or her qualifying for the office after appointment until expiration of the term of the predecessor who has left the office vacant. If the vacancy is filled more than ninety days before the next general election, the appointee's term of office runs only until the first Council meeting in the year immediately following the election, and at that election a member shall be elected to fulfill the unexpired term. During a temporary, (in excess of sixty days) absence or disability period where an elected officer cannot perform his/her duties, the office may be filled pro tern in the manner provided for filling vacancies adopted by Council rules ordinance.