A notice containing the substance of the resolution provided for in § 93.01 hereof shall be personally served by the Chief of Police of the City of Rockaway Beach, Oregon, or his or her deputy, on each owner of property required to construct the sidewalk, if the property owner is a resident of or can be found in the city. However, if the property owner resides out of the city, or if a resident owner cannot with reasonable diligence on the part of the police officer serving the notice be found within the city, then a notice containing the substance of the resolution shall be posted in a conspicuous place upon the adjacent or abutting property or at some point adjacent to and within plain sight of the location of the proposed walk for a period of 10 days. If the address of the nonresident owner of the abutting or adjacent property is known or can with reasonable diligence on the part of the police officer serving the notice be ascertained, a copy of the notice shall be mailed, postage prepaid, to the nonresident owner and the posting and mailing of the notice shall be deemed equivalent of personal service.
(Prior Code, Ord. 57, passed 1-20-1959)