A.   Building Site and Operational Plans. Where required: In the case of certain uses, as determined by the Zoning Administrator, the character of which could have substantial adverse impact on surrounding property values or public highway facilities by reason of the arrangement of structures and related uses on the land including the total appearance of said arrangement or by arrangement of access from public streets to off-street parking and loading facilities, or where specifically directed in this Chapter, it will be required as a qualifying condition to their permissibility to submit for approval by the Plan Commission their proposed building site and operational plans.
   B.   Use by Right Not Infringed: Such required approval under this Section shall be limited solely to reasonable compliance with design, locational and operational requirements and shall not involve the basic permissibility of the use where such use is permitted as a “permitted use”.
   C.   Acceptability Criteria. In determining the acceptability of the building, site or operational plans, the Plan Commission shall take into consideration the following factors as well as any others it deems related:
      1.   The general design and appearance of any structures in terms of generally accepted standards of good taste, particularly in terms of the relationship and effect upon surrounding properties and compliance with this Chapter.
      2.   The relationship of structures and uses to each other and to the site, with particular consideration of traffic flow, access, screening of parking and storage areas and general appearance.
      3.   The character of the operation in terms of its impact upon traffic facilities, sewage disposal, water supply and environmental character with particular consideration of the control of any possible noise, dust, odor or other undesirable operating characteristic, including compliance with the Performance Standards of Section 35-250. The Plan Commission shall take into account the recommendations of the Western Racine County Sewerage District related to pre-treatment of sewage, the requirement for testing manholes, and other sewage disposal issues, if those recommendations are received by the Plan Commission.
   D.   Form of Submittal.
      1.   A site plan of the property accurately dimensioned showing the location of all existing and proposed structures and use area showing conformance with 35-22 B. “Site Planning and Design Principles”; s. 35-22 C. “Building, Design, Layout and Construction Principles”; and 35-22 D. “Site Planning and Design Standards.”
      2.   Name of project.
      3.   Owner's and/or developer's name, physical address, and email address.
      4.   Architect and/or engineer's name, physical address, and email address.
      5.   Date of plan submittal.
      6.   Existing topography shown at a contour interval not less than two feet, or where not readily available elevations at appropriate locations.
      7.   Proposed changes in topography showing conformance with Ch. 32 Post Construction Stormwater Management and Ponds; and Ch. 35-22 D. “Site Planning and Design Principles”, subsections 2. and 3. “Open Space Requirements” and “Site Landscaping."
      8.   The characteristics of soils related to contemplated uses.
      9.   The type, size, location, height, and dimensions of all structures including fences and walls showing conformance with all provisions of the underlying zoning district, such as lot width and area, setbacks, yards, building heights, etc.; Ch. 35, s. 35-190 “Architectural Control”; 35-22 B. “Site Planning and Design Principles”; s. 35-22 C. “Building, Design, Layout and Construction Principles”; and 35-22 D. “Site Planning and Design Standards,” subsections 2. and 3. “Open Space Requirements” and “Site Landscaping."
      10.   Primary building materials used in construction of all structures showing conformance with Ch. 35, s. 35-190 “Architectural Control” and s. 35-22 “Principles and Standards for the Aesthetic Evaluation of Site and Building Projects,” subsection C. “Building, Design, Layout and Construction Principles.”
      11.   Architectural plans, elevations, and perspective drawings and sketches illustrating the design and character of proposed structures.
      12.   Location and number of parking stalls and loading and storage areas showing conformance with Ch. 35, s. 35-160 “Traffic, Parking & Access”; s. 35-161 “Parking Requirements”; s. 35-162 “Driveways”; and s. 35-22 “Principles and Standards for the Aesthetic Evaluation of Site and Building Projects,” subsection D. “Site Planning and Design Standards,” subsection 4. “Parking area requirements.”
      13.   Location and size of existing and proposed sanitary sewers, septic tanks and disposal fields, holding tanks, storm sewers and water mains showing conformance with Ch. 10 "Public and Private Sewer Systems"; Ch. 32 “Chapter 32 Post Construction Stormwater    Management and Ponds”; and Ch. 35-15 "Site Restrictions" subsection F. regulating private well construction.
      14.   Location of proposed solid waste (refuse) and recycling storage areas showing conformance with Ch. 35, s. 35-22 D. “Site Planning and Design Standards,” subsection 9. “Location and Design of Loading Facilities and Waste Storage.”
      15.   Location of pedestrian sidewalks and walkways showing conformance with Ch. 35, s. 35-22 D. “Site Planning and Design Standards,” subsection 6. “Pedestrian Flows.”
      16.   Existing and proposed public right-of-way widths for conformance with Ch. 35, s. 35-160 “Traffic, Parking & Access”; and Ch. 30, s. 30-82 "Street Plans, Improvements and Standards."
      17.   Location, type, height and intensity of proposed lighting showing conformance with Ch. 35, s. 35-22 D. “Site Planning and Design Standards”, subsection 7. “Outdoor Lighting."
      18.   Location of existing trees and extent, and type of proposed plantings including type and    extent of erosion control showing conformance with Ch. 32 “Chapter 32 Post Construction Stormwater Management and Ponds”; and 35-22 D. “Site Planning and Design Principles”, subsections 2. and 3. “Open Space Requirements” and “Site Landscaping.”
      19.   A graphic delineation of any planned development staging.
      20.   Any other site or use information, such as 100-year internal flood lines, which will assist    the Plan Commission in making a determination and recommendation on the proposal. Conditional uses in the Shoreland-Wetland and Floodplain Districts are required to submit plans showing conformance with Ch. 36, “Shoreland-Wetland and Shoreland Zoning Districts” and Ch. 37, “Floodplain Zoning.”
      21.   Operations plan data to be submitted with all plan review applications shall include at least the following:
         a.   Specific use of site and building(s).
         b.   Hours of operations.
         c.   Number of full and part time employees.
         d.   Estimate of daily truck and auto trips to the site.
         e.   Type of materials and equipment to be stored on site.
         f.   Method of handling solid and liquid waste disposal.
         g.   Method of exterior maintenance (site and buildings).
         h.   Method of site and building security other than local police.
         i.   Copies of all special use permits issued by state or county agencies.
         j.   Any other information which will assist the Plan Commission in making a determination and recommendation of the proposal.
   E.   Time for Submittal; WRCSD Review.
      1.   Time for Submittal. The information required in this section shall be submitted to the Village Clerk no later than 20 days prior to the Plan Commission meeting at which it will be reviewed.
      2.   WRCSD Review. Within five days of submittal of a Building Site and Operational Plan, the Clerk shall forward a copy of said Plan to the Western Racine County Sewerage District (WRCSD), and shall inform WRCSD of the date that said Plan will be considered by the Plan Commission. If no recommendation by the WRCSD is received by the date that the Plan Commission reviews the Plan, the Plan Commission may take action without input from the WRCSD.
(Ord. 2019-1, passed 4-8-2019)