In all districts and in connection with every use, there shall be provided at the time any use or building is erected, enlarged, or extended, increased off-street parking stalls for all vehicles in accordance with the following:
   A.   Adequate access to a public street shall be provided for each parking space, and driveways shall be at least 12 feet wide for one and two family dwellings, and a minimum of 24 feet wide for all other uses. The minimum width for all other uses may be reduced to 14 feet where the drive is to accommodate one-way exit vehicle flow only.
   B.   Each required off-street parking space shall open directly onto an aisle or driveway that is wide enough to provide safe and efficient means of vehicular access to the parking space.
   C.   The size of each parking space shall be not less than 180 square feet in area nor less than nine feet in width, exclusive of the space required for ingress and egress.
   D.   Location.
      1.   The location of the required parking shall be on the same lot as the principal use or not over 400 feet from the principal use. When planning new parking lots, every attempt shall be made to minimize the effect of headlights and noise from parking lot driveway entrances and exits on adjacent residential areas.
      2.   Alternatives to on-site parking: municipal, shared or off-site parking. When the provisions of subsection 1. cannot be met, parking may be provided by municipal, shared, or off- site parking.
         a.   The petitioner shall submit written documentation to the satisfaction of the Plan Commission that shared parking spaces are available to satisfy the parking requirements. Shared parking agreements shall provide evidence that either parking lots are adequate in total number of spaces to accommodate multiple users or that parking spaces will be shared at certain times of the day (i.e., one activity uses the spaces during daytime hours and another activity uses the spaces during evening hours). Off-site parking lots shall be located not more than 400 feet from the principal building entrance that it is intended to serve, unless the petitioner's business or other use is located in the HPO Historic Preservation Overlay District and may be served by a municipal parking lot.
         b.   When a reduction of parking spaces attributable to shared parking or off-site parking is requested, the petitioner shall submit written verification that such parking is available for the life of the applicant's use and shall include copies of any contracts, joint lease agreements, easements, and other such documentation to show that such shared parking can be accomplished. The method by which the required shared parking will be provided is subject to the approval of the Village Attorney upon request by the Village Zoning Administrator, and may be required to be recorded under the provisions of subsection (c) of this section. Off-site parking spaces shall be clearly posted for the joint use of employees, tenants and/or customers of each respective use sharing those spaces.
         c.   Recording of restrictions. The Plan Commission may require that a declaration of land use restriction be recorded upon the subject property at the Racine County Register of Deeds to ensure that future owners are informed of use restrictions resulting from the administration of this section.
   E. Minimum Required Parking Lot Setbacks, Landscaping, and Plans.
      1.   Minimum Required Setback for Off-Street Parking Areas Abutting a Public Street Right-of-Way Line. No off-street parking area shall be closer than eight feet from a public street right-of-way line. The area between the parking lot and the adjacent street right-of-way shall consist of landscaping meeting the requirements of this Chapter.
      2.   Minimum Required Setbacks for Off-Street Parking Areas. Except in cases where greater restrictions apply, as set forth in paragraph 3 below, no off-street parking area or associated driveway serving more than five vehicles shall be closer than eight feet to a side or rear lot line of an abutting lot or parcel. The area between the parking lot and the lot or parcel line shall consist of landscaping meeting the requirements of this Chapter.
      3.   Minimum Required Setbacks for Off-Street Parking Areas Abutting Residential Districts. No off-street parking area or associated driveway serving more than five vehicles shall be closer than ten feet to a side or rear lot line of an abutting Residential District. The area between the parking lot and the lot or parcel line shall be screened from such district by a solid wall, solid fence, and/or coniferous plantings of an equivalent solid visual density or other effective means deemed adequate by the Plan Commission and shall be built and maintained at a minimum height of six feet.
      4.   Minimum Distance of Truck Parking from Any Residential Zoning District. No truck parking of Class 7 trucks (26,001 to 33,000 lbs., GVW) or greater shall be allowed within 150 feet of any residential zoning district.
      5.   Minimum Required Landscaped Area and Landscaping Within Off-Street Parking Lots.
         a.   All public off-street parking areas that serve ten vehicles or more and are created, redesigned, and/or rebuilt subsequent to the adoption of this Chapter, shall be provided with evenly dispersed landscape areas within the interior of such off-street parking areas.
         b.   The landscaped area shall total not less than five percent of the surfaced area (inclusive of both parking stalls and associated drives). Perimeter landscaped areas adjacent to the off-street parking lot shall not be included in the aforementioned required five percent. The minimum size of each such required landscape area in the off-street parking lot shall not be less than 100 square feet in area and not less than nine feet in width or length. Canopy trees shall be provided at the rate of one tree for each 15 off-street parking spaces (or fraction thereof) within the interior of the off-street parking area. The preservation of existing canopy trees in the parking area may be included in the calculation of the required minimum landscape area.
      6.   Minimum Landscaping Requirements To Be Met. All landscape plant materials required by this Chapter shall meet the following minimum requirements.
         a.   General Plant Material Standards. All new landscape plant material shall be grown in a nursery located in plant hardiness zone 4 and shall conform to the applicable requirements as specified in the current edition of American Standard for Nursery Stock as approved by the American National Standards Institute, Inc. and sponsored by the American Nursery and Landscape Association. Botanical plant names shall be in accordance with the current edition of New Pronouncing Dictionary of Plant Names prepared by the American Joint Committee on Horticultural Nomenclature.
         b.   Plant Material Minimum Size Standards. All required new landscape plant material shall be, at the time of installation, those minimum sizes as set forth in Table 35- 161.1.
Table 35-161(1)
Plant Material Type
Minimum Required Size of Plants
Canopy Trees:
Single Stem:
Multi-stem Clump:
3-inch caliper
12 feet tall
Coniferous Trees
6-feet tall
Ornamental Trees
1.5 inch caliper
2 feet tall
         c.   Off-Street Parking Area Surfacing. All open, off-street parking and loading spaces in all zoning districts except residential districts shall be improved with pavement of either asphalt or concrete. Storm water drainage facilities shall be as required and approved by the Village Engineer.
         d.   Concrete Curb and Gutter Required for All Off-Street Parking Areas and Associated Drives. Concrete curb and gutter shall be required for all off-street parking areas serving five or more vehicles in the following zoning districts: R-4, R-8, B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, B- 5, M-1, M-2, M-3, and P-1. The expansion of any existing off-street parking lot must meet this requirement.
         e.   Permanent Marking of Off-Street Parking Stalls. All off-street parking areas serving five or more vehicles shall have all parking stalls permanently marked by painted lines or other approved material and said marking shall be maintained so as to be legible at all times.
         f.   Parking Spaces for Use by Persons with Disabilities. All open, off-street parking areas shall provide parking spaces for persons with disabilities meeting all applicable "Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities" as documented in the Federal Register. Vol. 56, No. 144, July 26, 1991 as amended. Unless conflicting with the above specified "Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities" requirements as amended, the following standards are applicable:
            (1)   Minimum Required Number of Accessible Off-Street Parking Spaces for Use by Persons with Disabilities. The following Table 35-161(2) shall apply. The minimum required number of accessible off-street parking spaces for use by persons with disabilities shall be considered as a part of the total off-street parking spaces required.
Total Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces in Parking Lot or Area
Minimum Required Number of Accessible Off-Street Parking Spaces (60” & 96” aisles)
Van-Accessible Parking Spaces with min. 96” wide access aisle
Accessible Parking Spaces with min. 60” wide access aisle
Total Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces in Parking Lot or Area
Minimum Required Number of Accessible Off-Street Parking Spaces (60” & 96” aisles)
Van-Accessible Parking Spaces with min. 96” wide access aisle
Accessible Parking Spaces with min. 60” wide access aisle
Column “A”
1 to 25
26 to 50
51 to 75
76 to 100
101 to 150
151 to 200
201 to 300
301 to 400
401 to 500
501 to 1,000
2 percent of total parking provided in each lot
1/8 of Column “A”*
7/8 of Column “A”**
1,001 and over
20 plus 1 for each 100 over 1,000
1/8 of Column “A”*
7/8 of Column “A”**
*one out of every 8 accessible spaces
**7 out of every 8 accessible parking spaces
            (2)   Minimum Dimensions for Off-Street Parking Spaces Provided for Use by Persons with Disabilities. The minimum dimensions for all parking spaces provided for use by persons with disabilities shall be 14 feet wide by 20 feet long for automobiles and 17 feet wide by 20 feet long for vans. The minimum access aisles for such spaces shall be 60 inches for automobile spaces and 96 inches for van spaces.
            (3)   Distance to Facility Entrances for the Location of Off-Street Parking for Persons with Disabilities. Off-street parking spaces provided for the use of persons with disabilities shall be located as close as possible to an entrance which allows such persons to enter and leave the parking area without assistance.
            (4)   Signage of Off-Street Parking Spaces Serving Persons with Disabilities. All parking spaces provided for the use of disabled persons shall be marked by a sign which includes the international symbol for barrier-free environments and a statement informing the public that the parking space is reserved for use by disabled persons. Such signs shall comply with the requirements of the aforementioned "Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities" as amended and with Wis. Stat. ss. 346.50, 346.503, and 346.505.
      g.   Minimum Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces required:
Minimum Parking Required
Minimum Parking Required
Single-family, two-family, multi-family dwellings
2 spaces for each dwelling unit
Motels, hotels, lodging, and boarding houses   
1 space for each guest room plus 1 space for each 2 employees
Hospitals and dormitories
1 space for each 2 beds plus 1 space for each 2 employees
Sanitariums, institutions, rest and nursing homes
1 space for each 5 beds, plus 1 space for each 2 employees
Medical and dental clinics
5 spaces for each doctor
Churches, theaters, auditoriums, community centers, vocational and night schools, and other places of public assembly
1 space for each 4 seats
Colleges, secondary, and elementary schools
1 space for each 2 employees plus 1 space for each 10 students of 16 years of age or more
Restaurants, bars, places of entertainment, repair shops, retail and service stores       
1 space for each 150 square feet of floor area and 1 space for each 2 employees
Manufacturing and processing plants, laboratories and warehouses      
1 space for each 3 employees
Financial institutions, business, government, and professional offices       
1 space for each 300 square feet of floor area and 1 space for each 2 employees
Funeral Homes            
1 space for each 4 seats
Bowling alleys                
5 spaces for each alley
Lodges and clubs            
1 space for each 5 members
Automotive repair garages                 
1 space for each regular employee plus 1 space for each 250 square feet of floor area used for repair work
Gasoline filling stations          
3 spaces for each grease rack or similar facility plus 1 space for each attendant
Uses not listed
In the case of structures or uses not mentioned, the provision for a use which is similar shall apply.
Combinations of any of the above uses shall provide the total of the number of stalls required for each individual use.
         h.   Employee Parking. Parking spaces required on an employee basis, as set forth in Table 35-161(3) shall be based on the average number of employees on duty or residing, or both, on the premises at any one time.
         i.   Minimum Width of Off-Street Parking Rows and Aisles. The design of all off street parking regulated by this Chapter shall be in conformance with the requirements set forth in Table 35-161(4).
Type of Row
Parallel Spaces
45 Degree Angle Spaces
60 Degree
Angle Spaces
90 Degree Angle Spaces
Single Row & Aisle
20 ft.
35 ft.
40 ft.
45 ft.
Double Row& Aisle
28 ft.
60 ft.
62 ft.
65 ft.
         j.   Modifications to required parking spaces. The Village recognizes that, due to the particularities of any given land use or development, the inflexible application of the parking supply requirements set forth in subsection g. of this section may result in a land use or development either with inadequate parking supply or parking supply far in excess of its needs. Therefore, the Plan Commission may permit or require deviations from the requirements of subsection g. of this section and may require more parking or allow less parking whenever it finds that such deviations are more likely to satisfy the standards set out in subsections j.(1), j.(2) and j.(3) of this section. Whenever the Plan Commission permits or requires a modification to the prescribed parking supply requirements, it may also request the recording of the same under the provisions of subsection D.2.c. of this section with the Racine County Register of Deeds.
            (1)   Additional parking spaces can be required if it is determined that the prescribed requirement for a particular development will lead to traffic congestion or parking violations in adjacent streets or unauthorized parking in nearby private parking lots.
            (2)   A reduction in parking spaces can be required if it is determined that the prescribed requirement for a particular development would result in the wasteful use of property that could more desirably be used for additional building development, in the case of a land use or development which would produce less parking demand, or for environmentally useful or aesthetically pleasing open space.
            (3)   In the HPO Historic Preservation Overlay District, the Plan Commission may also eliminate or modify the parking lot landscaping requirements of this Section.