A.    10 35-300.
   B.   Application and Permit. The procedures for obtaining a Driveway Permit and certain standards for driveways are set forth in section 6-7, Driveway Permits; Protection of Streets During Construction, of this Municipal Code.
   C.   All driveways installed, altered, changed, replaced or extended after the effective date of this Chapter shall meet the requirements in this section. Driveway culverts and apron end walls shall be constructed and/or installed as may be required in section 6-7 of this Code.
   D.   Surface.
      1.   Driveway aprons in all zoning districts shall be asphaltic concrete as provided in s. 6-7, except driveways directly accessing agricultural land.
      2.   All lots in the R-1 through R-5 Residential, B-1 through B-6 Business, M-1 through M-3 Manufacturing and P-1 Institutional Park Zoning Districts hereafter constructed shall, at the time of said construction, have installed thereon, at the owner's or builder's expense, a hard-surfaced, dustproof, paved driveway and off-street parking meeting the standards and specifications as herein provided within 12 months of occupancy.
         For houses existing in one of these districts prior to the effective date of this Code that have existing driveways, a hard-surfaced drive shall not be required for modifications to the driveway, with the exception that if the width of the approach is widened, then a hard-surfaced apron, consistent with section 6-7 of this Municipal Code, shall be required from the road to the property line.
      3.   Driveways in zoning districts not listed in subsection 2. may consist of gravel or other surfaces, provided that the road strength of the driveway is capable of supporting emergency and fire vehicles.
   E.   Width and Location.
      1.   Driveway aprons in all zoning districts shall be at least the width required in s. 6- 7.
      2.   Driveways for one and two family dwellings shall have a minimum width of 12 feet. Driveway widths for all other uses shall be determined during the plan review and shall be established by the Public Works Manager and Zoning Administrator based on traffic flows, current conditions and future expectations for the area.
      3.   Openings for vehicular ingress and egress in all zoning districts, except the Manufacturing and Agricultural Districts, shall not exceed 30 feet at the street line and 35 feet at the roadway. Openings for vehicular ingress and egress in the Manufacturing and Agricultural Districts shall not exceed 30 feet at the street line and, at the roadway, shall not exceed the width determined by the Public Works Manager.
      4.   Islands between driveway openings shall be provided with a minimum of six feet between all driveways and three feet at all lot lines. The area between the lot line and adjacent driveway shall be a landscaped area.
      5.   Vehicular Entrances and Exits to drive-in theaters, banks and restaurants; motels; funeral homes; vehicular sales, service, washing and repair stations; or garages shall be not less than 200 feet from any pedestrian entrance or exit to a school, college, university, church, hospital, park, playground, library, public emergency shelter, or other place of public assembly.
      6.   For existing single-family residences located on interior lots where the side yard is not adequate to permit access to an off-street parking area located in back of the building setback line, a parking area adequate to park one or two automobiles may be constructed in front of the building setback line, if approved by the zoning administrator.
      7.   For existing single-family residences located on corner lots where the side yard or back yard is not adequate to permit access to an off-street parking area located in back of the building setback line, a parking area adequate to park one or two automobiles may be constructed in front of the building setback line at a place farthest from the intersection of the streets, if approved by the zoning administrator.
   4.   Length.
      1.   The driveway shall extend from the curb or, in the absence of a curb, from the street surface to an off-street parking area or garage. The off-street parking area and/or garage combined shall be adequate to park the required number of vehicles, consistent with s. 35-161, behind the setback line for the zoning in which the construction takes place.
      2.   Driveways extending 1,000 feet or more from a public or private road shall receive approval from the contracted fire company and additional driveway width may be required to accommodate fire vehicles in case of an emergency prior to obtaining a driveway permit.
   F.   Hard Surface Specifications. Where driveway aprons, driveways and off-street parking areas must be hard-surfaced and dust proof, they must be constructed to meet the specifications of this section and the requirements of the Public Works Manager as to finish, slope and strength. Expansion joints shall be located as required.
      1.   The driveway apron on a public right of way shall meet the requirement of s. 6-7 of this Code.
      2.   Driveways and parking beyond the apron.
         a.   On property where pavement is required, the driveway from the apron to the edge of the right of way shall consist of three inches of asphalt (one and one-half inch binder course, one and one-half inch surface course) on a six inch compacted granular base. The driveway from the edge of the right of way into the property shall be constructed of six inches of portland cement reinforced concrete on a four inch compacted granular base, or three inches of asphalt (one and one-half inch binder course, one and one-half inch surface course) on a six inch compacted granular base.
         b.   Where driveways and/or parking areas consist of materials other than asphaltic concrete are allowed, they shall have road strength capable of supporting emergency and fire vehicles.
   G.   Street Projects. When a street project necessitates the removal of a portion of a driveway:
      1.   Regardless of zoning district, if asphaltic concrete is removed to accommodate a street project, it will be replaced with asphaltic concrete as part of the project.
      2.   If a hard surface material that is not asphaltic concrete was used in the right-of- way in a zoning district where a hard surface is required for a driveway, the Village may remove that material to accommodate street projects, may replace the material with asphaltic concrete, and shall not be liable for replacing it with the same or similar material.
      3.   If a hard surface material was used in a zoning district where a hard surface material is not required for a driveway, in the event the Village intends to remove the other hard- surface material as part of a street project, it will notify the property owner in writing. In the event that the property owner wishes to restore the other hard-surface material at his or her own expense (rather than have the Village restore the driveway within the right-of-way with asphalt), the property owner must notify the Village within 30 days of receiving the Village’s notice, in which case the Village will place gravel rather than asphalt in the portion of the driveway located in the right-of way beyond the required depth of the asphaltic concrete apron. The property owner will have one year to restore that portion of the driveway with the other hard- surface material. If the driveway has not been restored with the other hard surface material within one year of the placement of the gravel, the Village will place asphalt on the portion of the driveway located in the right-of-way and will charge the full cost of doing so to the property owner as a special charge pursuant to Wis. Stat. s. 66.0627, and if the property owner fails to pay the special charge within 30 days of being billed therefore, the charge shall be considered delinquent and shall become a lien on the property and shall be included in the tax roll for collection.
   H.   The Zoning Administrator may revoke any driveway permit issued by written notice at any time that the Administrator finds that the provisions of this Chapter or any laws, orders, plans and specifications are not being complied with. See s. 6-7 of this Municipal Code.



10 Amended by Ordinance 2016-8 Adopted 12-12-16