Franchise Code
115.01 Title
115.02 Definitions
115.03 Grant of franchise
115.04 Rights reserved to the grantor
115.05 Rights of subscribers
115.06 Finance and insurance
115.07 Services
115.08 Design and construction
115.09 Operations and maintenance
115.10 Violations
115.11 Termination and receivership
115.12 Franchise applications
115.13 Records
115.14 Enforcement mechanism; notice of franchise default
115.15 Miscellaneous provisions
Cable/Video Service Provider Fee and PEG Access Fee
115.30 Definitions
115.31 Cable/video service provider fee imposed
115.32 PEG access support fee imposed
115.33 Applicable principles
115.34 No impact on other taxes due from holder
115.35 Audits of cable/video service provider
115.36 Late fees/payments
Cable and Video Customer Protection Law
115.50 Customer service and privacy protection law
115.51 Enforcement
115.52 Customer credits
115.99 Penalty