Investment Policy
   36.001   Investment policy
   36.002   Scope
   36.003   Prudence
   36.004   Objective
   36.005   Delegation of authority
   36.006   Ethics and conflicts of interest
   36.007   Authorized financial dealers and institutions
   36.008   Authorized and suitable investments
   36.009   Collateralization
   36.010   Safekeeping and custody
   36.011   Diversification
   36.012   Maximum maturities
   36.013   Internal control
   36.014   Performance standards
   36.015   Reporting
   36.016   Investment policy adoption and modification
   36.030   State Officials and Employees Ethics Act
Equal Employment Policy
   36.045   Adoption of Codes
   36.046   Nondiscriminatory practices
   36.047   Contracting with noncompliants
   36.048   Outreach to all
   36.049   Minority hiring
   36.050   Accommodations for disabled
   36.051   Compliance by employees
   36.052   Designated enforcers
Freedom of Information
   36.065   Definitions
   36.066   Policy
   36.067   Individual privacy protected
   36.068   Public records available
   36.069   Requests to be in writing
   36.070   Fees
   36.071   Time limit for compliance with request
   36.072   Extension of time limit; notice
   36.073   Unduly burdensome request
   36.074   Certain information exempt from inspection and copying
   36.075   Notice of denial of request; appeals
   36.076   Granting of request; procedure for inspection
   36.077   Written request not required for certain documents
   36.078   Dissemination of information about public bodies
   36.079   List of categories of records
Identity Theft Prevention Policy
   36.090   Compliance with federal law
   36.091   Risk assessment/identifying relevant red flags
   36.092   Detected red flags
   36.093   Preventing and mitigating identity theft
   36.094   Duties regarding change of address
   36.095   Updating the program
   36.096   Program administration
   36.097   Service provider arrangements
   36.098   Training
   36.099   Education of customers
   36.100   Other applicable legal requirements
   36.101   Assistance for victims
Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment
   36.115   Prohibition on sexual harassment
   36.116   Definition of sexual harassment
   36.117   Procedure for reporting an allegation of sexual harassment
   36.118   Prohibition on retaliation for reporting sexual harassment allegations
   36.119   Consequences of a violation of the prohibition on sexual harassment
   36.120   Consequences for knowingly making a false report
   36.999   Penalty