The following words and phrases when used in this chapter have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this chapter, except when the context otherwise requires and except where another definition set forth in another section of this chapter and applicable to that section or as designated part thereof is applicable:
BUILDING DEPARTMENT: The building department of the village under the supervision of the building official.
BUILDING OFFICIAL: The trustee serving on the village board of trustees who is the appointed building official of the village.
FEE SCHEDULE: The fee schedule that is authorized by section 1-11-5 of this code, in effect from time to time as approved by the village board of trustees.
OWNER: The individual or individuals accountable for the cost and expenses incidental to the construction and installation of the sanitary service and/or water service.
PLUMBING INSPECTOR: The inspectors retained or employed by the village to perform plumbing inspections for the village.
PUBLIC SEWER: Any sewer constructed or owned by the village for the purpose of carrying waterborne wastes to a treatment facility under the control of the village or other appropriate authority. It shall carry only sanitary wastes, with storm, surface and ground water prohibited.
RESIDENTIAL EQUIVALENT HOME UNIT (REHU): A unit equal to two hundred fifty (250) gallons per day of water or sanitary sewage flow.
SANITARY SERVICE: A pipeline extension from a building that drains to the public sewer or other place of disposal.
SEWAGE TREATMENT FACILITY: Any arrangement of devices and structures used for treating sewage.
VILLAGE ENGINEER: The engineer or engineering firm employed or retained by the village to serve as the village engineer.
WATER MAIN: A pipeline owned or constructed by the village, the purpose of which is to carry potable water under pressure from a water source under the control of the village or other appropriate authority.
WATER SERVICE: The pipeline designated to carry potable water from the water main to the building. (Ord. 02-2-4, 2-19-2002)