A.   Shielding And Illumination Limits: All floodlights, spotlights, security lights or other form or type of outdoor light fixture in any residential zoning district of the village shall be installed as fully shielded fixtures, except for: 1) tree mounted lights, 2) decorative lights, 3) facade lights and 4) security lights, which must meet the following conditions:
      1.   For tree mounted lights, there must be no direct line of sight to the light source when viewed from another property (as if they were fully shielded). Light rays shall be directed inward against the vertical axis of the trunk. Downward illumination shall be required of all new tree mounted lights installed after the effective date hereof. Tree mounted lights shall not be operated after ten o'clock (10:00) P.M.
      2.   For decorative light fixtures, the illumination intensity of each light fixture must be one thousand two hundred (1,200) lumens or less. No decorative light fixture may be installed higher than eight feet (8') above the ground.
      3.   Facade lights must be aimed in such a manner that there must be no direct line of sight to the light source when viewed from another property (as if they were fully shielded).
      4.   Security lights must be directed and partially shielded if necessary so that the center beam of the light source is aimed at a point at least thirty feet (30') from any property line and no higher than forty five degrees (45°) below the horizontal. The illumination intensity of any security light shall be two thousand eight hundred (2,800) lumens or less, and there shall be no more than two (2) security lights on any lot. No security light fixture may be installed higher than twelve feet (12') above the ground.
   B.   Distance From Property Line: An outdoor light fixture shall not be located closer to the property line than a distance equal to three (3) times the fixture's mounting height above the grade measured at the property line, except for decorative lights mounted on driveway entrance columns or posts.
   C.   Minimizing Light Trespass: All outdoor lighting fixtures located within residential districts be located, aimed, or shielded so as to minimize stray light trespassing across property boundaries. Compliance with these restrictions to avoid unnecessary glare shall be achieved with fixture shielding, directional control designed into the fixture, fixture location, fixture height, fixture aim, or a combination of these factors. For example, shielded light fixtures mounted on the principal or accessory structures shall be directed downward or in towards the structure. Lighting fixtures installed in the ground shall be directed in towards the principal structure or toward landscaping features but in any event away from the property line. Light fixtures installed in trees shall be designed to minimize light spilling from the trees onto adjoining properties. The installation of all outdoor light fixtures shall be made in accordance with the village's building code. The maximum illumination provided by any light source located on any lot in a residential zoning district, when measured at any point from any adjacent residential lot, shall not exceed 0.1 horizontal foot-candle or 0.1 vertical foot-candle.
   D.   Prohibited Lights: Searchlights, laser source lights, or any similar high intensity light shall not be permitted, except in emergencies by police and fire personnel or at their direction. (Ord. 06-2-4, 2-21-2006)