For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
LIBRARY. The public library of the village established pursuant to the referendum held on 11-5-1996.
LIBRARY BOARD. The Board of Trustees of the library, as defined in the State Local Library Act, 75 ILCS 5/1-0.1 et seq.
LIBRARY CARD. A card or plate issued by the library for purposes of identifying the person to whom the library card was issued as authorized to borrow library material, subject to all limitations and conditions imposed on such borrowing by the library facility issuing such card.
LIBRARY MATERIAL. Includes any book, plate, picture, photograph, engraving, painting, sculpture, statue, artifact, drawing, map, newspaper, pamphlet, broadside, magazine, manuscript, document, letter, microfilm, sound recording, audio-visual material, magnetic or other tape, electronic data processing record or other documentary, written or printed material regardless of physical form or characteristics or any part thereof, belonging to or on loan to or otherwise in the custody of a library.
PREMISES OF THE LIBRARY. The interior of a building, structure or other enclosure in which the library is located and in which the library keeps, displays and makes available for inspection or borrowing library material.
(Prior Code, § 39.001) (Ord. 96-034, passed 12-2-1996)
(A) (1) The Library Board shall have control over the library, and shall have all of the powers, functions and duties over the library and the conduct of its business set forth in the State Local Library Act, 75 ILCS 5/1-0.1 et seq.
(2) Nothing in this subchapter shall be deemed to add to or subtract from those powers, duties and functions.
(B) (1) The Village President shall appoint one or more Village Trustees as Liaison to the Library Board.
(2) The Village President or the Liaison Trustee may instruct any village department head or the Village Attorney to assist the Library Board in the conduct of its business.
(Prior Code, § 39.002) (Ord. 96-034, passed 12-2-1996)
(A) The Treasurer of the village shall establish within the fund accounting system of the village a special and segregated fund known as the Library Fund, into which the Library Board shall deposit all moneys in its possession. However, pursuant to 75 ILCS 5/4-7 of the Local Library Act, the Library Board shall have exclusive control of expenditure of all such moneys.
(B) The Treasurer shall assist the Library Board each year in the preparation of its budget and the inclusion of the library’s budget in the annual appropriation ordinance of the village as set forth in 75 ILCS 5/4-15 of the Local Library Act.
(Prior Code, § 39.003) (Ord. 96-034, passed 12-2-1996)
A person commits the offense of library theft when he or she:
(A) Knowingly and intentionally removes any library material from the premises of the library without authority to do so;
(B) Knowingly and intentionally conceals any library material upon his or her person or among his or her belongings, while still in the premises of the library and in such manner that the library material is not visible through ordinary observation although there may be some notice of its presence, and removes such library material beyond the last point in the premises of the library at which library material may be borrowed in accordance with procedures established by that library facility for the borrowing of library material;
(C) With the intent to deceive, borrows or attempts to borrow any library material from the library by:
(1) Use of a library card issued to another without the other’s consent;
(2) Use of a library card knowing that it is revoked, canceled or expired; or
(3) Use of a library card knowing that it is falsely made, counterfeit or materially altered.
(D) Borrows a library material pursuant to an agreement with or procedure established by the library for the return of such library material and willfully, without good cause, fails to return the library material so borrowed in accordance with such agreement or procedure, and further, willfully, without good cause, fails to return such library material within ten days after receiving written notice by registered mail from the library demanding the return of such library material. The library shall not send such notices before a date 30 days after the due date for such materials.
(Prior Code, § 39.004) (Ord. 96-034, passed 12-2-1996)
(A) Theft. No person shall commit theft of library materials.
(B) Mutilation of materials.
(1) No person shall commit mutilation of library materials.
(2) A person commits mutilation of library materials when he or she knowingly tears, marks on, maliciously renders imperfect or otherwise damages or destroys library materials.
(Prior Code, § 39.005) (Ord. 96-034, passed 12-2-1996)
(A) The village hereby delegates to the President of the village and Chairperson of the Building Committee the power to enter into leases of the Municipal Building for periods of less than 72 hours each in accordance with the procedures set forth in this subchapter. Leases or uses longer than 72 hours must be approved by a majority vote of the Village Board.
(B) When entering into a lease, the village representative shall use a form approved from time to time by the Board of Trustees.
(C) Requests to lease the Municipal Building shall be processed in the order received.
(Prior Code, § 41.001) (Ord. 2000-04, passed 2-21-2000)