   (A)   The developer shall file 12 prints of the site plan of the proposed development in the office of the Zoning Administrator with a filing fee of $100 to be deposited in the appropriate village account. The site plan will be reviewed according to the filing deadline and review schedule established by the Planning Commission.
   (B)   The Zoning Administrator shall retain four prints on file and distribute the prints as follows:
      (1)   Two prints to the Planning Commission;
      (2)   One print to the Superintendent of Public Works;
      (3)   One print to the village’s consulting engineer;
      (4)   One print to the County Superintendent of Highways;
      (5)   One print to the appropriate Township Highway Commissioner, if applicable;
      (6)   One print to the Village Clerk;
      (7)   One print to the village’s fire protection district; and
      (8)   The reviewing entities shall review the plans for conformance with village codes and transmit any comments or requirements in writing to the Planning Commission within seven calendar days of receipt.
(Prior Code, § 150.064) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
   (A)   Recommendation of approval.
      (1)   If the Planning Commission finds that the site plan meets the retirements of this chapter; that the site plan meets the requirements of other village ordinances pertaining to zoning, building and fire safety; and utilities will be adequate, the Planning Commission shall indicate a recommendation for approval on three copies of the plan in substantially the following language:
This large scale development is recommended for approval by the Riverton Planning Commission.
      (2)   The prints so endorsed shall be forwarded by the Zoning Administrator to the Village Board for further disposition, along with minutes of the meeting at which the plans were approved.
   (B)   Recommendation of disapproval.
      (1)   If the Planning Commission does not make the findings in division (A) above, it shall inform the developer of its findings in writing and state the non-compliance found, and shall endorse three copies of the site plan with its recommendation of disapproval, and shall forward the plans to the Village Board for further disposition, along with minutes of the meeting at which the plans were disapproved.
      (2)   If the developer desires to amend the disapproved large scale plans prior to consideration by the Village Board, the developer shall submit 12 prints of the amended plan to the Zoning Administrator, which shall be reviewed according to the filing deadline and review schedule established by the Planning Commission. No filing fee shall be necessary. The Zoning Administrator shall transmit copies of the amended plan as described in § 155.163 of this chapter and review will proceed as indicated in said section.
(Prior Code, § 150.064) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
   The large scale development plans shall be reviewed by the Village Board as soon as practicable after review by the Planning Commission. The developer may appear and be heard at the Village Board meeting at which the large scale development plan is considered. The Village Board shall approve or disapprove the plan by ordinance or resolution; and the President shall endorse the large scale development plan in the same manner as prescribed herein for subdivision preliminary plans. Approved plans shall expire, if not completed in the same manner as set forth herein for final subdivision plats.
(Prior Code, § 150.066) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
   The developer shall submit construction plans for private drives, streets, sidewalks, grading, drainage and utilities to the village’s consulting engineer for review in the same manner and for the same review and inspection fees as prescribed herein for subdivision plats.
(Prior Code, § 150.067) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
   No building permits shall be issued for any structure or mobile homes unless the large scale development plan has been approved by the Village Board and construction work either has been installed according to the approved construction plans or a security provided in the same manner as set forth in this chapter for final plats of subdivision. Security for completion of private drives, streets, grading and drainage shall not be required for purely residential developments containing less than eight living units. However, utilities and other facilities serving a public function must be built or security provided.
(Prior Code, § 150.068) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
§ 155.180 PURPOSE.
   (A)   Tract survey approval shall be required as set forth in § 155.005 of this chapter.
   (B)   Tract survey approval is designed to ensure that all divisions of land comply with the State Plats Act, this chapter and the appropriate zoning ordinances.
(Prior Code, § 150.069) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)