   Information filed with the Planning Commission shall be of sufficient detail so that the Commission can determine whether and how essential services will be provided and if the site is suitable.
   (A)   Location map. The location map shall consist of data added to an existing base map of a suitable scale, covering an area of at least one mile radius from the tract proposed for development. The location map shall show the following information:
      (1)   North point, scale and date;
      (2)   Outline of the entire area owned or controlled by the subdivider with approximate boundary dimensions and total acreage;
      (3)   Existing streets and roads expected to serve the area to be subdivided; and
      (4)   Existing utility lines expected to serve the area to be subdivided.
   (B)   Sketch map. The sketch map shall show the general layout and character of the proposed development. The scale shall be no more than 100 feet to the inch. Exact dimensions or engineering plans are not required. The sketch map shall show the following information:
      (1)   North point, scale and date;
      (2)   Area to be subdivided with general dimensions;
      (3)   Proposed street network and alignments with existing streets;
      (4)   General lot layout;
      (5)   Potential open space: public parks, existing waterways, drainage or retention areas and the like; and
      (6)   Outstanding or unusual natural features and vegetation.
   (C)   Additional information. In addition to the information required below, any other information necessary for the Planning Commission to determine site suitability or adequacy of mitigating factors as outlined in § 155.027 of this chapter shall be submitted:
      (1)   Title of the proposed subdivision;
      (2)   Names, addresses and phone numbers of the owner, subdivider, engineer and land surveyor. A contact person should be designated;
      (3)   Proposed use and approximate number of housing units;
      (4)   Existing and proposed zoning;
      (5)   Method of sewage disposal;
      (6)   Method of water supply;
      (7)   Electric service provider;
      (8)   Fire protection district; and
      (9)   School district.
(Prior Code, § 150.009) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
   (A)   Essential utilities and public services. Land proposed to be subdivided shall have essential utilities and public services available within a reasonable distance and time period. Land to which these essential utilities and services will not be so provided shall be deemed unsuitable for subdividing. Essential utilities and services and criteria for determining if they can adequately be provided shall include the following:
      (1)   Sewage disposal.
         (a)   Sanitary sewer service provided by the village shall be the preferred method of sewage disposal. If sanitary sewer service is currently available to the land proposed to be subdivided, it shall be the sewage disposal method used.
         (b)   If sanitary sewer service is not currently available but the land is within the ultimate service area as identified in the village’s facility plan and the village determines that sewer service will be available within a reasonable period, the land may be deemed suitable for subdividing if:
            1.   Sanitary sewers will be installed by the subdivider for service to each building site; and
            2.   IEPA-permitted on-site sewage disposal facilities can and will be provided.
         (c)   If the land cannot be served with sanitary trunk sewers within a reasonable period, or if the land is not within the ultimate service area as identified in the village’s facility plan and, therefore, shall be unsuitable for subdividing unless it can be shown that adequate private sewage systems can be provided.
      (2)   Water supply.
         (a)   An IEPA-approved public water supply shall be the preferred method of water supply.
         (b)   Private wells may be permitted for developments outside the village if the developer can demonstrate that it is not feasible to extend water mains to the land proposed to be subdivided. As a minimum guideline, the extension of 120 degrees, plus or minus, of water main per lot of the preliminary plan shall be deemed feasible. This distance shall be measured between the nearest suitable public water main and the proposed development. Mains within the development shall not count toward this extension footage.
      (3)   Fire protection.
         (a)   Land proposed to be subdivided shall meet the following conditions in order to be deemed suitable for subdividing:
            1.   Land shall be within a fire protection district, if possible;
            2.   There shall be a public road providing adequate access for emergency vehicles to the site. Roadways shall have an all weather driving surface (minimum oil and chip) with 20 feet of unobstructed width. Where a bridge is required to be used as a part of the most direct fire truck access route, it shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 13 feet, six inches and be constructed and maintained to carry the live loads imposed by fire trucks; and
            3.   There shall be a system of water mains or other source of water adequate for firefighting purposes. Specific fire flows shall be determined by the village’s fire protection district using a standard published by the insurance service office entitled Guide for Determination of Required Fire Flow.
         (b)   A full sprinkler system installed with adequate water available as determined by the National Fire Protection Association Standards 13 or 13D depending on the occupancy of the building shall also satisfy this requirement.
      (4)   Streets.
         (a)   The suitability of existing streets for access to the proposed subdivision and/or for incorporation into the proposed subdivision’s street system shall also be considered. A street shall be considered suitable if:
            1.   The street is constructed of all weather material (concrete, asphalt, oil mat);
            2.   The paved area is at least 20 feet wide with a road bed 24 feet wide; and
            3.   The street has good drainage.
         (b)   If only a portion of the criteria set forth in this division (A)(4) is met, the village’s consulting engineer, a representative of the village’s fire protection district, and a representative of the Planning Commission shall make the recommendation as to whether the street is suitable for the proposed development or what improvements must be undertaken to make it suitable.
      (5)   Police protection. In determining the suitability of land for subdivision purposes, the distance that police would have to travel to respond to a call for service shall be considered.
   (B)   Other requirements. Land proposed to be subdivided shall meet the following requirements.
      (1)   The site must be in conformance with the Village Comprehensive Plan, if adopted.
      (2)   The development must not be located in a 100-year floodplain or flood prone area.
      (3)   The development must not be located in any environmentally sensitive area including sites near the village’s water supply wells, unless the subdivider can show that environmental concerns can be mitigated.
      (4)   The site must be of a shape, size and terrain so that usable lots and streets in conformance with this chapter can and will be created.
      (5)   Development must not have a major conflict with existing use of adjacent property (wastewater treatment plants, power plants, major industrial plants, landfills, certain agricultural uses and the like) unless it is shown that factors which cause the conflict can and will be mitigated.
      (6)   Development must not cause major off-site impacts and problems relating to, but not limited to, streets, drainage water system, parks. If it is determined by the Planning Commission that major off-site impacts will result, the subdivider must agree to mitigate the portion of the impact caused by the subdivision.
      (7)   When soils in the area to be developed have severe limitations for building site development or sanitary facilities as determined by the USDA Soil Conservation Service, the subdivider shall submit information indicating how these limitations will be addressed.
(Prior Code, § 150.010) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
   (A)   The subdivider shall submit 12 prints of the location and sketch maps and supporting data to the Zoning Administrator. The subdivision will be reviewed according to the filing deadline and review schedule established by the Planning Commission.
   (B)   The Zoning Administrator shall retain one print on file and distribute the location map and sketch maps and support data as follows:
      (1)   Two prints to the Planning Commission;
      (2)   One print to the Village Superintendent of Public Works;
      (3)   One print to the village’s consulting engineer;
      (4)   One print to the Village Clerk;
      (5)   One print to the village’s fire protection district;
      (6)   One print to the County Superintendent of Highways, if applicable;
      (7)   One print to County Soil and Water Conservation District;
      (8)   One print to the appropriate Township Highway Commissioner or IDOT, if applicable; and
      (9)   One print to the appropriate school district.
   (C)   The entities listed in division (B) above shall transmit any comments on suitability of the site in writing to the Planning Commission within seven calendar days of receipt.
   (D)   The Planning Commission shall make a recommendation to the Village Board with respect to the suitability of the site and the proposed layout no later than 30 days after the plan was filed with the Village Clerk. Lack of action within the allotted time period shall constitute a negative recommendation to the Village Board.
   (E)   After receiving the Planning Commission’s recommendation, the Village Board shall, at its next regularly scheduled Board meeting, approve or disapprove terms outlined in § 155.027 of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 150.011) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
   The location and sketch maps shall be valid for a period of one year after Village Board approval. If a preliminary plan has not been submitted within the one-year period, approval of the location and sketch maps shall expire. If interest is renewed in subdividing the site at a later time, the entire location and sketch maps review process and submission requirements shall be repeated.
(Prior Code, § 150.012) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
§ 155.040 PURPOSE.
   Construction plans are intended to show the design of public improvements for the subdivision so that a determination can be made as to whether village standards are met and whether the improvements are compatible with existing public improvements.
(Prior Code, § 150.019) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)
   Notwithstanding anything else in this chapter to the contrary, whenever the subdivider anticipates more than one final plat arising from an approved preliminary plan, the subdivider shall submit, along with the construction plans for any final plat, the drainage and detention plans for each watershed that is affected by the construction of the final plat. If a watershed is partially affected by any final plat, then the subdivider shall submit drainage and detention plans for the entire watershed irrespective of whether the watershed is located partially outside the plat. No final plat shall be approved until all construction work is completed, or security is given for construction of drainage and detention works for all watersheds affected by the final plat. Until all drainage works for the entire subdivision are built, provisions shall be made in the construction plans if necessary for temporary detention works for each plat as each plat is built.
(Prior Code, § 150.020) (Ord. 96-006, passed 2-5-1996)