The Superintendent of Public Works shall designate an area within Wheeland Park for camping, and shall mark and number not less than two, nor more than ten, camp sites in the park for use by the public.
(Prior Code, § 131A.002) (Ord. 99-011, passed 4-28-1999)
Any person desiring to camp in Wheeland Park shall apply for a permit on a form which will be devised by the Chief of Police, and which will contain, as a minimum, the following information:
(A) The name, address, phone number and driver’s license number of the permittee, and the number of persons to be camping with the permittee;
(B) The period of time for which the permit is sought;
(C) The make, model and license number of any vehicles, including trailers, and the license number of any boat, which the permittee will have at the campsite;
(D) A statement that the permittee has read the rules and regulations pertaining to camping at Wheeland Park, and a commitment to abide by those rules and regulations; and
(E) A statement releasing the village from all liability for injury to persons or property arising in whole or in part from conditions in Wheeland Park or from persons entering Wheeland Park.
(Prior Code, § 131A.003) (Ord. 99-011, passed 4-28-1999)
(A) (1) Upon receipt and review of the permit application and payment of the permit fee, the Chief of Police shall issue the camping permit.
(2) The permit shall be valid only for the number of days specified thereon, and only for the numbered campsite specified thereon.
(B) Except when reserved in advance by a scouting or other youth group, all permits shall be issued on a first come, first served basis.
(C) The Chief of Police may deny a permit to any person who has violated the rules and regulations of Wheeland Park in the past. In case of such denial, the applicant may appeal to the Village President, who will hold an informal hearing as promptly as possible and sustain or deny the decision of the Chief of Police.
(D) When the Chief of Police is not available, the police officer on duty shall act in his or her stead.
(E) A permit shall be valid for up to seven days. No more than four consecutive permits shall be granted; nor shall any person be granted permits totaling more than 14 days for all campsites during any 30-day period.
(Prior Code, § 131A.004) (Ord. 99-011, passed 4-28-1999; Ord. 2011-018, passed 7-5-2011)
The fee for camping in Wheeland Park shall be payable in advance and, when paid, shall be non-refundable and shall be $10 per day for campsites which are not equipped with electric service and $20 per day for campsites which are equipped with electric service.
(Prior Code, § 131A.005) (Ord. 99-011, passed 4-28-1999; Ord. 99-025, passed 7-6-1999; Ord. 01-019, passed 10-1-2001; Ord. 15-008, passed 2-16-2015)
The following rules and regulations shall govern camping in Wheeland Park.
(A) Preference for issuing camping permits will be given to local Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and other youth organizations. Responsible supervision shall be provided by the applicant for the camping permit.
(B) The preservation of the natural setting of the area and the wildlife habitat must be maintained. The campsite must be left in a state of cleanliness upon leaving the area. Sanitation must be adequately provided for.
(C) Destruction of wildlife, tree cutting and removal of vegetation is prohibited.
(D) Campsites are available only by assignment and are subject to the following limitations.
(1) Only one wheeled camping vehicle (trailer, camper or other recreational vehicle) may occupy a campsite at a time; in addition to the wheeled camping vehicle, there may be no more than one tent occupying the campsite.
(2) If there are no wheeled camping vehicles occupying a campsite, no more than two tents may occupy the campsite at a time.
(3) No more than four adults may occupy a campsite at a time.
(4) Homemade camper vehicles and mobile homes are prohibited in all campsites except for those vehicles that have been certified, approved and licensed by the Illinois Secretary of State as “recreational vehicles” and have valid RV plates properly displayed on the vehicles.
(5) No wheeled camping vehicle shall exceed the following lengths:
(a) In campsites Nos. 1 and 2: 40 feet; and
(b) In all other campsites: 34 feet.
(E) No fixtures shall be erected on any campsite. FIXTURE includes, but is not limited to, patios, decks, fences, awnings, oil drum stands, clotheslines, television antennas and the like.
(F) All trash and refuse shall be placed in plastic bags, and then in trash receptacles provided by the village.
(G) No waste water, sewage or other pollutants may be dumped into or onto the ground or Sangamon River.
(H) No sanitation waste hose or pipe shall extend from the trailer into the ground at any time.
(I) No gravel pit and dry well connections are allowed.
(J) Cleanliness and sanitation shall be the sole responsibility of the camper and any violation of these rules shall authorize the Chief of Police to revoke the camping permit and privileges without refund.
(K) The discharge of firearms and fireworks in the park is prohibited.
(L) Visitors to the campground shall abide by Ch. 90 of this code of ordinances concerning animal control.
(M) All visitors to the campground must leave their cars in designated parking areas. Visitors shall leave camping areas by 10:00 p.m.
(N) The camping season is from March 1 to November 30, weather permitting, unless changed by the Village Board. No camping will be allowed, except during the camping season.
(O) Electrical and water hookups are not available at all campsites.
(P) Fires shall be confined to fireplaces, grills and other facilities designed for and designated by the village. Fires shall be attended at all times by a responsible person over 13 years of age.
(Q) No person may rent more than two campsites per day, except for a youth organization such as the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts sponsoring a group camp out.
(R) The Village President, the Superintendent of Public Works and the Chief of Police may order the closure of Wheeland Park, and the cessation of camping activities therein, whenever appropriate, in their sole discretion, in view of present or forecasted weather conditions, present or forecasted high water, flooding or other conditions of the Sangamon River, or any emergency.
(Prior Code, § 131A.006) (Ord. 99-011, passed 4-28-1999; Ord. 99-025, passed 7-6-1999; Ord. 2000-026, passed 7-3-2000; Ord. 2004-027, passed 10-4-2004; Ord. 2011-018, passed 7-5-2011) Penalty, see § 131.999
Any camping permit may be revoked by the Chief of Police for violation of any rule or regulation contained in § 131.070 of this chapter, or for violation of any state law or village ordinance. Whenever a permit is revoked, the permittee, and the persons listed on the permit application as accompanying the permittee, shall have one hour to vacate the campsite.
(Prior Code, § 131A.007) (Ord. 99-011, passed 4-28-1999)
All persons camping in or visiting campers in Wheeland Park do so subject to the condition that the village shall not be liable for any injury whatsoever to the person or property of any camper or any person visiting any camper, from any cause whatsoever. The village assumes no responsibility for the campers and visitors of persons in Wheeland Park or for their possessions.
(Prior Code, § 131A.008) (Ord. 99-011, passed 4-28-1999)