   No liquor license shall be issued and no liquor shall be sold or consumed on the premises of any adult use.
(Prior Code, § 153.002) (Ord. 2001-014, passed 8-6-2001) Penalty, see § 110.99
§ 110.03 LOCATION.
   Adult uses are permitted only in areas zoned I-1, I-2 or AG under Ch. 157 of this code of ordinances; provided:
   (A)   No structure containing an adult use, and no sign advertising its location or existence, shall be located within 300 feet of the property line of any property which is zoned residential or used for residences, churches, schools, parks or another adult use;
   (B)   In accordance with § 11-5-1.5 of the Illinois Municipal Code, no adult entertainment facility shall be located within 1,000 feet of the property boundaries of any school, day care center, cemetery, public park, forest preserve, public housing and place of religious worship; and/or
   (C)   No adult use shall be located in a building in which there is an establishment selling alcoholic liquors.
(Prior Code, § 153.003) (Ord. 2001-014, passed 8-6-2001) Penalty, see § 110.99
   No permit shall be issued to a person who has been convicted of any felony or misdemeanor involving prostitution, obscenity or other offense of a sexual nature or to a business entity, any manager or owner of 5% or more of the interest of which has been convicted of such a crime.
(Prior Code, § 153.004) (Ord. 2001-014, passed 8-6-2001)
   (A)   Permits for constructing or occupying an adult use shall be issued only after the following review process. The applicant shall apply to the Zoning Administrator for the permit; the application shall be accompanied by a $500 application fee. The application shall be on a form designated by the Zoning Administrator.
   (B)   The Zoning Administrator shall provide a copy of the application to the Chief of Police, and shall process the portion of the application marked “for Zoning Administrator’s review” and shall forward the application to the Plan Commission for review. Within 60 days of filing, the Plan Commission shall conduct a review of the application for conformance with the zoning subdivision and this chapter. The Plan Commission shall render a recommendation to the Village Board as to whether the proposed adult use conforms with all village ordinances and may recommend conditions on the development and operation of the adult use related to site plan, floor plan, construction materials, lighting, parking and circulation, ingress and egress, landscaping and screening, and signage in order to assure that the design and operation of the adult use is in conformance with all village ordinances and is compatible with surrounding uses.
(Prior Code, § 153.005) (Ord. 2001-014, passed 8-6-2001)
   The Chief of Police shall run a criminal background check on all persons disclosed by the application to have a 5% or greater ownership interest in the permit application, in order to verify that no persons have been convicted of the crimes of prostitution, obscenity or other crimes of a sexual nature. The Chief of Police shall report his or her findings to the Village Board.
(Prior Code, § 153.006) (Ord. 2001-014, passed 8-6-2001)