Owners and keepers of dogs and other animals shall keep the dogs and other animals under restraint at all times and shall not permit such dogs and other animals to be at large. Any animal found running at large contrary to provisions of this chapter may be apprehended and impounded.
(Prior Code, § 90-1-8) (Ord. 2006-014, passed 7-10-2006) Penalty, see § 90.99
(A) The owner or keeper of an animal shall not suffer or permit the animal to bark, howl, cry or make other distressing or loud or unusual noise or to disturb the peace or quiet of any place, neighborhood, family or person in the village. The disturbing of any neighborhood or persons by any such animal is declared to be a nuisance, and no person shall suffer or permit any such nuisance to exist.
(B) In addition to the general restrictions of division (A) above, for the purpose of this section, an owner or keeper is in violation of this section if he or she permits a dog to bark in a substantially continuous manner between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. for a period of more than 15 minutes, or who allows such animal to bark, howl or cry for numerous periods of time, regardless of duration, so as to disturb the quiet of the neighborhood or of particular neighbors.
(C) In case any animal shall repeatedly disturb the peace or quiet of any place or neighborhood or become a nuisance as defined in this code, the Village Police Department may contact Animal Control to remove the animal for placement in the county animal pound.
(Prior Code, § 90-1-9) (Ord. 2006-014, passed 7-10-2006) Penalty, see § 90.99
No person shall house or keep animals in any pen, stable, yard, confinement structure or any other place in such a manner that associated debris or odors are unreasonably offensive to persons residing in the vicinity or passing along any nearby street or alley, or constitute a hazard to the health of persons residing nearby. Any pen, stable, yard, confinement structure or other place where animals are housed or kept in violation of this section is declared to be a nuisance.
(Prior Code, § 90-1-10) (Ord. 2006-014, passed 7-10-2006) Penalty, see § 90.99
No owner or keeper of an animal shall suffer, permit or fail to prevent an animal from biting or attacking a person or another animal resulting in injury to the person or animal attacked; provided that, such an attack on a person who is, or reasonably appears to be, in the commission of a criminal act is not prohibited if the animal is acting in the defense of the owner or keeper of his or her family or premises, and the animal remains on its premises. For purposes of this section, it is not necessary that the person bitten or attacked be arrested or convicted of a criminal offense.
(Prior Code, § 90-1-11) (Ord. 2006-014, passed 7-10-2006) Penalty, see § 90.99
No person shall own, keep or harbor within the village an animal known to be dangerous or vicious, unless such person shall keep such animal safely and securely confined so as to protect from injury any child or other person who may come on the premises in the vicinity where such animal may be located. Adequate warning by sign, or otherwise, shall be given to all persons coming on the premises in the vicinity of any such vicious or dangerous animal.
(Prior Code, § 90-1-12) (Ord. 2006-014, passed 7-10-2006) Penalty, see § 90.99