(A) The village shall prominently display at the Village Hall, make available for inspection and copying without charge, and shall send through the mail if requested, each of the following:
(1) A brief description of itself, which will include, but not be limited to, a short summary of its purpose, a block diagram giving its functional subdivisions, the total amount of its operating budget, the number and location of all of its separate offices, the approximate number of full- and part-time employees and the identification and membership of any board, commission, committee or council which operates in an advisory capacity relative to the operation of the village, or which exercises control over its policies or procedures, or to which the village is required to report and be answerable for its operations; and
(2) A brief description of the methods whereby the public may request information and public records, a directory designating for the FOIA Officer or officers, the address where requests for public records should be directed and any fees allowable under § 35.36 of this chapter.
(B) The village shall also post this information on its website, if one is maintained.
(Prior Code, § 40.017) (Ord. 2010-001, passed 1-4-2010)
As to public records prepared or received after the effective date of this subchapter, the FOIA Officer shall maintain and make available for inspection and copying a reasonably current list of all types or categories of records under its control. The list shall be reasonably detailed in order to aid persons in obtaining access to public records pursuant to this subchapter. The FOIA Officer shall furnish upon request a description of the manner in which public records stored by means of electronic data processing may be obtained in a form comprehensible to persons lacking knowledge of computer language or printout format.
(Prior Code, § 40.018) (Ord. 2010-001, passed 1-4-2010)
All specifications for any contract to be let for bid by the village for the construction or substantial renovation of any building, parking lot, utility infrastructure or other capital project, or for the provision of services directly to the residents of the village, shall include a requirement that any person, firm, corporation or other entity submitting a bid shall include a complete, accurate and truthful listing and description of all decisions, determinations, judgements or other findings within the past two years of any violation of state or federal laws which protect the health, safety or welfare of workers, including, but not limited to, OSHA, FMLA, FLSA, ADA, ADEA, NLRA, the Federal Civil Rights Act, the State Human Rights Act, the State Wage and Hour Law and the Prevailing Wage Act, against it or any entity with whom it is submitting the bid, including joint venturers and partners, and also including parent and subsidiary corporations or entities, and shall further include documentation that such bidder or its employees are participants in at least one apprenticeship and training program approved by and registered with the U.S. Department of Labor’s Board of Apprenticeship and Training. The village may waive the apprenticeship requirement if the bidder is in an industry where no such program is available. If the bidder does not have any decisions, determinations, judgements or other findings against it as aforesaid, it shall include a statement to that effect with its bid.
(Prior Code, § 56.001) (Ord. 2009-004, passed 2-16-2009)
Any bidder who willfully fails or refuses to include the information required in § 35.60 of this chapter, or whose report is substantially incomplete, inaccurate or untruthful, shall be disqualified and its bid rejected.
(Prior Code, § 56.002) (Ord. 2009-004, passed 2-16-2009)
The village may reject any bid and disqualify any bidder whose report, or subsequent inquiry into the matters contained in such report, reveals any of the following:
(A) There has been a finding, determination or judgement by an agency of the state or federal government charged with the responsibility of enforcing laws and regulations which protect the health, safety or welfare of workers, as enumerated above, or otherwise, that the bidder has violated such a statute or regulation, and that such violation was:
(1) Found to have been part of a pattern of similar violations;
(2) One of three or more similar violations committed within the two years immediately preceding the submission of the bid;
(3) Classified by an agency of the state or federal government as serious;
(4) One which threatened the health or safety of the workers employed by the bidder;
(5) One resulting in the payment of back wages and benefits of $10,000 or more; or
(6) One that resulted or could have resulted in the debarment of the bidder from contracting with the state or federal government, or any agency thereof.
(B) The bidder and its employees do not actively participate in apprenticeship and training program as set forth in § 35.60 of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 56.003) (Ord. 2009-004, passed 2-16-2009)
Any person, firm, corporation or other entity seeking to submit bids for any project of, or for the provision of services to the residents of the village, as herein described, which has been disqualified or had its bids rejected by the village pursuant to the ordinance codified in this subchapter on three or more occasions within the two years immediately preceding the submission of the bid which is then currently under consideration, shall be debarred from submitting further bids for village projects for a period of one year following the rejection of the bid then currently being considered by the village.
(Prior Code, § 56.004) (Ord. 2009-004, passed 2-16-2009)