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   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   COMMERCIAL PURPOSE. The use of any part of a public record or records, or information derived from public records, in any form for sale, resale or solicitation or advertisement for sales or services. For purposes of this definition, requests made by news media and non-profit, scientific or academic organizations shall not be considered to be made for a COMMERCIAL PURPOSE when the principal purpose of the request is:
      (1)   To access and disseminate information concerning news and current or passing events;
      (2)   For articles of opinion or features of interest to the public; or
      (3)   For the purpose of academic, scientific or public research or education.
   COPYING. The reproduction of any public record by means of any photographic, electronic, mechanical or other process, device or means now known or hereafter developed and available to the village.
   EXEMPT MATERIALS. Materials which are exempt from disclosure pursuant to 5 ILCS 140/7 and 140/7.5 of the Freedom of Information Act.
   FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT or FOIA. The Illinois Freedom of Information Act, 5 ILCS 140/1.1 et seq.
   PERSON. Any individual, corporation, partnership, firm, organization or association, acting individually or as a group.
   PRIVATE INFORMATION. Unique identifiers, including a person’s Social Security number, driver’s license number, employee identification number, biometric identifiers, personal financial information, passwords or other access codes, medical records, home or personal telephone numbers and personal email addresses. PRIVATE INFORMATION also includes home address and personal license plates, except as otherwise provided by law or when compiled without possibility of attribution to any person.
   PUBLIC ACCESS COUNSELOR. The public access counselor is a State Attorney General Office appointee responsible for various duties described in § 9.5 of the State Freedom of Information Act and § 7 of the Attorney General Act (15 ILCS 205/7). Contact information for the PUBLIC ACCESS COUNSELOR is as follows:
   Public Access Bureau
   500 S. 2nd Street
   Springfield, Illinois 62706
      (1)   All records, reports, forms, writings, letters, memoranda, books, papers, maps, photographs, microfilms, cards, tapes, recordings, electronic data processing records, electronic communications, recorded information and all other documentary materials pertaining to the transaction of public business, regardless of physical form or characteristics, having been prepared by or for, or having been or being used by, received by, in the possession of or under the control of the village.
      (2)   PUBLIC RECORD also includes the following:
         (a)   All records relating to the obligation, receipt and use of public funds;
         (b)   Certified payroll records submitted to the village under § 5(a)(2) of the Prevailing Wage Act (820 ILCS 130/5) are PUBLIC RECORDS; except that contractors’ employees’ addresses, telephone numbers and Social Security numbers must be redacted by the village prior to disclosure;
         (c)   Arrest reports (except for arrests of persons under the age of 21 subject to the Juvenile Court Act of 1987); and (See § 35.45 of this chapter for further provisions with respect to arrest reports.)
         (d)   Criminal history records (except for arrests of persons under the age of 21 subject to the Juvenile Court Act of 1987), including, but not limited to:
            1.   Court records that are public;
            2.   Records that are otherwise available under state or local law; and
            3.   Records in which the requesting party is the individual identified, except as provided under § 7(1)(d)(vi) (5 ILCS 140/7) of the Freedom of Information Act.
   VILLAGE. The Village of Riverton, Illinois.
(Prior Code, § 40.001) (Ord. 2010-001, passed 1-4-2010)
§ 35.31 POLICY.
   It is declared to be the public policy of the village that all persons are entitled to full and complete information regarding the affairs of the village. The official acts and policies of the public officials and public employees of the village shall be consistent with the terms of this subchapter.
(Prior Code, § 40.002) (Ord. 2010-001, passed 1-4-2010)
   This subchapter is not intended to be used to violate individual privacy or to disrupt the duly undertaken work of the village.
(Prior Code, § 40.003) (Ord. 2010-001, passed 1-4-2010)
   The village shall make available to any person for inspection or copying all public records, as provided in the Freedom of Information Act, 5 ILCS 140/1.1 et seq.
(Prior Code, § 40.004) (Ord. 2010-001, passed 1-4-2010)
   (A)   The village shall designate one or more officials or employees to act as its Freedom of Information Act Officer (“FOIA Officer”). The Chief of Police is hereby designated as Deputy FOIA Officer for FOIA requests involving the Police Department and the Village Attorney is designated as Deputy FOIA Officer in the place and stead of the FOIA Officer if the FOIA Officer is unavailable. Except in instances when records are furnished immediately, the FOIA Officer, or designee, shall receive requests submitted to the village under this subchapter and issue responses accordingly. All village officers and employees who receive a FOIA request from any source whatsoever shall notify the FOIA Officer within one working day. If the FOIA Officer is not available, the Village Attorney shall be notified.
   (B)   Upon receiving a request for a public record, the FOIA Officer shall:
      (1)   Note the date the village receives the written request;
      (2)   Compute the day on which the period for response will expire and make a notation of that date on the written request;
      (3)   Maintain an electronic or paper copy of a written request, including all documents submitted with the request until the request has been complied with or denied; and
      (4)   Create a file for the retention of the original request, a copy of the response, a record of written communications with the requester and a copy of other communications.
   (C)   The Village FOIA Officer and deputies shall, by 7-1-2010, successfully complete an electronic training curriculum to be developed by the public access counselor and thereafter successfully complete an annual training program. Thereafter, whenever a new FOIA Officer is designated by the village, that person shall successfully complete the electronic training curriculum within 30 days after assuming the position. Successful completion of the required training curriculum within the periods provided shall be a prerequisite to continue serving as a FOIA Officer.
(Prior Code, § 40.005) (Ord. 2010-001, passed 1-4-2010)
   (A)   All requests for inspection or copying of public records shall be in writing and shall be addressed to the FOIA Officer.
   (B)   The requestor shall include the following information in any request for public records:
      (1)   The requestor’s full name, mailing address and telephone number at which the requestor can be reached during normal business hours;
      (2)   A description of the records sought, as specific as possible;
      (3)   An indication of whether the records are requested for a commercial purpose and whether the requestor seeks a fee waiver; and
      (4)   A statement as to whether the request is for inspection, copying, or both.
   (C)   The FOIA Officer shall make available a form for use by requestors; however, no request shall be denied for failure to use the form.
   (D)   All requests for inspection and copying received by the village shall immediately be forwarded to its FOIA Officer or designee.
(Prior Code, § 40.006) (Ord. 2010-001, passed 1-4-2010)
§ 35.36 FEES.
   (A)   The village hereby establishes and shall charge fees reasonably calculated to reimburse its actual cost for reproducing and certifying public records and for the use, by any person, of the equipment of the village to copy records. Such fees exclude the costs of any search for and review of the record, and shall not exceed the actual cost of reproduction and certification, unless otherwise provided by state statute. The charge for copying shall be $0.10 per page for photocopies, $0.05 per page for computer printouts and $2.50 per audio tape, CD or DVD. No fees shall be charged for the first 50 pages of black and white, letter or legal sized copies requested by a requestor. If the village provides copies in color or in a size other than letter or legal, it shall charge the actual cost for reproducing the records. In calculating the actual cost for reproducing records or for the use of the equipment of the village to reproduce the records, the village shall not include the costs of any search for and review of the records or other personnel costs associated with reproducing the records. The cost for certifying a record shall be $1.
   (B)   Documents shall be furnished without charge or at a reduced charge where the village determines that waiver or reduction of the fee is in the public interest because furnishing information can be considered as primarily benefitting the general public. Waiver or reduction of the fee is in the public interest if the principal purpose of the request is to access and disseminate information regarding the health, safety and welfare or the legal rights of the general public and is not for the principal purpose of personal or commercial benefit. For purposes of this division (B), commercial benefit shall not apply to requests made by news media when the principal purpose of the request is to access and disseminate information regarding the health, safety and welfare or the legal rights of the general public. In setting the amount of the waiver or reduction, the village may take into consideration the amount of materials requested and the cost of copying them.
(Prior Code, § 40.007) (Ord. 2010-001, passed 1-4-2010)
   (A)   Compliance with request (non-commercial purpose). The village shall either comply with or deny a request for public records within five business days after its receipt. If the village fails to respond to a request within the requisite periods in this section, but thereafter provides the requester with copies of the requested public records it may not impose a fee for such copies. If the village fails to respond to a request received it may not treat the request as unduly burdensome under § 35.39 of this chapter. Denials shall be in writing and in accordance with § 35.41 of this chapter.
   (B)   Compliance with request (commercial purpose). The village shall respond to a request for records to be used for a commercial purpose within 21 working days after receipt. The response shall:
      (1)   Provide to the requestor an estimate of the time required by the village to provide the records requested and an estimate of the fees to be charged, which the village may require the person to pay in full before copying the requested documents;
      (2)   Deny the request pursuant to one or more of the exemptions set out in this subchapter;
      (3)   Notify the requestor that the request is unduly burdensome and extend an opportunity to the requestor to attempt to reduce the request to manageable proportions; or
      (4)   Provide the records requested.
   (C)   Compliance. Unless the records are exempt from disclosure, the village shall comply with a request within a reasonable period considering the size and complexity of the request, and giving priority to records requested for non-commercial purposes. No person shall knowingly obtain a public record for a commercial purpose without disclosing that it is for a commercial purpose, if requested to do so by the village.
(Prior Code, § 40.008) (Ord. 2010-001, passed 1-4-2010)
   (A)   The time limit prescribed in § 35.37(A) of this chapter may be extended in each case for not more than five additional business days from the original due date for any of the following reasons:
      (1)   The requested records are stored in whole or in part at other locations other than the office having charge of the requested records;
      (2)   The request requires the collection of a substantial number of specified records;
      (3)   The request is couched in categorical terms and requires an extensive search for the records responsive to it;
      (4)   The requested records have not been located in the course of routine search and additional efforts are being made to locate them;
      (5)   The requested records require examination and evaluation by personnel having the necessary competence and discretion to determine if they are exempt from disclosure under the terms of the State Freedom of Information Act or should be revealed only with appropriate deletions;
      (6)   The request for records cannot be complied with by the village within the time limits prescribed by the foregoing paragraph without unduly burdening or interfering with the operations of the village; and/or
      (7)   There is a need for consultation, which shall be conducted with all practicable speed, with another public body or among two or more components of a public body having a substantial interest in the determination or in the subject matter of the request.
   (B)   The person making a request and the village may agree in writing to extend the time for compliance for a period to be determined by the parties. If the requestor and the village agree to extend the period for compliance, a failure by the village to comply with any previous deadlines shall not be treated as a denial of the request for the records.
   (C)   When additional time is required for any of the above reasons, the FOIA Officer shall notify the person making the request, by letter, within the five business days after receipt of the request, of the reasons for the delay and the date by which the records will be made available or denial will be forthcoming. In no instance may the delay in processing last longer than five business days. A failure to render a decision within the time permitted for extension shall be considered a denial of the request.
   (D)   If the village fails to respond to a request within the time permitted for extension but thereafter provides the requestor with copies of the requested public records, the village may not impose a fee for those copies. If the village requests an extension and subsequently fails to respond to the request, it may not treat the request as unduly burdensome under § 35.39 of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 40.009) (Ord. 2010-001, passed 1-4-2010)
   (A)   Requests calling for all records falling within a category shall be complied with unless compliance with the request would be unduly burdensome for the village, there is no method of narrowing the request, and the burden on the village strongly outweighs the public interest in the information. Before invoking this exemption, the village shall extend to the person making the request an opportunity to confer with it in an attempt to reduce the request to manageable proportions. If the village responds to a categorical request by stating that compliance would unduly burden its operation and the conditions described above are met, it shall do so in a writing signed by the FOIA Officer specifying the reasons why it would be unduly burdensome and the extent to which compliance will so burden the operation of the village. Such a response shall be treated as a denial of the request for information.
   (B)   Repeated requests for the same public records by the same person shall be deemed unduly burdensome. Repeated requests from the same person for the same records that are unchanged or identical to records previously provided or properly denied under this subchapter shall be deemed unduly burdensome.
(Prior Code, § 40.010) (Ord. 2010-001, passed 1-4-2010)