(A)   Owner Responsibility: The owner of any premises, to which sewerage service is supplied by the Village, shall pay for such service, charges based on the amount of water consumed on said premises, fixed as follows:
      1.   Sewerage Service Charge: Subject to the minimum charge provided in subsection (A)2 of this section, the following charges shall be paid for sewerage service furnished:
         Four dollars and eight cents ($4.08) for each one hundred (100) cubic feet / five dollars and forty five cents ($5.45) per one thousand (1,000) gallons or fraction thereof of water consumed on said premises, in any month. This rate shall be effective for water consumed beginning June 1, 2024 and thereafter.
      2.   Minimum Charge: Where the amount of water supplied to any premises at the rate specified in subsection (D)3 of section 8-6-2 would be less than two hundred fifty (250) cubic feet or two thousand (2,000) gallons per month, there shall be a minimum charge for sewerage each month or fraction thereof equal to two and one-half (2-1/2) times the sewerage charge for one hundred (100) cubic feet, or two (2) times the charge for one thousand (1,000) gallon usage.
      3.   Installation Of Second Water Meter: Where a second water meter has been installed for lawn sprinkling purposes only, and approved by the Village Water Department, there will be no additional charge for sewer service, by virtue of such separate water use.
   (B)   Sewerage Revenue Bonds: (Rep. by Ord. 2329, 4-17-2000)
   (C)   Estimated Charges: If the charge for water for any particular monthly or bimonthly billing period is based on an estimated rather than an actual meter reading as provided in section 8-6-4 of this title, the charge for sewerage services shall be based on such estimated reading.
   (D)   Billing Cycle: Bills for sewerage service, as fixed in subsection (A) of this section, shall be due and payable at the Office of the Village Treasurer no later than twenty one (21) days after said bill is rendered. For any bill remaining unpaid after the twenty first day, there shall be added a penalty in the amount of ten percent (10%). All bills remaining unpaid twenty (20) days after the penalty date shall be deemed delinquent.
   (E)   Insufficient Funds Processing Fee: There shall be added an insufficient funds processing fee in accordance with section 2-12-8 of this Code.
   (F)   Failure To Pay: Failure of the owner or occupant of any premises to pay the charges for sewerage service thereto shall result in application of the provisions of section 8-6-5 of this title.
(Ord. 1512, 9-20-1982, eff. 10-1-1982; amd. Ord. 2329, 4-17-2000; Ord. 2431, 11-18-2002; Ord. 2715, 4-20-2009; Ord. 2986, 3-15-18, eff. 4-1-2018; Ord. 2989, 5-17-2018; Ord. 3041, 2-6-2020; Ord. 3062, 6-18-2020; Ord. 3090, 6-17-2021; Ord. 4009, 12-2-2021; Ord. 4021, 6-16-2022; Ord. 4027, 8-18-2022; Ord. 4060, 6-15-2023; Ord. 4099, 6-6-2024)