(A) Single family residences permitted. No person shall construct, occupy or use any land, lot, premises, building or structure in the village for any purpose or use other than as a single family dwelling, as an accessory use to a single family dwelling, or as a permitted home occupation, as such terms are defined in this section, and otherwise subject to the other provisions of this chapter. No more than 1 single family dwelling, or part thereof, shall be located on any lot within the village. No single family dwelling house shall hereafter be erected unless it shall have a minimum net floor area for living quarters of 1700 square feet above ground, exclusive of garage, porches or breezeways. No single family dwelling house shall hereafter be erected which shall contain less than 4 rooms including a bathroom, and no sleeping room thereof shall contain less than 125 square feet. It is the purpose of this section to prevent the construction of dwellings containing cramped living conditions.
No single family dwelling shall be occupied by more than 1 family or household. No land, lot, premises, building or structure in the village shall be constructed, occupied or used for any trade, industry or other commercial use other than a home occupation. As used in this section:
(2) FAMILY means 1 or more persons occupying a single dwelling unit, provided that unless all members are related to 1 or more other occupants by blood, adoption, foster or custodial status, or marriage, no such family shall contain over 5 persons; and
(3) SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING means a detached residential dwelling unit other than a mobile home designed for and occupied by 1 family or household only.
(B) Certain accessory uses permitted. ACCESSORY USE means a use of any land, lot, premises, building or structure that is subordinate to the principal use of any land, lot, premises, building or structure as a single family residence, and that serves a purpose customarily incidental to the principal use, which principal use is located on the same lot, or on an adjacent lot that is under common ownership with the lot, on which the accessory use occurs.
(C) Existing nonconforming uses; continuation. The lawful, nonconforming use of any land, lot, premises, building or structure existing at the time of the adoption of this section may be continued, although such use, building, structure or land does not conform with the provisions of this title; except that, unless required by law, no existing building, structure or land devoted to a use not permitted by this title or used in a manner not conforming to the other provisions of this title, shall be enlarged, extended, expanded, subdivided, changed or structurally altered, unless the use thereof is changed to a use permitted by this title and conforming to all the other provisions hereof.
(D) Permitted home occupations. HOME OCCUPATION means an occupation, profession, activity, or use that is clearly an incidental, secondary or customary use of a residential dwelling unit, which does not alter the exterior character or appearance of the dwelling or any other building or structure on the lot, which is carried on solely within the principal dwelling unit, and with respect to which the owner or occupant of the lot has delivered written notice thereof to the Mayor or his or her designee as set forth herein. No person shall construct, occupy or use any land, lot, premises, building or structure in the village for a home occupation except in conformity with the provisions of this section.
(1) No person other than members of the family residing on the premises shall be engaged in such home occupation, except that in connection with the practice of a profession which can be practiced only with the assistance of supportive personnel, 1 person not residing in such dwelling unit may be so employed;
(2) Not more than 25% of the floor area of the dwelling unit shall be used in the conduct of the home occupation;
(3) There shall be no change in the outside appearance of the building or premises, or other visible evidence of the conduct of such home occupation;
(4) No home occupation shall be conducted in any yard or accessory building, and no storage of equipment or materials used in a home occupation shall be outside the principal residence;
(5) No traffic shall be generated by the home occupation in greater volumes than would normally be expected in a residential neighborhood, and no more than 1 vehicle shall be used in connection with a home occupation;
(6) No equipment or process shall be used in the home occupation which creates noise, vibration, glare, fumes, odors or electrical interference detectable to the normal senses off the lot. In the case of electrical interference, no equipment or process shall be used which creates visual or audible interference in any radio or television receivers off the premises, or causes fluctuations in line voltage off the premises; and
(7) Any person who conducts an occupation, profession, activity, or use of property in the village in reliance on the provisions of this section that permit the conduct of home occupations, shall notify the Mayor or his or her designee in writing that such activity has or will occur, such notice to be delivered not later than 7 days after the first date on which such occupation, profession, activity or use of property first occurs, and shall describe the nature of the activity, the persons conducting such activity and the times during which such activity may be conducted.
(Ord. 228, passed 6-12-1964; Am. Ord. 01-2009, passed 4-20-2009; Am. Ord. 03-2014, passed 8-18-2014) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) No building or other structure shall hereafter be erected to a height of more than 2½ stories.
(B) No house shall be erected on any lot or parcel of land containing less than 5,000 square feet per house; provided that 1 single family dwelling may be erected on any lot now separately owned as shown by the records in the office of the County Recorder of Franklin County, Ohio.
(C) (1) No house or other residential structure shall be erected or constructed on any lot or parcel of land containing less linear frontage on publicly-dedicated and improved street than the greater of the following 2 distances: 50 feet, and a distance equal to the arithmetic average of the street frontage of all lots located both on the same street and within 500 feet of the outside boundaries of such lot or parcel; provided that 1 single-family dwelling may be erected on any lot now separately owned as shown by the records in the office of the County Recorder of Franklin County, Ohio and for which the County Auditor of Franklin County, Ohio, now maintains a separate tax parcel identification number.
(2) As used in this division (C), the term LOT shall have the meaning ascribed to that term in § 151.003;
(3) In determining the “arithmetic average” of the street frontage of lots located on the same street for purposes of this division (C):
(a) Only those lots located on the same side of the street as the parcel for which the computation is made is located shall be included;
(b) The term LOT shall have the above described meaning even though 1 or more lots, or parts thereof, have been combined into a single tax parcel by the Franklin County Auditor; and
(c) In determining the frontage of corner lots, i.e., lots that border more than 1 street as originally platted, the lot lines along each street shall be extended into the street right-of-way to the point of intersection, and such point shall be used as the corner of the lot for purposes of determining the street frontage of that lot.
(D) Structures (including all buildings), parking areas (including garages, parking pads and driveways), decks, patios, swimming pools, sidewalks and other hard-surfaced areas shall not cover more than 40% of the total lot area on any lot or parcel.
(Ord. 228, passed 6-12-1964; Am. Ord. 02-06, passed 6-19-2006; Am. Ord. 03-06, passed 7-10-2006; Am. Ord. 04-2008, passed 10-20-2008; Am. Ord. 03-2014, passed 8-18-2014) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Front yard restrictions. No buildings or other structures or any part thereof shall be erected nearer to the street line (meaning thereby the boundary line between the lot and the area dedicated for highway purposes along the front of the lot) than 35 feet; provided, however, that if houses have already been built on the street, the front building line of such new building or structure shall be set back the same set back distance from the street line as the nearest existing 2 houses on the same side of the street or where the set back distance of the 2 existing houses is different, then the average set back distance of the 2 houses; provided further that on the west side of Olentangy Boulevard due to the topography the set back distance shall be such distance as is approved by the Planning Commission.
(B) Side yard restrictions. No dwelling house or other structure shall hereafter be erected closer to the adjoining lot line than 10 feet. Said side yard shall be unobstructed from the established grade of the lot and the sky except for cornices or other obstructions of an ornamental nature, providing such obstructions do not extend into the side yard more than 18 inches. In the event the owner of a lot owns an adjoining lot or lots and desires to use more than 1 lot for such single dwelling house purpose (with necessary and proper out-buildings) a variance may be granted for modification of the side yard restriction by Council or such Commission as may be established to administer these provisions.
(C) Rear yard restrictions. Behind and immediately adjacent to every dwelling house hereafter erected there shall be an open, unoccupied yard extending across the entire width of the lot. The rear yard shall be 15% of the length of the entire lot, but in no case shall it be less than 10 feet. The depth of the rear yard shall be measured from the extreme rear line of the house. The provisions of this division (C) shall not prevent the use of a portion of the rear yard for garage purposes, provided that utility easements are not adversely affected.
(D) Grandfathering. In applying these regulations, strong consideration will be given to granting a variance to maintain consistent structural integrity; so that any renovations, improvements, or additions to existing structures will be consistent with such structures that historically have not been in conformance with current zoning codes.
(Ord. 228, passed 6-12-1964; Am. Ord. 571, passed 4-18-1985; Am. Ord. 03-2014, passed 8-18-2014) Penalty, see § 151.999
Council hereby adopts the Standard Driveway (Residential) on Public R/W & Specifications, as published by the City of Columbus, Ohio, Department of Public Service Engineering and Construction Division, Rev. 1/30/98, a copy of which is attached to Ordinance No. 794 and incorporated herein by reference, with administrative amendments, and with any and all additional administrative amendments and updates thereto, for mandatory use by persons who undertake or cause the construction, renovation or replacement of any driveway approach in the village; and authorizes and directs the Planning Commission to utilize such standard and specifications in the review and approval of any application for such construction, and not to approve or permit any construction of a driveway approach in the public rights of way of the village that does not comply with such standard and specifications. The Planning Commission shall deliver a copy of such standard and specifications to any person who seeks to undertake or cause the construction, renovation or replacement of any driveway approach in the village.
(Ord. 794, passed 3-19-2001; Am. Ord. 03-2014, passed 8-18-2014)
(A) No person shall cut or demolish any street curb, or construct any driveway or driveway approach from a public street within the village, except in accordance with the requirements of §§ 151.022, 151.023 and any other applicable section of these Codified Ordinances, or without the prior written permit of the Planning Commission or the prior written permit of the Mayor or his or her designee. As a condition of any such permit, the Planning Commission, Mayor or designee may require the provision of a bond in accordance with § 150.085.
(B) Each driveway shall be located and designed in a manner that provides for the safety of motorists and pedestrians.
(C) A driveway serving a residential property, parking area or lot shall be regulated as follows:
(1) Curb cuts. The location of curb cuts or points of ingress/egress shall be restricted to promote traffic safety, and limited to 1 per single- or multi-family dwelling located on any lot or parcel of property that contains 100 feet or less of street frontage on the street to which the drive gives access, as measured at the set back line. A second curb cut may be permitted by the Planning Commission for properties containing more than 100 feet of street frontage on the street to which the drive gives access in connection with the issuance of a certificate of appropriateness for such lot or parcel. In the event the lot or parcel for which a second curb cut exists is subdivided or otherwise altered such that it no longer contains more than 100 feet of frontage, the owners thereof shall thereafter remove 1 drive and curb cut after application therefor to the Planning Commission and the issuance of a certificate of appropriateness for such removal. Any permitted second curb cut shall be subject to the following requirements:
(a) A maximum of 30% of linear curb distance along the lot frontage may be removed for driveway curb cuts except as otherwise limited in this section.
(b) The design function and appearance of driveways leading from an additional curb cut shall be compatible with and complementary to the building it serves as well as the surrounding neighborhood by the use of consistent paving materials.
(c) The curb cuts shall be located to provide adequate distance from adjacent properties or intersecting streets to prevent vehicle and pedestrian conflicts. The placement of an additional curb
cut shall not conflict with existing safety or utility or infrastructure improvements including but not limited to traffic control devices, curb inlets, manholes, yard drains, meter sets, and valves.
(d) Install curbs and aprons of concrete of not less than 6 inches in thickness and aprons shall extend at least 6 feet from the asphalt portion of the street and not less than 10 feet in width.
(e) All curbs replaced shall be finished with radial corners.
(f) In addition to the requirements of division (A) of this section, all curbs shall be finished with asphalt overlay to meet the existing grade of the street.
(g) All debris remaining after curb has been cut shall be removed at once.
(2) Setbacks. Driveways shall be set back at least 5 feet from a side lot line. Where a single common drive is provided for 2 adjoining lots no driveway setback is required along the common property line.
(3) Pavement width.
(a) Curb line and right-of-way line. All driveways shall have a minimum width of 10 feet and a maximum width of 20 feet. In addition, curb lines will have 2, 3-foot flares, 1 on each side, measured at the curb line.
(4) Design of driveways and hardscaping. No curb cut or driveway on land located within the village shall hereafter be constructed, altered, enlarged or modified except after issuance of a certificate of appropriateness therefor in accordance with § 151.068 of these Codified Ordinances. In reviewing an application for any such construction, alteration, modification or enlargement the Planning Commission may consider, among other things the materials used and the hardscaping to be provided in connection with the improvement. The primary pavement material on driveways and any driveway additions shall be identical. Approved primary pavement materials include asphalt, concrete, brick, concrete pavers, colored and imprinted concrete, or natural stone pavers or flagstones. The use of gravel as a driveway material is not permitted. Secondary materials such as brick or stone may be used for driveway borders or insets.
(5) Front yard lot coverage. Lot coverage in the yard space between the public street right-of-way, side property lines, and building setback lines shall not exceed 30%.
(Ord. 07-2008, passed 11-17-2008; Am. Ord. 03-2014, passed 8-18-2014) Penalty, see § 151.999
(A) Attached garages may be 1-, 2-, or 3-car in size, shall meet the setback requirements for buildings, and will be subject to review and approval by the Planning Commission.
(B) Private detached garages as an accession to a single dwelling house shall be limited as follows: 1-, 2-, or 3-car garages may be built on the same lot with a dwelling house, providing such garages are located at least 10 feet in the rear of the dwelling house. Setbacks and rear yards for detached garages shall be the same as required for buildings, and will be subject to review and approval by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 228, passed 6-12-1964; Am. Ord. 03-2014, passed 8-18-2014)
No building shall be erected on a corner lot nearer than 20 feet to the side street line (meaning the boundary line between such lot and the area dedicated for highway purposes along the side thereof) and any detached garage or other out-building shall be erected as far from such side street line as possible and in no case nearer to such side street line than 30 feet; provided, however, on corner lots having a width of 50 feet or less, the building set-back line shall be at least 10 feet from the side street line and all detached garages or other out-buildings shall be constructed at least 20 feet from the side street line.
(Ord. 228, passed 6-12-1964; Am. Ord. 03-2014, passed 8-18-2014) Penalty, see § 151.999
No buildings or premises shall hereafter be erected, altered or used for any of the following purposes: Multiple dwellings, billboards or advertising signs, refuse dumps, storage or any other purposes which may cause noxious odors, danger of explosion undue fire hazards or such noise as to be a public nuisance. No premises shall be used for sand, gravel or dirt pits or for removal of sod for sale, except by special permit issued by the Village Council or Planning Commission. The enumeration in this section of specific prohibited uses shall not in any manner limit the generality of the restrictions and limitations contained in other sections of this chapter.
(Ord. 228, passed 6-12-1964; Am. Ord. 03-2014, passed 8-18-2014) Penalty, see § 151.999