(A) If after examination of the application, the Planning Commission shall determine that the proposed work is prima facie in compliance with the provisions of this chapter and all other applicable ordinances of the village, he or she shall cause a certificate of appropriateness to be issued. Applications not in accordance herewith shall be rejected and returned to the applicant.
(B) If during the prosecution of work under a certificate of appropriateness, it shall be necessary to make any changes in the plans, or contract, the certificate of appropriateness holder shall notify the Planning Commission in writing of the proposed changes. If approved, the changes shall be added to the original certificate of appropriateness file, and if the cost of the work is thereby increased so much as to require a higher fee, such additional sum shall be collected in accordance with the schedule hereinafter set forth.
(C) No certificate of appropriateness authorizing the removal or razing of a building or structure, or authorizing the construction of a new dwelling, shall be granted until notice of the application therefor shall have been given to the owners of lots adjoining the lot upon which the building or structure is located, and to which the building or structure is to be moved, and to the owners of wires or other impediments the removal of which will be necessary. No certificate of appropriateness shall be granted until a bond in the penal sum of not less than $2,000 shall have been filed with the Clerk-Treasurer, conditioned upon the full and faithful performance and compliance with all the provisions of these ordinances, and to indemnify the village for any damages.
(Ord. 229, passed 6-12-1964; Am. Ord. 02-2014, passed 8-18-2014)
No person shall occupy or permit the use of any building or structure or part thereof hereafter erected, altered or changed in use or construction, until a certificate of occupancy and compliance has been secured from the Franklin County Building Department stating that the building or premises comply with all the provisions of this code and the other ordinances of the village; provided that nothing in this section shall prevent the continuance of any occupancy or use existing at the time of adoption of this code.
(Ord. 229, passed 6-12-1964; Am. Ord. 02-2014, passed 8-18-2014) Penalty, see § 150.999
(A) No construction is permitted in Reserves A, B, or C.
(B) The village will not issue a certificate of appropriateness to anyone desiring to build a residence or any other structure over or within 10 feet of any storm lines, sanitary sewer lines or other utility lines running across and under each of Reserves A and C.
(Ord. 549, passed 12-19-1983; Am. Ord. 561, passed 11-19-1984; Am. Ord. 02-2014, passed 8-18-2014)
Any person who violates a provision of this chapter or fails to comply therewith, and any owner upon whose real property the violation occurs, shall severally, for each and every such violation and noncompliance, be fined pursuant to current rates set by the Franklin County Municipal Court. Each 24-hour period during which such violation or noncompliance continues shall constitute a separate violation. The imposition of a penalty for the violation of this chapter shall not excuse the violation or permit it to continue. The application of the above penalty shall not be held to prevent the enforced removal of any prohibited condition.
(Ord. 229, passed 6-12-1964; Am. Ord. 578, passed 12-16-1985; Am. Ord. 02-2014, passed 8-18-2014)