4-1-35: MORTAR:
All mortar used in the construction of receiving basins, or other fixtures appertaining to house drainage, shall be composed of one part pure hydraulic cement powder, thoroughly incorporated with one part of clean, sharp lake shore sand mixed with clean water, and fresh made for the work in hand; and it shall be used immediately after being mixed, and not allowed to stand upon the mortar boards until it has "set", and then brokendown, remixed or re-tempered so-called. The cement shall be fresh made and of some satisfactory and reliable brand; and of such quality and uniformity as will be demonstrated by a proper test under the direction of the Department of Public Works of the Village of River Grove; to be a superior quality and thoroughly adapted to the construction of sewers and similar work, to be approved by the Engineer.
All pipe sewers or drains shall be laid with pure cement mortar, the cement used to be approved by the Engineer.