10-17-4: PROCEDURES:
The following steps are provided to assure the orderly review of every site plan review application in a timely and equitable manner:
   A.   Prefiling Review And Transmittal Of Application:
      1.   Conference:
         a.   A prospective applicant, prior to submitting a formal application for a site plan review, shall meet for a prefiling conference(s) with the Zoning Administrator, the Director of Public Works and any other Village official designated by the Village Administrator. The purpose of the conference(s) is to help the applicant understand the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Title, the standards by which the application will be evaluated, and the application requirements.
         b.   After reviewing the site plan review process, the applicant may request a prefiling conference with the Village staff to discuss a request for waiver of any application requirement which in the applicant's judgment should not apply to the proposed project. Such request shall be made in writing prior to the submission of the formal application documents.
         c.   All requests for waiver shall be reviewed within ten working days by the Zoning Administrator and a final determination regarding the waiver shall be given to the prospective applicant within five working days.
      2.   Site Plan Review Application: Following the completion of the prefiling conference(s), the applicant shall file the application for a site plan review. The Zoning Administrator may deliver copies of an application to other appropriate Village departments for review and comment.
      3.   Application Review: The Zoning Administrator shall determine whether the application is complete for purposes of initiating the site plan review. If the Zoning Administrator determines that the application is not complete, he shall notify the applicant in writing of any deficiencies and shall take no further steps to process the application until the deficiencies are remedied.
      4.   Development Review Board: A copy of the complete application and a written report incorporating the comments of Village staff and other agencies regarding the compliance of the proposed development with the requirements and standards of this Section shall be delivered to the Development Review Board.
      5.   Determination Not Binding: Neither the Zoning Administrator's determination that an application is complete nor any comment made by the Zoning Administrator at a prefiling conference or as part of the review process shall be intended or construed as a formal or informal recommendation for the approval of a site plan review for the proposed project, or component part thereof, nor shall be intended or construed as a binding decision of the Village, the Development Review Board or any staff member.
   B.   Review and Action by the Development Review Board:
      1.   Upon receiving the written report from the Zoning Administrator, the Development Review Board shall review and act upon the site plan review at its next regular meeting.
      2.   The Development Review Board shall review the application, the standards and requirements established by this Zoning Title, the written report of the Zoning Administrator, and any oral and written comments received by the Development Review Board. Within thirty days following the regular meeting, the Development Review Board shall make specific findings addressing each of the standards set forth in Section 10-17-3 and shall approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the site plan review.
   C.   Appeal to the Board of Trustees:
      1.   An applicant whose project did not receive site plan review Approval or received approval with conditions with which the applicant is not satisfied may, by written notice received by the Zoning Administrator within twenty days of the Development Review Board's determination, appeal the decision of the Development Review Board to the Board of Trustees. Upon receipt of the notice of appeal, the Zoning Administrator shall forward the complete application file along with the findings of the Development Review Board to the Board of Trustees.
      2.   Within sixty days of the filing of the notice of appeal, the Board of Trustees may deny the appeal, may refer the application to the Development Review Board for further review, may postpone further consideration pending the submittal of additional information including any application requirement previously waived, or may approve the site plan review with or without conditions.
      3.   Any action taken by the Board of Trustees pursuant to subsection C1 above shall require the concurrence of a majority of the Board of Trustees. (Ord. 2640, 5-23-95)