An application for site plan review approval shall be granted by the Development Review Board only if it finds that the applicant has demonstrated that at a minimum the proposed project complies with the following standards:
   A.   The proposed project is consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan;
   B.   The establishment, maintenance, or operation of the project will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, comfort, morals, or general welfare of the residents of the Village;
   C.   The proposed project will not diminish the use or enjoyment nor impede the development of other property in the vicinity for those uses or combination of uses which are permitted by the Zoning Title of the Village;
   D.   The proposed project will not diminish property values in the vicinity;
   E.   Adequate measures already exist or will be taken to provide ingress and egress to the proposed project in a manner that minimizes traffic congestion in the public streets;
   F.   The proposed project will be consistent with the character of the Village;
   G.   The project will not materially affect a known historical or cultural resource;
   H.   The design of the project considers its relationship to the surrounding area and minimizes adverse effects, including visual impacts of the proposed project on adjacent property;
   I.   The design of the proposed project promotes a safe and comfortable pedestrian environment; and
   J.   The project has included adequate consideration consistent with these standards for buffers, landscaping, fencing, lighting, signage, building materials, public open space, and other improvements to be associated with the proposed project. (Ord. 2640, 5-23-1995)