It shall be unlawful for any owner, operator or lessee of any residence, factor, shop, garage, filling station, institution, business, buildings or industries:
   (A)   To discharge into any sewer or drain connected to the sewerage system any oils, greases, fats, acids, chemicals, iron or mineral wastes, ashes or cinders, garbage, dead animals, rags, hair or any wastes that may cause clogging or that may be injurious to the sewers, sewage pumping equipment, treatment or disposal works or interfere with the proper treatment of domestic sewage or the operation and maintenance of the sewage disposal works.
   (B)   To connect any floor drain, pit drain, or any other drain subject to receiving oil, grease or gasoline to any municipal sewer or drain connected thereto, unless equipped with a trap that will keep oils and grease from entering the municipal sewer.
   (C)   To discharge into the municipal sewerage system, or into any drain connected thereto, any hot, suffocating, corrosive, inflammable or explosive liquids, gases, acids, vaporous substances, toxic pollutants, radioactive materials, oils or anything that may be detrimental to the successful operation of the sewage works.
   (D)   (1)   To connect any rain leader, sump pump, foundation drain, cistern overflow or any other storm water drain into the sanitary sewerage system, or into any drain connected thereto.
      (2)   All such connections or conductors now installed shall be removed, and the connection to the sanitary sewer closed in a permanent and satisfactory manner.
   (E)   To discharge water use only for cooling or refrigeration purposes into the sanitary or combined sewerage system which is connected to a sewage treatment plant.
   (F)   To enter, obstruct, uncover or tamper with any portion of the public sewer, or connect to it, or discharge any wastewater or any other substance directly into a manhole or other opening in the public sewerage system other than in accordance with requirements established by this chapter, and through service sewers approved by the Superintendent, except that the Superintendent may establish requirements and policies for such direct discharge and grant permission for direct discharge.
   (G)   (1)   To remove or demolish any building or structures with plumbing fixtures connected directly or indirectly to the public sewer, without first notifying the RSMU of such intention.
      (2)   All openings, in or leading to the public sewer line or lines caused by such work, shall be sealed watertight and inspected by the RSMU before being backfilled.
   (H)   To erect any permanent improvements, structures or buildings over public sewers without the written permission of the Superintendent.
   (I)   To discharge any substance that will cause the city's sewage treatment plant to violate its national pollutant discharge elimination system permit or Indiana Department of Environmental Management water quality standards.
(Ord. 1954-70, passed 11-1-54; Am. Ord. 2004-4, passed 3-4-04) Penalty, see § 52.99