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1705.06 FEES.
   The fee for each building permit issued on or after the effective date of this section, as amended, shall be calculated in accordance with the following:
   Based upon the estimated cost of the construction or alteration of the building or structures:
Fee (per thousand)
First       $1,000
$ 5.00
Next       99,000
Next       400,000
Amount over   500,000
   In addition to the fee provided for above, a fee of ten dollars ($10.00) shall be assessed for inspection of the structure's electrical wiring and a fee of ten dollars ($10.00) shall be assessed for inspection of the structure's plumbing.
   In the event the building or structure is being constructed under a federal housing authority permit and the applicable federal inspection certificate and permit are filed with the Building Inspector, no inspection fee as provided for herein shall be charged.
(1960 Code 7-406, 7-406A)
   The fee for a building permit for installation of a modular home located upon a lot located with the City limits shall be the same as the building permit fee based on the estimated cost of site preparation, labor and installation.
(Passed 4-5-16)
   In case of abandonment or discontinuance, the cost of work performed under a permit may be estimated and an adjustment in the building fee made and the portion of the fee for the incompleted work returned to the permit holder, provided that no refund of a prescribed minimum
fee shall be made. However, if such discontinuance is due to revocation of a permit an adjustment
and return may not be made until all penalties incurred or imposed by due authority have been collected. After a refund under this section has been made, no work shall again be resumed until a new application has been made and a new permit issued.
(1960 Code 7-407)
   The term "estimated cost" as used in this article means the reasonable value of all services, labor, material and use of scaffolding and other appliances or devices entering into and necessary to the prosecution and completion of the work ready for occupancy; provided that the cost of excavation where grading and painting, decorating and other working that is merely for embellishment or not necessary for the safe and lawful use of the building or structure shall not be deemed of such estimated cost.
(1960 Code 7-408)
   Building permits issued under this article shall expire when no work is commenced within six months after issuance thereof and shall expire when the work commenced thereunder is abandoned for a period of more than one year and no work thereunder shall be commenced after a permit has expired until a new permit shall have been issued.
(1960 Code 7-409)
   No house or residential building, addition thereto or alteration thereof, shall be constructed and no building permit shall be issued for any such construction, which will result in any portion of the house or residential building being located, placed or situated within less than five feet of the nearest front, back or side boundary line of the real estate on which it is built. The restriction provided for herein shall not apply to any structure built, or for which a proper building permit application has been submitted, prior to the effective date of this section. No variance from or exception to the restriction provided for in this section may be granted or approved, except as provided for and in conformance with all standards and requirements set forth in the Zoning Code.
(1960 Code 7-411)
   There are hereby adopted, approved and incorporated by reference herein to be applied within the corporate limits of the City, the requirements that technical submissions and construction administration services for building projects be furnished by registered architects or registered engineers in those circumstances, and subject to those definitions and exceptions set forth in West Virginia Code Article 30-12.
(Ord. 1960 Code 7-412)
   The Building Inspector or any of his designated agents may at any reasonable hour, enter any dwelling, multifamily dwelling, building, structure or premises within the City to perform any duty imposed on him by this Building and Housing Code, provided that permission to enter is obtained from the occupant or in the case of unoccupied property, from the owner or his agent. lf such permission is refused or is otherwise unobtainable, a search warrant must be obtained before such entry or inspection is made, except in the case of an existing emergency in which case entry may be made at any time and no search warrant is necessary. No person shall refuse to permit such emergency entry or inspection, nor shall any person hinder, obstruct, resist or abuse any person making or attempting to make such entry or inspection.
   All single-family dwelling units shall comply with the following design standards regardless of the zoning district in which it is located.
   (a)    Roof pitch shall be a minimum of 4:12.
   (b)    Roof material shall be of a type that is in compliance with the West Virginia State Building Code and the City Building Code (Article 1711).
   (c)    Roof overhang or eaves shall be designed for a minimum of eight inches as measured from the vertical side of the building and not including rain gutters, which are required.
   (d)    The unit's exterior finish shall be wood siding, vinyl siding, composite siding (cement board), stone, brick or other material compliant with the City Building Code or the West Virginia State Building Code and approved by the City Building Inspector.
   (e)    A permanent masonry foundation is required in accordance with the City Code for manufactured housing units and shall be constructed using the same standards for other residential dwellings in connection with footers and drainage; all tow bars, axles, and wheels shall be removed. The housing unit shall rest on a required center support and meet tie-down requirements of the West Virginia State Building Code and City Code.
   (f)    No housing unit shall be less than twenty-eight feet in width and fifty-six feet in length (28'0" x 56' 0") or have less than 1,500 square feet of living area.
1705.99 PENALTY.
   Whoever violates any provision of this Part Seventeen - Building and Housing Code for which no other penalty is provided, shall be fined one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for each offense and a further sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each and every month such failure to comply continues beyond the date of the original citation or notification of noncompliance and/or imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both. (9-5-06)