Pursuant to authority contained in Section 945.05, the following rules and regulations which are deemed necessary and proper by Council are hereby prescribed:
   (a)   It shall be unlawful for any person to cause or permit the accumulation of refuse, prepared or raw garbage or trash in, about or upon premises owned, occupied or used by them which and if such accumulation is unsightly, unsanitary or hazardous to the property, life, health, safety or welfare of the public.  Prepared and raw garbage, trash and refuse must be removed from the following classes of premises at least as often as indicated in the following schedule:
Residential dwelling (single or
     multiple unit and trailer courts)   Once per week
Professional offices            Once per week
Banks                  Once per week
Business offices            Once per week
Grocery stores               Once per week
Hotels and motels            Once per week
Theatres               Once per week
Drug stores               Once per week
Filling stations and garages         Once per week
Restaurants and taverns         Twice per week
Department stores            Twice per week
Variety stores               Twice per week
All other business establishments      Once per week
      (1960 Code 6-420, 421)
   (b)   However, Council shall have the right to require and determine that any commercial establishment in any of the above classes shall be required to remove prepared and raw garbage, trash and refuse oftener than the above minimum requirements upon the advice of the Superintendent of Sanitation and the County Health Officer that the prepared and raw garbage, trash or refuse generated and emanating from such establishment is such as to require oftener removal and after giving ten days' notice to the owner or operator of such establishment and giving him the right to be heard on the matter.
      (1960 Code 6-422)
   (c)   Refuse containers picked up by the employees of the City shall not be returned to their storage area at the residence from which they were picked up but shall be left at the curb by the employees of the City and shall be returned to their appropriate place by the owner thereof.
      (1960 Code 6-423)
      All persons desiring to deliver special type loads to the landfill site shall make arrangements with the Superintendent of Sanitation so as to arrive at the land fill site while the City employees are at the site dumping loads which they have collected.
      (1969 Code 6-424)
   (d)   All residential customers shall be responsible for placing the garbage or refuse from their residences at the curbside adjacent to the nearest roadway traveled by a City garbage truck on its regular route by 8:00 a.m. to facilitate its removal and disposal.  City employees and trucks may leave and decline to collect any garbage or refuse which is not placed at the curbside by 8:00 a.m at the place of their regular route, or which is not placed or stored in the manner specified herein.  All garbage and refuse from residential customers shall be placed and stored in plastic garbage bags, and if such bags are placed in containers, such containers shall meet the specifications of refuse containers specified in Section 945.01.
      Exceptions to curbside placement of garbage or refuse shall be granted for persons with handicaps, extreme hardship or other disability only upon request in writing and with the express approval of the Mayor or City Council.