The Village shall establish a Complete Streets Sub-Committee consisting of an appointee from each of the following Commissions: Parks and Recreation Commission; Economic Development Commission; and the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Sub-Committee will also include designated Village staff. The Sub-Committee will meet quarterly or as needed to oversee the implementation of the Complete Streets policy.
   (a)   The Village shall undertake the following process for implementing the Complete Streets policy:
      (1)   Develop a multi-modal transportation plan.
      (2)   Establish a checklist of pedestrian, bicycle and transit accommodations such as accessible sidewalk curb ramps, crosswalks, countdown pedestrian signals, signs, median refuges, curb extensions, pedestrian scale lighting, bike lanes, shoulders and bus shelters, with the presumption they shall be included in each project unless supporting documentation against inclusion is provided and is found to be justifiable.
      (3)   Establish a procedure to evaluate resurfacing projects for complete streets inclusion according to the length of the project, local support, environmental constraints, total available right-of-way, funding resources, and bicycle and/or pedestrian compatibility.
      (4)   Design bicycle and pedestrian facilities to the best currently available standards and practices, including the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, the AASHTO Guide for the Planning, Design, and Operation of Pedestrian Facilities, the AASHTO Green Book: A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Highway Capacity Manual (HCM), the FHWA Manual of Uniform Traffic Control devices (MUTCD), the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG), and other relevant guidelines. Methods for providing flexibility within safe design parameters, such as context sensitive solutions and designs, will also be considered.
      (5)   Implementation of regular training for existing and new Village engineers, planners and elected officials on bicycle/pedestrian/transit policies and the integration of non-motorized travel options into transportation systems.
      (6)   Update of all relevant and appropriate codes, standards, and ordinances to ensure the design components for all modified streets meet the intent of this policy.
      (7)   Identification of all current and potential future sources of funding for street improvements.
      (8)   Establishment of performance measures to gauge the success of the Complete Streets policy.
   (b)   Through the implementation of the above outlined process, the Village will:
      (1)   Create a comprehensive, integrated, connected multi-modal network by providing connections to biking and walking trip generators such as employment, education, residential, recreational and public facilities, as well as retail and transit centers.
      (2)   Provide safe and accessible accommodations for existing and future pedestrian, bicycle and transit facilities.
      (3)   Address the need for bicyclists and pedestrians to cross corridors as well as travel along them. Even where bicyclists and pedestrians may not commonly use a particular travel corridor that is being improved or constructed, they will need to be able to cross such corridor safely and conveniently. Therefore, the design of intersections shall accommodate bicyclists and pedestrians in a manner that is safe, accessible and convenient.
      (4)   Research, develop and support best practices in improving safety and mobility.
      (5)   Consider connections for safe routes to schools, trail crossings, and areas or population groups with limited transportation options.
      (6)   Comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
(Ord. 1616. Passed 4-25-16.)