(a)   A notice of license revocation shall be issued whenever the Village Manager has information that:
      (1)   The owner or operator of an SOE business or a holder of an SOE manager, server or entertainer license has violated, or knowingly allowed or permitted the violation of, any of the provisions of this chapter;
      (2)   The SOE license or the SOE manager, server or entertainer license was obtained through false statements in the application for such license or a renewal thereof;
      (3)   The SOE licensee or the SOE manager, server or entertainer licensee failed to make a complete disclosure of all information in the application for such license or a renewal thereof;
      (4)   The owner or operator, or any partner, corporate officer or director holding an SOE business license, has become disqualified from having a license by a conviction as provided in Section 864.09; or
      (5)   The holder of an SOE manager, server or entertainer license has become disqualified from having a license by a conviction as provided in Section 864.10.
   (b)   The Village Manager shall notify the person holding the license, in writing, at the address provided in the application or subsequent amended address, by certified mail, that pending an opportunity for a hearing before the Village President, the license shall be revoked. Such notification shall include the specific Code violation alleged. The person shall have ten days from the mailing of the notice to request in writing a hearing before the Village President on the pending revocation. Failure to request a hearing shall result in a revocation of the license by the Village Manager. Based upon the evidence produced at the hearing, the Village President may take any of the following actions:
      (1)   Suspend the license for up to ninety days.
      (2)   Revoke the license for the remainder of the license year.
      (3)   Place the license holder on administrative probation for a period of up to one year, on the condition that no further violations of this chapter occur during the period of probation. If a violation does occur, and after a hearing the violation is determined to have actually occurred, the license will be revoked for the remainder of the license year.
(Ord. 792. Passed 8-9-93.)