This perimeter landscaping standards section applies to the following types of development: ST; CV; CS; TD; TN; ZL; SC; CD; IP; DP; and PD.
   (A)   Applicability. Perimeter landscaping shall be installed as indicated in the minimum perimeter landscaping standards on the layout for each subdivision type in §§ 165.365 through 165.374 or as indicated in §§ 165.240 through 165.246 for planned developments. If not indicated, the Zoning Administrator shall determine the appropriate perimeter landscaping requirements for the development.
   (B)   Ownership. Perimeter landscaping areas shall retain private ownership whether that be a single land owner or an owners’ association.
   (C)   Landscaping design.
      (1)   Size. Perimeter landscape areas shall extend the entire length of the frontage.
      (2)   Plantings. Trees and shrubs shall be provided at a combined rate of ten per 100 lineal feet of perimeter planting. Plantings should be 50% evergreen, and grouping of the plantings is encouraged to imitate natural vegetation.
      (3)   Fencing or mounding. Fencing and/or mounding may be integrated with the required plantings if the following conditions are met.
         (a)   Perimeter fences shall be high quality; constructed of masonry, stone, wood or metal; and be at least 36 inches in height, but not over 72 inches in height.
         (b)   Mounds may be combined with plantings and fencing. If used, mounds shall be a minimum of three feet in height with a side slope not to exceed a three to one (3:1) ratio. Continuous mounds shall not be permitted (i.e., levee-like mounds).
   (D)   Qualifying ad required open space. Fifty percent of the perimeter landscaping areas may count towards open space required in § 165.396 (Open Space Standards).
(Ord. 10-2010, passed - -2010, § 7.18)