(A)   Industrial Park Subdivision intent and prerequisites.
      (1)   Intent. The Industrial Park Subdivision type is intended to provide a development option with the following features.
         (a)   Land use.
            1.   One hundred percent non- residential; and
            2.   At least 60% industrial uses.
         (b)   Applicability. Industrial subdivisions of all sizes that may or may not require new streets.
         (c)   Pedestrian network.
            1.   Safe movement to primary structures from streets;
            2.   Safe movement between primary structures; and
            3.   Safe accessibility to perimeter streets.
         (d)   Vehicular network.
            1.   Connectivity to adjacent lots;
            2.   Use of frontage streets when necessary;
            3.   Safe and efficient integration of vehicular and truck traffic; and
            4.   Minimal curb cuts.
         (e)   Site feature preservation. Strive to save quality existing tree stands.
      (2)   Prerequisites.
         (a)   Base zoning. I1 or I2.
         (b)   Minimum parent tract. No minimum.
         (c)   Maximum parent tract. No maximum.
(Ord. 10-2010, passed - -2010, § 6.17)
   (B)   Industrial Park Subdivision standards.
      (1)   Open space/landscaping.
         (a)   Minimum required open space. Ten percent.
         (b)   Minimum perimeter landscaping.
            1.   Forty feet along perimeter streets that shall be common area;
            2.   Twenty feet along all other perimeters; and
            3.   Zero feet if abutting a I1, I2 or HI District.
      (2)   Blocks.
         (a)   Minimum block length. No minimum.
         (b)   Maximum block length. No maximum.
         (c)   Cul-de-sac length. Cul-de-sacs not permitted.
      (3)   Streets.
         (a)   Minimum ROW on local streets. Sixty feet.
         (b)   Minimum street width. Twenty-four feet.
         (c)   Curb. Not applicable.
         (d)   On-street parking. Not applicable.
         (e)   Minimum tree plot width. Not applicable.
         (f)   Minimum sidewalk/sidepath width. Not applicable.
   (C)   Additional design standards that apply.
      (1)   Dedication of public improvement. See § 165.386.
      (2)   Development name. See § 165.387.
      (3)   Easement. See § 165.388.
      (4)   Entryway feature. See § 165.389.
      (5)   Erosion control. See § 165.390.
      (6)   Flood hazard. See § 165.391.
      (7)   Lot establishment. See § 165.393(B).
      (8)   Monuments and markers. See § 165.395.
      (9)   Open space. See § 165.396.
      (10)   Owners’ association. See § 165.397.
      (11)   Pedestrian network. See § 165.398.
      (12)   Perimeter landscaping. See § 165.399.
      (13)   Prerequisites. See § 165.400.
      (14)   Storm water. See § 165.401.
      (15)   Streets and access. See §§ 165.415, 165.416, 165.420 and 165.421.
      (16)   Street lighting. See § 165.422(C) and (D).
      (17)   Surety. See § 165.423.
      (18)   Utility. See § 165.424.
(Ord. 10-2010, passed - -2010, § 6.18)