(a) In all industrial districts no building shall be erected, altered or moved and no land shall be used for carrying on of manufacturing activities of the character of or similar to tanneries, slaughterhouses, stockyards, glue factories, soap factories, oil refineries, drop forgings or other uses the normal operation of which produce or cause noxious, offensive, unhealthful and harmful odors, fumes, dust, smoke, light, waste, noise or vibration.
(Ord. 99-2002. Passed 11-26-02.)
(b) The processing of raw material for shipment in bulk form to be used in an industrial or commercial operation at another location is prohibited, except for the processing of raw materials for legal pharmaceutical drugs and medical marijuana.
(Ord. 11-2017. Passed 2-28-17.)
(c) No interior display shall be visible from any property line.
(Ord. 99-2002. Passed 11-26-02.)
No use, otherwise allowed, shall be permitted within the I-2 Industrial District which does not conform to the following standards of use, occupancy and operation, which standards are hereby established as the minimum requirements to be maintained within the area.
(a) Smoke. No person, firm or corporation shall permit the emission of any smoke from any source whatever to a density greater than that density described as
No. 1 on the Ringelmann Chart; provided, that the following exceptions shall be permitted: smoke, the shade of appearance of which is equal to but not darker than No. 2 on the Ringelmann Chart for a period or periods, aggregating four minutes in any thirty minutes.
Method of Measurement. For the purpose of grading the density of smoke, the Ringelmann Chart, as now published and used by the United States Bureau of Mines, which is hereby made a part of this chapter, shall be the standard. However, the Umbrascope readings of smoke densities may be used when correlated with the Ringelmann Chart.
(b) Dust, Dirt and Fly Ash. No person, firm or corporation shall operate or cause to be operated, maintain or cause to be maintained, any process for any purpose or furnace or combustion device for the burning of coal or other natural or synthetic fuels, without maintaining and operating, while using such process or furnace or combustion device, recognized and approved equipment, means, method, device or contrivance to reduce the quantity of gas or airborne solids or fumes emitted into the open air, which is operated in conjunction with such process furnace or combustion device so that the quantity of gas or airborne solids shall not exceed 0.20 grains per cubic foot of the carrying medium at a temperature of 500 degrees Fahrenheit.
Method of Measurement. For the purpose of determining the adequacy of such devices, these conditions are to be conformed to when the percentage of excess air in the stack does not exceed fifty percent at full load. The foregoing requirement shall be measured by the A.S.M.E. Test Code for dust separating apparatus. All other forms of dust and dirt shall be completely eliminated insofar as escape or emission into the open air is concerned. The Director of Public Safety may require such additional data as is deemed necessary to show that adequate and approved provisions for the prevention and elimination of dust and dirt have been made.
(c) Noise. The intensity level of the sounds being emitted from any operation within districts regulated by this section shall not exceed the following decibel levels when adjacent to the following types of use districts:
In Decibels | Adjacent Use | Where Measured |
50 | All Residential Districts | Common Property Line |
55 | Office-Service District | Common Property Line |
55 | Neighborhood Business District | Common Property Line |
60 | Regional Business Districts | Common Property Line |
60 | General Business Districts | Common Property Line |
60 | Industrial Office District | Common Property Line |
75 | Major Street | At Street Line |
60 | Secondary residential street (residential opposite) | At Street Line |
Objectionable noises, due to intermittence, beat frequency or shrillness shall be muffled so as not to become a nuisance to adjacent uses.
Method of Measurement. The sound level, in decibels, measured at the points adjacent to the various use districts shall meet the established levels ninety percent of the time, and shall not exceed the established sound levels by more than ten percent. The sound levels shall be measured with an approved standard sound-level meter incorporating a forty decibel frequency weighting network, or by any method subsequently approved by the U.S. Bureau of Standards.
(d) Glare and Heat. Such operations producing an intensity of light and heat (such as welding operations and acetylene torch cutting) which would prove detrimental to any person or to the public or endanger the health, comfort or safety of any such person or the public, shall be performed within a completely enclosed building or behind a fence so as to completely obscure the operation from view from any point beyond the property line, except during the period of construction of the facilities to be used and occupied.
(e) Sewage Wastes. No use or structure shall be established unless connected to an approved public sanitary sewer. Wastes disposed into the sanitary sewer shall comply with the regulations of the authority operating the sewer.
(f) Odor. The emission of obnoxious odors of any kind shall be unlawful.
Method of Measurement. For the purpose of defining an odor, as such, it is hereby established that at such point where the measurement of the threshold of smell can be achieved, it shall be considered a noxious concentration and shall not be exceeded. These measurements will show the minimum concentration at which the first sensation of odor is had, and shall be made in ounces of the substances per thousand cubic feet of air (example: maximum for ethyl selano mercaptan shall be 18 millionths of an ounce per 1,000 cubic feet of air).
(g) Gases. The escape or emission of any gas which is injurious or destructive in character shall be unlawful and may be summarily abated.
(h) Fire and Explosive Hazards. The storage, handling and use of flammable or explosive materials shall be permitted only in structures having incombustible exterior walls, and all operations in connection therewith shall be provided with adequate safety and protective devices against hazards of fire and explosion as well as with adequate fire-fighting and suppression equipment and devices standard to the operation involved.
(Ord. 99-2002. Passed 11-26-02.)
In every district regulated by the performance standards as set forth in Section 1171.05, any use of any facility or equipment which results in a violation of the performance standards shall be, and is hereby declared to be a violation of this chapter and a nuisance, and the same may be prosecuted under the penal provisions set forth in Chapter 1187.
(Ord. 99-2002. Passed 11-26-02.)
(a) No building or structure shall be erected or land used in an I-2 Industrial District unless the site plan has been approved by Council. Council shall not approve the site plan unless it receives a report and recommendation from the Planning Commission, but Council may act on the site plan if a report and recommendation is not received from the Planning Commission within sixty days after the site plan has been presented to the Commission.
(b) When recommending the approval of a site plan for an I-2 District, the Planning Commission may recommend such additional conditions as are necessary to secure the following objectives:
(1) That all the development features including the principal and accessory buildings, open spaces, service roads, driveways and parking areas shall be located so as to encourage pedestrian and vehicular traffic safety; and
(2) That the design of such land use will not discourage the appropriate development or impair the value of existing or proposed development in the area surrounding the subject development.
(Ord. 99-2002. Passed 11-26-02.)