Acoustical terminology used throughout these regulations is that most recently approved as American Standard Acoustical Terminology by the American National Standards Institute; except as may be specified otherwise herein.
(a) “Person” means any individual, partnership, association, firm, syndicate company, trust, corporation, department, bureau or agency or any other entity recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties.
(b) “Noise pollution” means the presence of that amount of acoustic energy for that period of time necessary:
(1) To cause temporary or permanent hearing loss in persons exposed;
(2) To be otherwise injurious, or tend to be, on the basis of current information, injurious to the public health or welfare;
(3) To cause a nuisance;
(4) To interfere with domestic tranquility, that is, the comfortable enjoyment of life and property or the conduct of business; or
(5) To exceed standards or restrictions established herein or pursuant to the granting of any permit by Council.
(c) “Noise level” or “sound-pressure level”, in decibels, means 10 times the common logarithm of the ratio of the time-mean-square pressure of the sound to the reference mean-square sound pressure. The reference mean-square sound pressure shall be 4 x 10-8 microbars squared. (20 micropascal squared)
(d) “dBA” mean the A-weighted sound-pressure level in decibels, as measured by a sound-level meter complying with the provisions of the American Standard for General Purpose Sound Level Meters, American National Standards Institute, properly calibrated, and operated on the “A” weighting network.
(e) “Noise source” means any person or animal, or mechanical, electrical or thermal device which radiates acoustic energy.
(f) “Mobile noise source” means any source, other than an individual, of acoustic energy in motion relative to a fixed position.
(g) “Stationary noise source” means any source, other than an individual, of acoustic energy in a fixed position.
(Ord. 31-76. Passed 4-27-76.)
(Ord. 31-76. Passed 4-27-76.)