(A) It is necessary for the town to adopt a comprehensive property numbering system and to designate prefixes for certain streets in the town. This street designation and numbering system is intended to promote public convenience and general welfare of the citizens of the town.
(1987 Code, § 7-1-01)
(B) Prefixes for the following named streets or parts thereof are hereby designated as follows.
(1) “North” and “South” prefix designation. The portion of the streets named below that are lying north of Hargett Street are hereby designated or renamed with the prefix “North” and that portion of the streets named below and lying south of Hargett Street are hereby designated or renamed with the prefix “South”:
(a) Wilmington Street;
(b) Nicholson Street;
(c) Onslow Street;
(d) Cox Street;
(e) Academy Street; and
(f) Church Street.
(2) “East” and “West” prefix designation. The portion of the streets that are named below and lying east of Wilmington Street are hereby designated or renamed with the prefix “East” and the portion of the streets named below and lying west of Wilmington Street are hereby designated or renamed with the prefix “West”:
(a) Foy Street;
(b) Hargett Street;
(c) Franck Street; and
(d) Richlands Boulevard.
(1987 Code, § 7-1-02)
(A) General. The property numbering document, entitled “Property Numbering System, dated September, 1991, Town of Richlands, NC”, is hereby adopted as the official property numbering system for the town and all property numbers shall be assigned in accordance with the numbering system herein, and no other property numbers shall be displayed in the town, except those assigned in accordance with the official property numbering system. The property numbering system shall be kept on file in the office of the Town Clerk.
(1987 Code, § 7-1-41)
(B) Property owners to purchase numbers. Every property owner of improved property shall, on or before 12-31-1991, purchase and display in a conspicuous place on said property, the number assigned, which shall be of the type approved by the Board of Aldermen.
(1987 Code, § 7-1-42)
(C) Numbers for future buildings. All residences and building erected after the adoption of this section shall be assigned a number by the Town Administrator in accordance with the property numbering system, and shall purchase and display such number as provided in division (B) above within 30 days of the initial occupancy or use of such residence or building.
(1987 Code, § 7-1-43)
(D) Violation to deface number. It shall be a violation of this section for any person to alter, deface or take down any number placed on any property in accordance with this section, except for repair or replacement of said numbers.
(1987 Code, § 7-1-44)
(E) Numbers. All numbers shall be at least three inches high and be of a contrasting color to the residence or building in order to make the number more visible from the street. The numbers shall be located on the front of the residence or building, in proximity to the front doorway.
(1987 Code, § 7-1-45)
(F) Notice to violator. Whenever a member of the Police Department of the town or other person charged by the Town Administrator to enforce the provisions of the property numbering ordinances shall find that any of the provisions of the property numbering ordinances are being, or have been, violated by the owner or occupant of any residence or building, such officer or person shall notify the owner or occupant of the residence or building of the violation by hand delivery or by certified mail, return receipt requested, of a property numbering violation notice in such form as the Town Administrator may direct.
(1987 Code, § 7-1-46)
(G) Contents of notice. Such property numbering violation notice stated in division (F) above shall among other things, state upon its face the amount of the penalty for the specific violation; notify the offender that a failure to pay the penalty within the last prescribed time established by this section shall subject the offender to a civil action in the nature of debt for the applicable penalty together with the cost of the action to be taxed by the court; state that the offender may answer the town property numbering citation by mailing this citation and the stated penalty to Post Office Box 245, Richlands, North Carolina 28574 or may pay the amount at the Richlands Town Hall, Wilmington Street, Richlands 28574 and that upon payment, the case or claim and right of action by the town will be deemed compromise and settled.
(1987 Code, § 7-1-47)
(H) Settlement of claim.
(1) The Town Administrator or his or her designated agent is authorized to accept payments in full and final settlement of claim or claims, right or rights of action which the town may have to enforce such penalty by civil action in the nature of debt. Acceptance of a penalty shall be deemed a full and final release of any and all claims or right of action arising out of contended violations.
(2) The Town Administrator or his or her designated agent may also settle any property numbering violation notice if he or she determines that the notice was received as a result of mistake, inadvertence or excusable neglect.
(1987 Code, § 7-1-48)
(I) Fines to be paid to General Fund. All penalties paid to the town or as may be recovered in a civil action in the nature of debt as provided in this section shall be paid to the General Fund of the town.
(1987 Code, § 7-1-49)
Penalty, see § 150.99