(a) In addition to the base user charges applicable pursuant to Section 926.17 users discharging pollutants to the wastewater treatment works of the Village, whose average concentration, as defined in Section 926.13 in one or more classifications exceeds in any quarter that concentration defined as normal in Section 926.13(a) in the corresponding classification shall be subject to surcharges in accordance with current applicable industrial sewerage service rates as developed by the NEORSD.
(b) Surcharges may also be established for pollutants other than those provided for in this section which are permitted to be discharged to the wastewater treatment works by the Village, after pretreatment, or without pretreatment.
(c) Surcharges levied pursuant to this section shall be billed in accordance with the standard billing procedures established by the Village. The rates shall be as established by the Village.
(Ord. 5-1991. Passed 1-17-91.)