Fiscal Year:
Budget Procedure:
(a) Detailed estimate with supporting explanations of all proposed expenditures for each department, office, and agency of the city, and for the court, showing the expenditures for corresponding items for the last preceding fiscal year in full, and for the current fiscal year to March first and estimated expenditures for the balance of the current fiscal year;
(b) Statements of the bonded and other indebtedness of the city, if any, showing the debt redemption and interest requirements, the debt authorized and unissued, and the conditions of sinking funds, if any;
(c) Detailed estimates of all revenues of the city from sources other than taxes with comparative statements of the amounts received by the city from each of the same or similar sources for the last preceding fiscal year in full, and for the current fiscal year to March first, and estimated revenues for the balance of the current fiscal year;
(d) A statement of the estimated balance or deficit for the end of the current fiscal year;
(e) An estimate of the amount of money to be raised from current and delinquent taxes and the amount to be raised from bond issues which, together with any available unappropriated surplus and any revenues from other sources, will be necessary to meet the proposed expenditures;
(f) Such other supporting information as the Council may request.
Budget Hearing:
Section 8.3 A public hearing on the proposed budget shall be held before its final adoption at such time and place as the Council shall direct. Notice of such public hearing, a summary of the proposed budget and notice that the proposed budget is on file in the office of the Clerk shall be published at least one week in advance of the hearing. The complete proposed budget shall be on file for public inspection during office hours at such office for a period of not less than one week prior to such hearing.
Adoption of Budget:
Section 8.4 Not later than the second week in May of each year, the Council shall by resolution adopt a budget for the next fiscal year, shall appropriate the money needed for municipal purposes during the next fiscal year of the city and shall provide for a levy of the amount necessary to be raised by taxes upon real and personal property for municipal purposes subject to the limitations contained in Section 9.1.
Clerk to Certify Tax Levy:
Budget Control:
Section 8.5 Except for purposes which are to be financed by the issuance of bonds or by special assessment, or for other purposes not chargeable to a budget appropriation, no money shall be drawn from the treasury of the city except in accordance with an appropriation thereof for such specific purpose, nor shall any obligation for the expenditure of money be incurred without an appropriation covering all payments which will be due under such obligation in the current fiscal year. The Council by resolution may transfer any unencumbered appropriation balance, or any portion thereof from one account, department, fund or agency to another.
The Council may make additional appropriations during the fiscal year for unanticipated expenditures required by the city, but such additional appropriations shall not exceed the amount by which actual and anticipated revenues of the year are exceeding the revenues as estimated in the budget unless the appropriations are necessary to relieve an emergency endangering the public health, peace or safety.
Except in those cases where there is no other logical account to which an expenditure can be charged, expenditures shall not be charged directly to the contingency fund (or other similar fund). Instead, the necessary part of the appropriation for the contingency fund (or other similar fund) shall be transferred to the logical account and the expenditure then charged to such account.
At the beginning of each quarterly period during the fiscal year, and more often if required by the Council, the City Manager shall submit to the Council data showing the relation between the estimated and actual revenues and expenditures to date; and if it shall appear that the revenues are less than anticipated, the Council may reduce appropriations, except amounts required for debt and interest charges, to such a degree as may be necessary to keep expenditures within the revenues.
The balance in any budget appropriation which has not been encumbered at the end of the fiscal year shall revert to the general fund.
Section 8.6 The Council shall designate depositories for city funds and shall provide for the regular deposit of all city moneys. The Council shall provide for such security for city deposits as is authorized or permitted by statute, except that personal surety bonds shall not be deemed proper security.
Independent Audit: Annual Report:
The City Manager shall prepare an annual report of the affairs of the city including a financial report. Copies of such audit and annual report shall be made available for public inspection at the office of the City Manager within thirty days after receipt of the audit.
Power to Tax: Tax Limit:
Section 9.1 The City shall have the power to assess taxes and levy and collect rents, tolls and excises. Exclusive of any levies authorized by statute to be made beyond charter tax rate limitations, the annual ad valorem tax levy shall not exceed one and one-half per cent of the assessed value of all real and personal property subject to taxation in the city.
Subjects of Taxation:
Tax Day:
Preparation of the Assessment Roll:
Section 9.5 On or before the first Monday in March in each year, the Assessor shall prepare and certify an assessment roll of all property in the city subject to taxation. Such roll shall be prepared in accordance with statute and this charter. Values shall be estimated according to recognized methods of systematic assessment. The records of the Assessor shall show separate figures for the value of the land, of the building improvements and of personal property; and the method of estimating all such values shall be as nearly uniform as possible.
On or before the first Monday in March the Assessor shall give by first class mail a notice of any increase over the previous year in the assessed value of any property or of the addition of any property to the roll to the owner as shown by such assessment roll. The failure to give any notice or of the owner to receive it shall not invalidate any assessment roll or assessment thereon.
Board of Review:
Section 9.6 The Board of Review shall be composed of three freeholders of the city who shall meet the eligibility requirements for elective officers contained in Section 5.1 and who during their term of office shall not be city officers or employees or be nominees or candidates for elective city office. The filing by a member of the Board of Review of his nomination petition for an elective city office or the filing of a consent thereto shall constitute a resignation from the Board of Review. The appointment of members of such Board shall be based upon their knowledge and experience in property valuation. One member of the Board shall be appointed by the Council in January, 1958, and in each January thereafter for a term of three years, to replace the member whose term expires that year. The Council shall fix the compensation of the members of the Board. The Board of Review shall annually in February select its own chairman for the ensuing year and the Assessor shall be clerk of the Board and shall be entitled to be heard at its sessions, but shall have no vote.
Meetings of the Board of Review:
Section 9.7 The Board of Review shall convene in its first session on the second Monday in March of each year at such time of day and place as shall be designated by the Council and shall remain in session for at least eight hours for the purpose of considering and correcting the roll. In each case in which the assessed value of any property is increased over the amount shown on the assessment roll as prepared by the Assessor or any property is added to such roll by the Board, or the Board has resolved to consider at its second session such increasing of an assessment or the adding of any property to such roll, the Assessor shall give notice thereof to the owners as shown by such roll by first class letter mailed not later than the second day following the end of the first session of the Board. Such notice shall state the date, time, place and purpose of the second session of the Board. The failure to give any such notice or of the owner to receive it shall not invalidate any assessment roll or assessment thereon.
The Board of Review shall convene in its second session on the fourth Monday in March of each year at such time of day and place as shall be designated by the Council and shall continue in session until all interested persons have had an opportunity to be heard, but in no case for less than six hours. At the second session, the Board may not increase any assessment or add any property to the rolls, except in those cases in which the Board resolved at its first session to consider such increase or addition at its second session.
Notice of Meetings:
Duties and Functions of Board of Review:
Section 9.9 For the purpose of revising and correcting assessments, the Board of Review shall have the same powers and perform like duties in all respects as are by statute conferred upon and required of Boards of Review in townships, except as otherwise provided in this charter. It shall hear the complaints of all persons considering themselves aggrieved by assessments, and if it shall appear that any person or property has been wrongfully assessed or omitted from the roll, the Board shall correct the roll in such manner as it deems just. In all cases the roll shall be reviewed according to the facts existing on the tax day and no change in the status of any property after said day shall be considered by the Board in making its decisions. Except as otherwise provided by statute, no person other than the Board of Review shall make or authorize any change upon, or additions or corrections to, the assessment roll. It shall be the duty of the Assessor to keep a permanent record of all proceedings and to enter therein all resolutions and decisions of the Board.
Endorsement of Roll:
Section 9.10 After the Board of Review has completed its review of the assessment roll, and not later than the first Monday in April, the majority of its members shall endorse thereon and sign a statement to the effect that the same is the assessment roll of the city for the year in which it has been prepared. The omission of such endorsement shall not affect the validity of such roll.
Section 9.11 Within three days after the Council has adopted the budget for the ensuing year, the Clerk shall certify to the Assessor the total amount which the Council determines shall be raised by general ad valorem tax. He shall also certify all amounts of current or delinquent special assessments and all other amounts which the Council requires to be assessed, reassessed or charged upon any property or against any person.
City Tax Roll:
Section 9.12 After the Board of Review has completed its review of the assessment roll, the Assessor shall prepare a copy of the assessment roll to be known as the "City Tax Roll," and upon receiving the certification of the several amounts to be raised, as provided in Section 9.11, the Assessor shall spread upon said tax roll the several amounts determined by the Council to be charged, assessed or reassessed against persons or property. He shall also spread the amounts of the general ad valorem city tax, county tax and school tax according to and in proportion to the several valuations set forth in said assessment roll. To avoid fractions in computation on any tax roll, the Assessor may add to the amount of the several taxes to be raised not more than the amount prescribed by statute. Any excess created thereby on any tax roll shall belong to the city.
Tax Roll Certified for Collection:
Section 9.13 After spreading the taxes the Assessor shall certify the tax roll and the Mayor shall annex his warrant thereto directing and requiring the Treasurer to collect, prior to March first of the following year, from the several persons named in said roll the several sums mentioned therein opposite their respective names as a tax or assessment and granting to him, for the purpose of collecting the taxes, assessments and charges on such roll, all the statutory powers and immunities possessed by township treasuries for the collection of taxes. On or before June first the roll shall be delivered to the Treasurer for collection.
Tax Lien on Property:
Section 9.14 On July first the taxes thus assessed shall become a debt due to the city from the persons to whom they are assessed, and the amounts assessed on any interest in real property shall become a lien upon such real property, for such amounts and for all interest and charges thereon, and all personal taxes shall become a first lien on all personal property of such persons so assessed. Such lien shall take precedence over all other claims, encumbrances and liens to the extent provided by statute and shall continue until such taxes, interest and charges are paid.
Taxes Due: Notification Thereof:
Section 9.15 City taxes shall be due on July first of each year. The Treasurer shall not be required to call upon the persons names in the city tax roll, nor to make personal demand for the payments of taxes, but he shall (a) publish, between June fifteenth and July first, notice of the time when said taxes will be due for collection and the penalties and fees for late payment of same, and (b) mail a bill to each person named in said roll, but in cases of multiple ownership of property only one bill need be mailed.
Failure on the part of the Treasurer to publish said notice or mail such bills shall not invalidate the taxes on said tax roll nor release the person or property assessed from the penalties and fees provided in this chapter in case of late payment or non-payment of the same.
Interest on Late Payment of Taxes:
Section 9.16. All taxes paid on or before the thirty-first day of August shall be collected by the Treasurer without additional charge. On September first, he shall add to all taxes paid thereafter four per cent of the amount of said taxes and on the first day of October and of each succeeding month, he shall add an additional one-half of one per cent of said taxes that remain unpaid. Such interest shall not exceed six per cent and shall belong to the city and constitute a charge and shall be a lien against the property to which the taxes themselves apply, collectable in the same manner as the taxes to which they are added. It is provided, however, that if delivery of the tax roll to the Treasurer, as provided in Section 9.13, is delayed for any reason by more than thirty days after June first, the application of the interest charge provided herein shall be postponed thirty days for the first thirty days of such delay and shall be postponed an additional thirty days for each additional thirty days, or major fraction thereof, of such delay.
Failure or Refusal to Pay Personal Property Tax:
Section 9.17 If any person, firm or corporation shall neglect or refuse to pay any personal property tax assessed to him or them by October first, the Treasurer shall collect the same by seizing the personal property of such person, firm or corporation to an amount sufficient to pay such tax fees and charges for subsequent sale, wherever the same may be found in the state, and from which seizure no property shall be exempt. He may sell the property seized to an amount sufficient to pay the taxes and all charges in accordance with statutory provisions. The Treasurer may, if otherwise unable to collect a tax on personal property sue, in accordance with statute, the person, firm or corporation to whom it is assessed.
Delinquent Tax Roll to County Treasurer:
Section 9.18 All city taxes on real property remaining uncollected by the Treasurer on the first day of March following the date when said roll was received by him shall be returned to the County Treasurer in the manner and with like effect as provided by statute for returns by township treasurers of township, school and county taxes. Such returns shall include all the additional assessments, charges and fees hereinbefore provided, which shall be added to the amount assessed in said tax roll against each property or person. The taxes thus returned shall be collected in the same manner as other taxes returned to the County Treasurer are collected, in accordance with statute and shall be and remain a lien upon the property against which they are assessed until paid. If by change in statute or otherwise. the Treasurer of the County of Osceola, is no longer charged with the collection of delinquent real property taxes, such delinquent taxes shall be collected in the manner then provided by statute for the collection of delinquent township, school and county taxes.
State, County and School Taxes:
Section 9.19 For the purpose of assessing and collecting taxes for state county and school purposes, the city shall be considered the same as a township. and all provisions of statute relative to the collection of and accounting for such taxes shall apply. For these purposes the Treasurer shall perform the same duties and have the same powers as township treasurers under statute.
Grant of Authority to Borrow:
Section 10.1 Subject to the applicable provisions of statute and this charter, the Council may by ordinance or resolution authorize the borrowing of money for any purpose within the scope of powers vested in the city and permitted by statute and may authorize the issuance of bonds or other evidences of indebtedness therefor. Such bonds or other evidences of indebtedness shall include but not be limited to the following types:
(a) General obligations which pledge the full faith, credit and resources of the city for the payment of such obligations including bonds for the city's portion of public improvements;
(b) Notes issued in anticipation of the collection of taxes, but the proceeds of such notes may be spent only in accordance with appropriations as provided by Section 8.5.
(c) In case of fire, flood or other calamity, emergency loans due in not more than five years for the relief of the inhabitants of the city and for the preservation of municipal property.
(d) Special assessment bonds issued in anticipation of the payment of special assessments made for the purpose of defraying the cost of any public improvement. or in anticipation of the payment of any combination of such special assessments. Such special assessment bonds may be an obligation of the special assessment district or districts or may be both an obligation of the special assessment district or districts and a general obligation of the city.
(e) Mortgage bonds for the acquiring, owning, purchasing, constructing, improving or operating of any public utility which the city is authorized by this charter to acquire or operate; provided such bonds shall not impose any liability upon such city but shall be secured only upon the property and revenues of such public utility, including a franchise, stating the terms upon which, in case of foreclosure, the purchaser may operate the same, which franchise shall in no case extend for a longer period than twenty years from the date of sale of such utility and franchise on foreclosure. A sinking fund shall be created in the event of the issuance of such bonds, by setting aside such percentage of the gross or net earnings of the public utility as may be deemed sufficient for the payment of the mortgage bonds at maturity, unless serial bonds are issued of such nature that no sinking fund is required.
(f) Bonds issued at a rate of interest not to exceed six per cent per annum to refund money advanced or paid on special assessments imposed for water main extensions.
(g) Bonds for the refunding of the funded indebtedness of the city.
(h) Revenue bonds as authorized by statute which are secured only by the revenues from a public improvement and do not constitute a general obligation of the city.
Authorization of Electors Required:
(a) Except as provided in Section 10.2(b), no bonds pledging the full faith and credit of the city shall be issued without the approval of three-fifths of the electors voting thereon at any general or special election.
(b) The restriction of Section 10.2(a) shall not apply to general obligation bonds issued to pay for the city's portion of public improvements the remainder of which are to be financed by special assessments, tax anticipation notes issued under Section 10.1(b), emergency bonds issued under Section 10.1(c), special assessment bonds issued under Section 10.1(d), refunding bonds issued under Section 10.1(e) or to bonds the issuance of which cannot, by statute, be so restricted by this charter.
(c) Only those persons who have property assessed for taxes in the city and their husbands and wives shall be entitled to vote on the approval of any issue of bonds which constitute a general obligation of the city, but no person may so vote unless he is a registered elector.
Applicability or Other Statutory Restrictions:
Section 10.3 The issuance of any bonds not requiring the approval of the electors shall be subject to applicable requirements of statute with regard to public notice in advance of the authorization of such issues, filing of petitions for a referendum on such issuance, holding of such referendum and other applicable procedural requirements.
Limits of Borrowing Powers:
Section 10.4 The net bonded indebtedness incurred for all public purposes shall not at any time exceed ten per cent of the assessed value of all the real and personal property in the city, provided that in computing such net bonded indebtedness there shall be excluded money borrowed under the following sections of this chapter: 10.1(b) (tax anticipation notes), 10.1(c) (emergency loans), 10.1(d) (special assessment bonds even though they are also a general obligation of the city), 10.1(e) (mortgage bonds), 10.1(f) (special assessment refunding bonds), 10.1(h) (revenue bonds), and other bonds which do not constitute a general obligation of the city.
The amount of emergency loans which the Council may make under the provisions of Section 10.1(c) of this charter may not exceed three-eighths of one per cent of the assessed value of all the real and personal property in the city.
The total amount of special assessment bonds pledging the full faith and credit of the city shall at no time exceed five per cent of the assessed value of all the real and personal property in the city, nor shall such bonds be issued In any consecutive period of twelve months in excess of one per cent of such assessed value unless authorized by a three-fifths vote of the electors voting thereon at any general or special election.
Preparation and Record of Bonds:
Section 10.5 Each bond or other evidence of indebtedness shall contain on its face a statement specifying the purpose for which the same is issued, and it shall be unlawful for any officer of the city to use the proceeds thereof for any other purpose. Any officer who shall violate this provision shall be deemed guilty of misconduct in office. All bonds and other evidences of indebtedness issued by the city shall be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Clerk, under the seal of the city. Interest coupons may be executed with the facsimile signatures of the Mayor and Clerk. A complete and detailed record of all bonds and other evidences of indebtedness issued by the city shall be kept by the Clerk. Upon the payment of any bond or other evidence of indebtedness, the same shall be marked "Cancelled."
Unissued Bonds:
Section 10.6 No unissued bonds of the city shall be issued or sold to secure funds for any purpose other than that for which they were specifically authorized, and if any such bonds are not sold within three years after authorization, such authorization shall, as to such bonds, be null and void, and such bonds shall be cancelled.
Deferred Payment Contracts (Repealed):
General Power Relative to Special Assessments:
Detailed Procedure to be Fixed by Ordinance:
Section 11.2 The Council shall prescribe by ordinance the complete special assessment procedure governing the initiation of projects, preparation of plans and cost estimates, creation of districts, making and confirming of assessment rolls, correction of errors in the rolls, collection of assessments and any other matters concerning the making of improvements by the special assessment method.
Such ordinance shall be subject to the following provisions:
(a) No resolution finally determining to proceed with establishing any special assessment district for the making of any public improvement shall be enacted until cost estimates have been prepared and a public hearing has been held on the advisability of so proceeding, which hearing shall be held not less than ten days after notice thereof has been published and sent by first class mail to all property owners in the proposed district as shown by the current assessment roll of the city.
(b) No special assessment roll shall be finally confirmed until after a meeting of the Council has been held for the purpose of reviewing such roll, which meeting shall be held not less than ten days after notice thereof has been published and sent by first class mail to all property owners in the proposed district as shown by the current assessment roll of the city.
(c) No original special assessment roll shall be confirmed except by the affirmative vote of five members of the Council if prior to such confirmation written objections to the proposed improvement have been filed by the owners of property in the district which will be required to bear more than fifty per cent of the amount of such special assessment.
(d) No public improvement to be financed in whole or part by special assessment shall be made before the confirmation of the special assessment roll for such improvement.
(e) No special assessment district or districts shall be created by the Council for any one public improvement which includes property having an area in excess of twenty-five per cent of the total area of the city. No public improvement project shall be divided geographically for the purpose of circumventing this provision.
Special Assessment Powers:
(a) For the construction of public parking facilities as a public improvement financed in whole or part by the special assessment method.
(b) For installing a boulevard lighting system on any street as a public improvement to be financed in whole or part by special assessments upon the lands abutting thereupon, provided that the property owners of a majority of the frontage on such street or part thereof to be so improved shall petition therefor.
(c) For the payment of special assessments in annual installments not to exceed ten in number. The first such installment to be due upon confirmation of the special assessment roll, and subsequent installments to be due on July first of succeeding years and to be placed upon the annual city tax roll, if delinquent, and for an interest charge only until the due date of each such deferred installment not to exceed six per cent per year, subject to the right of advance payment of any such installment with interest only to the date of payment.
Disposition of Excessive Special Assessments:
Section 11.4 The excess by which any special assessment proves larger than the actual cost of the improvement and expenses incidental thereto may be placed in the general fund of the city if such excess is five per cent or less of the assessment, but should the assessment prove larger than necessary by more than five per cent the entire excess shall be refunded on a pro rata basis to the owners of the property assessed as shown by the current assessment roll of the city. Such refund shall be made by credit against future unpaid installments to the extent such installments then exist and the balance of such refund shall be in cash. No refunds may be made which contravene the provisions of any outstanding evidence of indebtedness secured in whole or part by such special assessment.
Additional Assessments: Correction of Invalid Special Assessments:
Section 11.5 Additional pro rata assessments may be made when any special assessment roll proves insufficient to pay for the improvement for which it was levied and the expenses incident thereto, or to pay the principal and interest on bonds or other evidences of obligation issued therefor; provided that the additional pro rata assessment shall not exceed twenty-five per cent of the assessment as originally confirmed unless a meeting of the Council be held to review such additional assessment, for which meeting notices shall be published and mailed as provided in the case of review of the original special assessment roll.Whenever any special assessment shall, in the opinion of the Council, be invalid by reason of irregularity or informality in the proceedings, or if any court of competent jurisdiction shall adjudge such assessment to be illegal, the Council shall, whether the improvement has been made or not, or whether any part of the assessments have been paid or not, have power to cause a new assessment to be made for the same purpose for which the former assessment was made. All proceedings on such reassessment and for the collection thereof shall be conducted in the same manner as provided for the original assessment, and whenever any sum or part thereof levied upon any property in the assessment so set aside has been paid and not refunded, the payment so made shall be applied upon the reassessment or if the payments exceed the amount of the reassessment refunds shall be made.
No judgment or decree nor any act of the Council vacating a special assessment shall destroy or impair the lien of the city upon the premises assessed for such amount of the assessment as may be equitably charged against the same or as by regular mode of proceeding might have been lawfully assessed thereupon.
Contested Assessments:
Section 11.6 No suit or action of any kind shall be instituted or maintained for the purpose of contesting or enjoining the collection of any special assessment (a) unless within thirty days after the confirmation of the special assessment roll written notice is given to the Council of intention to file such suit or action stating the grounds on which it is claimed such assessment is illegal and (b) unless such suit or action shall be commenced within sixty days after confirmation of the roll.
Collection of Special Assessments:
Section 11.7 Upon the confirmation of each special assessment roll the special assessments shall become a debt to the city from the persons to whom they are assessed and shall until paid be a lien upon the property assessed for the amount of such assessment and all interest and charges thereon. Such lien shall be of the same character and effect as created by this charter for city taxes.
Special assessments, or installments thereof, which become due on July first of any year shall be collected in all respects as are city taxes due on July first of the same year, and if uncollected on the following first day of March, shall be returned to the County Treasurer with unpaid taxes as provided in Section 9.18.
The initial special assessment installments which become due other than on July first shall, if unpaid for ninety days or more on May first of any year, be certified as delinquent to the Council by the Treasurer and the Council shall place such delinquent assessments on the tax roll for that year together with accrued interest to July first of such year. The total amount of such assessment and interest shall thereafter be collected in all respects as are city taxes due on July first of that year and shall be subject to the same fees and penalties as are city taxes due on that date and if uncollected on the following March first shall be returned to the County Treasurer with unpaid taxes as provided in Section 9.18.
Special Assessment Accounts:
Section 11.8 Except as otherwise provided in this charter, moneys raised by special assessment for any public improvement shall be credited to a special account and shall be used to pay for the costs of the improvement for which the assessment was levied and expenses incidental thereto or to repay any money borrowed therefor.
Assessments for Removal of Hazards, Etc.
Section 11.9 The assessment for the cost of the construction of any sidewalk or the abatement of any hazard or nuisance to be made pursuant to Section 2.3(t) or Section 2.3(u), or for the cost of removing snow, ice or other obstructions from sidewalks or trimming and removal of hazardous trees to be made pursuant to Section 2.3(v) or Section 2.3(w), shall be made by resolution of the Council. Notice of the time at which the Council will act thereon shall be given by first class mail to the owner of the property to be assessed as shown by the current tax roll of the city, except that no notice shall be required in the case of assessments for the removal of weeds, snow or ice. For the purpose of collection of such assessments, the adoption of such resolution shall be equivalent to the confirmation of a special assessment roll. The amount of any such assessment shall become a debt to the city upon adoption of such a resolution, be due at such time as the Council shall prescribe, and shall be subject to the collection fees and become a lien as provided in Section 11.7. Every such assessment shall also be subject to Sections 11.4, 11.5 and 11.6.
Failure to Mail Notice:
Purchase and Sale of Property:
Section 12.1 The purchase and sale of property shall comply with the following requirements:
(a) The City Manager shall be responsible for the purchase and sale of all city property, subject to the restrictions of statutes and ordinances.
(b) The City Council shall adopt ordinances regulating the purchase and sale of city property to promote the City’s best interests, including obtaining competitive pricing.
(c) The city may not sell any park, cemetery or any part thereof except in accordance with restrictions placed thereon by statute.
(d) The city may not purchase, sell or lease any real estate or any interest therein except by the affirmative vote of four or more members of the Council.
(e) The purchase and sale of all city property shall be subject to the provisions of Section 5.13.
(Amended November 5, 2002; November 8, 2016)
Section 12.2 The authority to contract on behalf of the city is vested in the Council and shall be exercised in accordance with the provisions of statute and of this charter, provided that purchases and sales may be made by the City Manager subject to the provisions of Section 12.1.
Any contract or agreement in an amount of $1500.00 or more made with form or terms other than the standard city purchase order form shall before execution be submitted to the Attorney and his opinion obtained with respect to its form and legality. A copy of all contracts or agreements requiring such opinion shall be filed in the office of the Clerk together with a copy of the opinion.
Before any contract, agreement or purchase order obligating the city to pay an amount of $1500.00 or more is executed, the city treasurer of the city shall first have certified that an appropriation has been made for the payment thereof, or that sufficient funds will be available if it be for a purpose being financed by the issuance of bonds or by special assessments or for some other purpose not chargeable to a budget appropriation. In the case of a contract or agreement obligating the city for periodic payments in future fiscal years for the furnishing of a continuing service or the leasing of property such certification need not cover those payments which will be due in future fiscal years, but this exception shall not apply to a contract for the purchase or construction of a public improvement unless such purchase or construction is being financed by an installment contract under authority of Section 10.7. Certification by the city treasurer of the city shall be endorsed on each contract, agreement or purchase order requiring same or shall be filed as an attachment thereto.
No contract or purchase order shall be subdivided for the purpose of circumventing the dollar value limitations contained in this Section.
No contract shall be amended after the same has been made except upon the authority of the Council, provided that the City Manager may amend contracts for those purchases and sales made by him under the authority of Section 12.1.
No compensation shall be paid to any contractor except in accordance with the terms of the contract.
No contract shall be made with any person, firm or corporation in default to the city.
An individual agreement of employment shall not be deemed a contract requiring opinion by the Attorney or certification by the city treasurer of the City.
Restriction on Powers to Lease Property:
Section 12.3 The Council may not rent or let public property for a period longer than five years unless such rental or lease agreement shall have been referred to the people at a regular or special election and shall have received the approval of a majority of the electors voting thereon at such election. No such lease shall be approved by the Council for presentation to the electorate before thirty days after application therefor has been filed with the Council nor until a public hearing has been held thereon. No such lease shall be submitted to the electors unless the party leasing or renting the property has filed with the Clerk his unconditional acceptance of all terms of such lease or rental agreement.
(Amended November 5, 2002)
General Powers Respecting Utilities:
Section 13.1 Subject to the provisions of the Constitution and statute the city shall have the power to acquire, own, establish, construct, operate, improve, enlarge, extend, repair and maintain, either within or without its corporate limits, a public utility for supplying water to the municipality and its inhabitants for domestic, commercial and municipal purposes, and may sell and deliver water without its corporate limits in an amount not to exceed the limitations set by the Constitution and statute. Subject to statutory provisions, the city shall also have the power to acquire, own, establish, construct, operate, improve, enlarge, extend, repair and maintain either within or without its corporate limits including, but not by way of limitation, public utilities for supplying light, heat, power, gas, sewage treatment and garbage disposal facilities, and facilities for the storage and parking of vehicles within its corporate limits.
Management of Municipal Utilities:
Section 13.3 The Council shall have the power to fix from time to time such just and reasonable rates and other charges as may be deemed advisable for supplying the inhabitants of the city and others with such public utility services as the city may provide. There shall be no discrimination in such rates within any classification of users thereof, nor shall free service be permitted. Higher rates may be charged for service outside the corporate limits of the city.
Utility Rates and Charges -- Collection:
(a) That the city shall have as security for the collection of such utility rates and charges a lien upon the real property supplied by such utility which lien shall become effective immediately upon the supplying of such utility service and shall be enforced in the manner provided in such ordinance.
(b) The terms and conditions under which utility services may be discontinued in cases of delinquency in paying such rates or charges
(c) That suit may be instituted by the city before a competent tribunal for the collection of such rates or charges.
With respect to the collection of rates charged for water, the city shall have all the powers granted to cities by Act 178 of the Public Acts of 1939.
Disposal of Utility Plants and Property:
Section 13.5 Unless approved by the affirmative vote of three-fifths of the electors voting thereon in a regular or special election, the city shall not sell, exchange, lease or in any way dispose of any property, easements, equipment, privilege or asset belonging to and appertaining to any municipally owned public utility which is needed to continue operating such utility. All contracts, negotiations, licenses, grants, leases or other forms of transfer in violation of this section shall be void of no effect as against the city. The restrictions of this section shall not apply to the sale or exchange of any articles of machinery or equipment of any city owned public utility which are worn out or useless or which have been, or could with advantage to the service be replaced by new and improved machinery or equipment, to the leasing of property not necessary for the operation of the utility, or to the exchange of property or easements for other needed property or easements. It is provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not extend to vacation or abandonment of streets, as provided by statute.
Utility Finances:
Section 13.6 The rates and charges for any municipal public utility for the furnishing of water, light, heat, power or gas shall be so fixed as to at least meet all the costs of such utility. Transactions pertaining to the ownership and operation by the city of each public utility shall be recorded as a separate group of accounts under an appropriate fund caption, which accounts shall be classified in accordance with generally accepted utility accounting practice. Charges for all service furnished to, or rendered by, other city departments or agencies shall be recorded. An annual report shall be prepared to show fairly the financial position of each utility and the results of its operation, which report shall be available for inspection at the office of the clerk.
Franchises Remain in Effect:
Granting the Public Utility Franchises:
No franchise ordinance which is not subject to revocation at the will of the Council shall be enacted nor become operative until the same shall have first been referred to the people at a regular or special election and received the affirmative vote of three-fifths of the electors voting thereon. No such franchise ordinance shall be approved by the Council for referral to the electorate before thirty days after application therefor has been filed with the Council nor until a public hearing has been held thereon, nor until the grantee named therein has filed with the Clerk his unconditional acceptance of all terms of such franchise. No special election for such purpose shall be ordered unless the expense of holding such election, as determined by the Council, shall have first been paid to the Treasurer by the grantee
A franchise ordinance or renewal or extension thereof or amendment thereto which is subject to revocation at the will of the Council may be enacted by the Council without referral to the voters, but shall not be enacted unless it shall have been complete in the form in which it is finally enacted and shall have so been on file in the office of the Clerk for public inspection for at least four weeks after publication of a notice that such ordinance is on file.
Conditions of Public Utility Franchises:
Section 14.3 All public utility franchises granted after the adoption of this charter, whether it be so provided in the granting ordinance or not, shall be subject to the following rights of the city, but this enumeration shall not be exclusive or impair the right of the Council to insert in such franchise any provision within the power of the city to impose or require:
(a) To repeal the same for misuse; non-use or failure to comply with the provisions thereof;
(b) To require proper and adequate extension of plant and service and maintenance thereof at the highest practicable standard of efficiency;
(c) To establish reasonable standards of service and quality of products and prevent unjust discrimination in service or rates;
(d) To require continuous and uninterrupted service to the public in accordance with the terms of the franchise throughout the entire period thereof;
(e) To use, control and regulate the use of its streets, alleys, bridges and other public places and the space above and beneath them;
(f) To impose such other regulations as may be determined by the Council to be conducive to the safety, welfare and accommodation of the public.
Regulation of Rates:
Section 14.4 All public utility franchises shall make provision therein for fixing rates, fares and charges, and may provide for readjustments thereof at periodic intervals. The value of the property of the utility used as a basis for fixing such rates, fares and charges, shall in no event include a value predicated upon the franchise, goodwill or prospective profits.
Use of Public Places by Utilities:
Section 14.5 Every public utility whether it has a franchise or not shall pay such part of the cost of improvement or maintenance of streets, alleys, bridges and other public places as shall arise from its use thereof and shall protect and save the city harmless from all damages arising from said use. Every such public utility may be required by the city to permit joint use of its property and appurtenances located in the streets, alleys and other public places of the city by the city and by other utilities insofar as such joint use may be reasonably practicable and upon payment of reasonable rental therefor. In the absence of agreement and upon application by any public utility, the Council shall provide for arbitration of the terms and conditions of such joint use and the compensation to be paid therefor, and the arbitration award shall be final.