Section 1.1 The Municipal corporation now existing and known as the "City of Reed City" shall continue to be a body politic and corporate under the name "City of Reed City," and include the territory hereinafter described with power and authority to change its boundaries in the manner authorized by law.
The South Half (Sl/2) and a portion of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) of Section Nine (9); the South Half (S1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) of Section Ten (10); the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) and a portion of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) of Section Fifteen (15), and the North Half (Nl/2) of Section Sixteen (16), all in Township Seventeen (17) North, Range Ten (10) West, Osceola County, Michigan, which territory is more particularly described as: Commencing at the Quarter Post of the West section line of Section Nine (9), Township Seventeen (17) North, Range Ten (10) West Osceola County, Michigan; running thence Easterly along the East and West Quarter line to the Quarter Post on the East Section line of said Section Nine (9), thence Southerly along said East Section line to the Northwest corner of the South Half (Sl/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) of Section Ten (10), thence Easterly along the North line of said South Half (S1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SWI/4) to the Northeast corner of said South Half (Sl/2) of the South Quarter (Sl/4), thence Southerly along the North and South Quarter line of Section Ten (10) to the Quarter Post common to Sections Ten (10) and Fifteen (15), thence Southerly along the North and South Quarter line of Section Fifteen (15) four hundred forty-three and two tenths feet (443.2'), said point being the Southerly right-of-way boundary of the Chessie System Railroad; thence South 71 degrees 08' East two thousand seven hundred sixty four and two tenths feet (2764.2') along said right of way to the East line of Section Fifteen (15); thence South 0 degrees 41' West on the East line of Section Fifteen (15), three hundred fifty and two tenths feet (350.2'); thence North 88 degrees 28' West one thousand three hundred sixteen and five tenths feet (1316.5'); thence North 0 degrees 42' East three hundred twenty five and thirty five hundredths feet (325.35'), thence North 89 degrees 99' West three hundred thirty nine and seventy five hundredths feet (339.75'); thence North 53 degrees 53' West two hundred fifty and forty five hundredths feet (250.45'); thence North 81 degrees 35' West five hundred sixty six and fifty five hundredths feet (566.55'); thence North 02 degrees 18' East two hundred fifty three and forty one hundredths feet (253.41'), thence North 89 degrees 06' West two hundred thirteen and forty two hundredths feet (213.42') to the North and South Quarter line of Section Fifteen (15) at a point which is eight hundred thirty three and fifty eight hundredths feet (833.58') South of the North Quarter Post; thence Southerly on the North and South Section line of Section Fifteen (15) to the center post of said Section Fifteen (15), thence Westerly along the East and West Quarter lines of said Sections Fifteen (15) and Sixteen (16) to the Quarter Post on the West Section line of said Section Sixteen (16), thence Northerly along the West Section line of said Section Sixteen (16), to the Section corner common to Sections Eight (8), Nine (9), Seventeen (17) and Sixteen (16), thence Northerly along the Section line between Eight (8) and Nine (9) to the place of beginning.)
Also: A parcel of land commencing at a point three hundred ninety one feet (391') South and seven hundred forty nine feet (749') West of the Quarter Post on the North Section line of Section Nine (9), Township Seventeen (17) North, Range Ten (10) West, thence East to the center of Johnson Creek; thence Westerly along the center of Johnson Creek to a point directly North of the point of beginning; thence South to the point of beginning, being situated on a part of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) Section Nine (9), Township Seventeen (17) North, Range Ten (10) West.
Also: All that part of the North three hundred ninety one feet (391') of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) of Section Nine (9), Township Seventeen (17) North, Range Ten (10) West, Osceola County, Michigan, which lies Southwesterly of a line eighty feet (80') Southwesterly of (measured at right angles) and parallel to a line described as: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Section Nine (9), which is South 0 degrees 59' 07" West eighty four and seven hundredths feet (84.07') from the Northwest corner of said Section Nine (9), thence South 88 degrees 46' 23" East two hundred fifty seven and ninety-three hundredths feet (257.93') to the point of curvature of an eight thousand five hundred ninety four and thirty seven hundredths foot (8594.37') radius curve to the right (chord bearing South 70 degrees 42' 08" East); thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve two thousand four hundred nine and forty four hundredths feet (2409.44') to the point of tangency of said curve and a point of ending.
All being in Township Seventeen (17) North, Range Ten (10) West, Osceola County, Michigan.
Also: The Northeast Quarter (NE ¼) of the Northwest Quarter (NW ¼), and the Northwest Quarter (NW ¼) of the Northwest Quarter (NW ¼), Section Fourteen (14), Township Seventeen (17) North, Range Ten (10) West, Osceola County, Michigan.
Also: Beginning at the Southeast Corner of the West ½ of the Northeast ¼, Section 9, Town 17 North, Range 10 West, Richmond Township, Osceola County, Michigan, shown as point marked “C” on the recorded Plat of Holden’s Addition to Reed City and being on the current North boundary of the City of Reed City Limits; thence Northwesterly along the boundary of Holden’s Addition to Reed City, as stated on the recorded plat thereof: N 31 1/2º W, 1.20 chains (79.20 feet); thence N 78 1/2º W, 1.98 chains (130.68 feet); thence N 47 1/2º W, 2.06 chains (135.96 feet); thence N 31 1/2º W, 1.70 chains (112.20 feet), to the Northwest corner of Lot 62 of Holden’s Addition to Reed City; thence West to the Westerly Right-of-Way Line of Business Route U.S. 10 (Old U.S. 131); thence Northwesterly along the Westerly Right-of-Way Line of Business Route U.S. 10 (Old U.S. 131) to the Southerly Right-of-Way Line of U.S. 10; thence Northwesterly along the Southerly Right-of-Way Line of U.S. 10 to the thread of the Hersey River; thence North along the thread of the Hersey River to the thread of Johnson Creek; thence Northwesterly along the thread of Johnson Creek to the North – South ¼ Line of Section 9; thence North along the North – South ¼ Line to the Southeast corner of the North 391.00 feet of the Northeast ¼ of the Northwest ¼, Section 9; thence West to the thread of Johnson Creek; thence North and West along the thread of Johnson Creek to the West Line of the East 749.00 feet of the Northeast ¼ of the Northwest ¼, Section 9; thence South, parallel to the North – South ¼ Line, to the South Line of the North 391.00 feet of the Northeast ¼ of the Northwest ¼, Section 9; thence West to the Southerly Right-of-Way Line of U.S. 10; thence Northwesterly along the Southerly Right-of-Way Line of U.S. 10, to the West 1/8
Line of Section 9; thence South along the West 1/8
Line of Section 9 to the Southwest corner of the Northeast ¼ of the Northwest ¼, Section 9; thence East along the North 1/8
Line of Section 9 to the thread of the Hersey River; thence Southeasterly along the thread of the Hersey River to the Westerly Right-of-Way Line of Business Route U.S. 10 (Old U.S. 131); thence South along the Westerly Right-of-Way Line of Business Route U.S. 10 (Old U.S. 131), to the East-West ¼ Line of Section 9, being the current North boundary of the City Limits of Reed City; and being the Point of Ending of this boundary description.