Subd. 1.   Creation of Storm Sewer Charge. Subject to the rules set forth below, a monthly charge shall be made with the normal utility charges which shall be entitled "storm sewer charge". The amount of this monthly charge shall be established by resolution of the Council and may be amended from time to time by further resolution of the Council.
   Subd. 2.   Basic Charge. All single-family residential properties will be charged the basic rate, i.e., one REF-Residential Equivalency Factor.
   Subd. 3.   Properties Charged Greater Than One REF. Duplexes shall be charged 1.2 REFs and four-plexes shall be charged 1.3 REFs. Any residential development greater than a four-plex shall be considered commercial property. All commercial property shall be calculated on an individual basis based upon size and amount of run-off generated. Properties which have storm water retention ponds will be given a 54.7% credit for that portion of the property that is serviced by the pond.
   Subd. 4.   Exceptions to Charges. No city-owned property which is funded through the General Fund will be charged a monthly fee. All city-owned property which is funded through revenues will pay the equivalent commercial rate. Undeveloped property having no hard surfaces will not be charged a monthly fee. Any developed property that does not contribute run-off or does not generate run-off related costs will not be charged a monthly fee. No privately-owned property shall be exempt from charges on the basis it is vacant and unoccupied.
   Subd. 5.   Additional Fee Based on Off-Premises Benefits. The downtown businesses in the Central Business District Zone who have inadequate or non-existent off-street parking will be charged on a pro rata basis for the monthly charges attributed to the municipal parking lots servicing those businesses.
   Subd. 6.   Use of Funds. Funds collected by the storm sewer utility charges will be used to fund infrastructure replacement, operation and maintenance and wetland mitigation. All new development or first time improvements will be assessed their appropriate share of the costs.