Subd. 1.   Definitions.
      A.   For the purposes of this section, the definition included in M.S. § 342.01, as enacted by the 93rd Legislature of the State of Minnesota in House File 100, and as the same may be amended from time to time, shall apply.
      B.   “Public Place.” For the purposes of this section, the term “public place” shall mean any and all public places within the city, including but not limited to any public street, avenue, boulevard, right-of-way, road, alley, sidewalk, park, trail, parking lot, beach, pier, building, lawn, and vehicle. Provided, however, that the following shall not be considered a public place:
         1.   A private residence, including the person’s curtilage or yard;
         2.   Private property not generally accessible by the public, unless the person is explicitly prohibited from consuming cannabis flower, cannabis products, lower-potency hemp edibles, or hemp-derived consumer products on the property by the owner of the property; or
         3.   The premises of an establishment or event licensed to permit on-site consumption.
   Subd. 2.   Use in Public Places Unlawful.
      A.   It shall be unlawful for any person to use cannabis flower, cannabis products, lower-potency hemp edibles, or hemp-derived consumer products in a public place.
      B.   Any person who violates Subd. 2.A of this section shall be guilty of a petty misdemeanor as defined by Minnesota law. This section may be enforced by criminal prosecution and/or administrative citation subject to the rules and procedures of §§ 1.03 and 1.13.
(Ord. 86, Fourth Series, passed 10-3-2023)