Units must bear a data plate on the interior of the home with all information as required by 24 C.F.R. § 3280.5.
Subd. 1. Information Required. Each manufactured home shall bear a data plate affixed in a permanent manner near the main electrical panel or other readily accessible and visible location. Data plates shall contain not less than the following information:
A. The name and address of the manufacturing plant in which the manufactured home was manufactured;
B. The serial number and model designation of the unit and the date the unit was manufactured;
C. The statement, "This manufactured home is designed to comply with the Federal manufactured home construction and safety standards in force at the time of manufacture.";
D. A list of major factory-installed equipment including the manufacturer's name and the model designation of each appliance; and
E. Reference to the structural zone and wind zone for which the home is designed and duplicates of the maps set forth in 24 C.F.R. § 3280.305(c)(4). This information to be combined with the heating/cooling certificate and insulation zone maps required by 24 C.F.R. §§ 3280.510 and 3280.511.
Subd. 2. Construction Alterations. Construction Alterations to the original structure built after 7-1-1972, and effect on certification seal are covered in Minn. Rule part 1350.3800.
A. Effect on Seal. Any alteration of the construction, plumbing, heating, cooling or fuel-burning system, electrical equipment or installations or fire safety in a manufactured home which bears a seal shall void the approval and the seal shall be returned to the Commissioner.
B. Acts Not Constituting Alterations. The following shall not constitute an alteration: repairs with approved components or parts; conversion of listed fuel-burning appliances in accordance with the terms of their listing; adjustment and maintenance of equipment; or replacement of equipment in kind.
C. Application. Any person proposing an alteration to a manufactured home bearing a seal or label shall make application to the Commissioner on the form issued by the Commissioner.
D. Inspection. Upon completion of the alteration, the applicant shall request the Commissioner to make an inspection pursuant to Minn. Rule part 1350.2100.
E. Replacement Construction Seal. The applicant may apply for a replacement construction seal upon inspection and approval of the alteration.
F. Replacement Accessory Structure Seal. The applicant may apply for a replacement accessory structure seal upon inspection and approval of the alteration.