A.   For historic structures located in nonresidential zoning districts, and for land in residential districts located adjacent to park lands, the off street parking requirements of section 18.164.240 of this chapter may be modified in one of the following ways:
      1.   A reduction of the required number of parking spaces by twenty percent (20%); or
      2.   The crediting of on street parking spaces which are adjacent to frontage of the designated historic structure site towards the total number of required off street parking spaces required for the use, provided that the planning commission determines that such on street parking spaces will remain available for public parking during all business hours in the future. No on street parking spaces located within fifteen feet (15') of a "stop" sign or corner radius shall be counted. No on street parking spaces located in front of a bus stop shall be counted.
   B.   For historic structures located in all zones within the city:
      1.   A reduction of the width of driveway aisles by four feet (4') from the requirements of section 18.164.280 of this chapter (e.g., from 26 feet to 22 feet for 90 degree parking).
      2.   Allow the use of off site parking in parking lots that are located up to four hundred feet (400') away from the historic structure, rather than two hundred feet (200') as provided in section 18.164.250 of this chapter, where the planning commission determines that the applicant has provided adequate incentives for the use of such parking lots.
      3.   Allow vehicles to back out into alleys where the planning commission determines that visibility is good and such backing out of vehicles can be done safely, notwithstanding the provisions of section 18.164.270 of this chapter.
      4.   Allow twenty five percent (25%) of the parking lot located on the site of the historic structure to be compact spaces, without requiring the first twenty five (25) spaces to be full size as required by subsection 18.164.260B2 of this chapter.
      5.   Allow tandem parking where the planning commission determines that such parking would be effectively used.
      6.   Allow the reduction of the two-way aisle widths specified in table 18.164.280(A) of this chapter from twenty feet (20') to ten feet (10') where the location of the historic structure on the site prohibits construction of a full width driveway, and allow the reduction of driveway approaches to fourteen feet (14'), as opposed to twenty six feet (26') as required in subsection 18.164.270D of this chapter. Such reductions shall only be approved for driveways to parking areas having less than twenty (20) parking spaces.
      7.   Allow for the use of three foot (3') wide planters for required landscape areas, notwithstanding the five foot (5') requirement of section 18.168.180 of this title.
      8.   Allow for the deletion of the loading space requirements prescribed by section 18.164.340 of this chapter for historic structures having less than six thousand (6,000) square feet of gross floor area.
   C.   The planning commission may approve the parking modification permit with such conditions as are necessary to adjust the permitted parking modification to the proposed use and effectuate the purposes of this article. (Ord. 2128 § 1, 1990)