In the M-2 zone, the following uses may be permitted subject to approval of a conditional use permit:
Airports, heliports and landing strips.
Animal, food or beverage processing of the following kinds:
Breweries, distilleries and wineries.
Meat or fish products packing, canning or processing.
Vinegar, yeast and sauerkraut.
Asphalt, concrete and earth products activities of the following kinds:
Asphalt batching plants.
Concrete mixing and batching plants.
Rock crushing plants and aggregate dryers.
Sandblasting plants.
Butane service and filling stations.
Commercial and service type uses which the commission, after study and deliberation, finds are needed to serve the M-2 district, and which will not interfere with the orderly development of the industrial area, and which will be compatible with industrial uses.
Distilling of:
Coal tar.
Heavy metal works of the following kinds:
Blast furnaces.
Boiler works.
Drop forge industries.
Drop hammers.
Forges, foundries and forging works.
Metal and metal ore reduction or smelting.
Rolling mills.
Manufacturing of:
Aniline dyes.
Asphalt or asphalt products.
Bleaching powder.
Bronze, babbitt metal and similar alloys.
Carbolic, hydrochloric, picric and sulfuric acid.
Caustic soda.
Cellulose and celluloid.
Cement, lime, gypsum or plaster of Paris.
Charcoal, lampblack or fuel briquettes.
Coal, coke or coal tar products.
Exterminating agents.
Lacquer, shellac, turpentine, varnish or calcimine (kalsomine).
Linoleum or oilcloth.
Nitrating of cotton and other materials.
Rubber (natural or synthetic).
Soap, tallow, grease and lard.
Radio transmitter towers, higher than fifty feet (50') above ground level.
Refining of:
Fats and oils.
Metals and metal ores.
Petroleum and petroleum products.
Salvage, wrecking and disposal activities of the following kind:
Automobile wrecking and salvage.
Building wrecking and salvage.
Dumps, including garbage and trash disposal.
Industrial waste material salvage, waste metal, rag, clothing, glass and paper salvage operations.
Sewer farm or sewage disposal plants.
Storage of:
Automobiles and other vehicles purchased for wrecking operations.
Fertilizer or manure.
House movers' equipment and buildings moved from other locations.
Oil or gas in amounts of two thousand five hundred (2,500) barrels or more.
Oil or gas within three hundred feet (300') of any residential zone, school or park.
Sand, gravel, rock or decomposed granite in amounts of two thousand (2,000) tons or more.
Used building materials or secondhand buildings.
Warehouses and logistics distribution centers, in accordance with chapter 18.156 of this title. (Ord. 2955, 2023: Ord. 1000 § 29.10(C), 1955)