A.   Application: The applicant must be the property owner or an authorized agent of the property owner. A completed application and payment of the applicable fee, as established by resolution of the city council, shall be submitted to the development services department accompanied by thirty (30) copies of the site plan and elevations. The site plan shall be prepared to scale, showing accurately, and with complete dimensioning, all buildings and facilities proposed for the property. The data contained on the site plan shall include information on the location of the buildings, structures, signs, parking, landscaping, walls, or fences, and the points of ingress and egress. In addition, all necessary information to clearly show the intended use of the property and its relationship to adjacent properties shall be included.
   B.   Security: Prior to the issuance of any building permit, the applicant shall furnish security to the city guaranteeing the faithful performance of the public work, in the sum equal to the cost as estimated by the city engineer, including a percentage for contingencies. Ninety percent (90%) of this security shall be in the form of a bond furnished by a surety company satisfactory to the city, and ten percent (10%) of the security amount shall be cash, an irrevocable letter of credit, or other security satisfactory to the city. The security may be used to pay the city's costs of maintaining barricades, correcting street hazards, site cleanup, or repairing any street, irrigation line or other utility causing a hazard, nuisance or inconvenience to the public. In addition, the applicant shall furnish a labor and materials payment bond to the city, furnished by a surety company satisfactory to the city, in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the cost of the public work as estimated by the city engineer.
   C.   Requirements For Dedications And Improvements:
      1.   Dedications, Easements: The city engineer may require dedications and/or easements for streets, alleys, drainage, public utilities, bridle trails, flood control, and such other rights of way as may be determined to ensure the orderly development of the property and abutting properties.
      2.   Improvements: The city engineer may require improvements, including, but not limited to, the following to ensure orderly development of the property and abutting properties:
         a.   Grading, drainage and drainage structures necessary to protect the public safety,
         b.   Curbs and gutters,
         c.   Sidewalks,
         d.   Street pavement,
         e.   Adequate domestic water service,
         f.   Sanitary sewer facilities and connections,
         g.   Services from public utilities, where provided,
         h.   Street trees,
         i.   Traffic signals, streetlights and street name signs,
         j.   All water lines are to be laid and fire hydrants installed pursuant to plans and specifications of the municipal utilities and engineering department of the city.
   D.   Findings And Conditions Of Approval: The city planning commission shall have the authority to approve, conditionally approve, or deny an application for site plan approval, except in instances when all application for a site plan approval is processed concurrently with other land use entitlements requiring action by the city council. In such instances, the planning commission shall make a recommendation on the site plan approval to the city council. In granting site plan approval, the planning commission or city council, as applicable, shall find as follows:
      1.   The site for the intended use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use, and all of the required yards, setbacks, walls or fences, landscaping and other features will adjust the use to those existing or permitted future uses of land in the neighborhood;
      2.   The site for the proposed use relates to streets and highways which are properly designed and improved to carry the type and quantity of traffic generated or to be generated by the proposed use;
      3.   The conditions set forth in the approval and those shown on the approved site plan are deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. Such conditions may include:
         a.   Special yards, spaces and buffers,
         b.   Fences and walls,
         c.   Surfacing of parking areas subject to city specifications,
         d.   Regulation of points of vehicular ingress and egress,
         e.   Regulation of signs,
         f.   Required landscaping and maintenance thereof,
         g.   Regulation of noise, vibration, odors and lights,
         h.   Regulation of time for certain activities, and
         i.   Such other conditions as will make possible the development of the city in an orderly and efficient manner and in conformity with the intent and purposes set forth in this title. (Ord. 2744, 2014)