Any person, firm or corporation (hereinafter called the "applicant") applying for such a permit shall file with the director of building and safety an application setting forth the following information:
   A.   Present location of building proposed to be moved, or location of point of entry of building into city;
   B.   Route proposed to be followed in moving the building;
   C.   Location of proposed building site or the location of the point of exit from the city;
   D.   Date and hours that the building will be on city streets;
   E.   Name, address, home phone number and business phone number of the owner of the building being moved into or through the city;
   F.   Name, address, home phone number and business phone number of the moving company moving the building into or through the city;
   G.   Indicate the total height of the building being moved including the trailer height;
   H.   Indicate the total width of the building being moved;
   I.   Indicate the approximate weight of the building being moved. (Ord. 2029 § 1, 1988)