November 2002 — Creating the Charter Board and affirming the supremacy of the Charter (see Ch. 23, Part 6, Charter Board; see Amendment I to the Charter).
November 2008 — Eliminating the link between the salary of the Mayor and Auditor, by removing the requirement for the Auditor’s salary to be increased when the Mayor’s salary is increased (§ 502).
May 2010 — Combining the Departments of Finance and Human Resources and calling it the Department of Administrative Services. Also replacing all references to the Director of Finance and Director of Human Resources with Director of Administrative Services in the City of Reading Home Rule Charter (§§ 607 and 705).
November 2014 — Deleting the requirement that the City Auditor be a CPA with a minimum of five years’ experience in business administration, accounting, management or municipal government (§ 502).
November 2014— Requiring appointment of a Charter Review Commission at least every five years but no sooner than every three years and prohibiting City officials or employees from serving on the Commission (§ 1203).
November 2014 — Requiring an amendment to the annual position ordinance to authorize hiring of City personnel when such hiring exceeds the authorized number of employees [§ 904(d)].
November 2014 –– Adding a new section for Council submission for initiative of certain proposals (§ 1113).
June 2020 — Amending Home Rule Charter Section 503 to provide the elected City Auditor with the ability to hire their employees, as fixed by the annual budget.
June 2020 — Amending Home Rule Charter Section 225 of the Reading City Charter to provide City Council with the ability to hire their employees, as fixed by the annual budget.
June 2020 — Amending Home Rule Charter Section 226 of the Reading City Charter to provide City Council with the ability to appoint their own Solicitor, as fixed by the annual budget.
June 2020 — Amending Home Rule Charter Section 607 to eliminate the Department of Administrative Services and adding a separate Department of Finance and adding Section 707 to include a separate Department of Human Resources.
June 2020 — Amending Home Rule Charter Section 104 to provide term limits prohibiting City Council members, City Council President, the Mayor, and the Auditor from serving more than two consecutive four-year terms.
November 2020 — Amending Home Rule Charter Section 705 to eliminate the residency requirement for the heads of its departments, offices, and agencies.
November 2020 — Amending Home Rule Charter Section 705 to eliminate the residency requirement for the Managing Director.
July 2021 — Amending Home Rule Charter to eliminate recall of elected officials Section 1110.
July 2021 — Amending Home Rule Charter Section 1204 to correct the manner in which the Charter may be amended.
March 2022 — Amending Council Districts in Section 1312 as recommended by the Redistricting Advisory Commission.
May 2022 — Amending Home Rule Charter to eliminate Section 907 Appropriation and Revenue due to the limitations imposed on Home Rule Municipalities.
November 2022 — Amending Home Rule Charter Section 912 by allowing the capital budget public hearing to be held on the same date as the operating budget public hearing.
November 2023 — Amending Home Rule Charter by amending Section 606 and eliminating the requirement for the City’s Public Works Director to be an engineer.